Children grow up addicted to online porn sites

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lollywood wrote:

Hummus wrote:
And porn sites should be destroyed (even if they're aimed for adults and not little teenagers!) There is simply no need and people need to learn to control their desires!

I don't see anything wrong with porn sites as long as  the peole are happy doing what their doing  

Your dimaag is kharaab! Porn sites are defineatly wrong, theres no questioning with that!


Northen Southener wrote:

a FULL ban of the internet (except this site) may be a possible solution?

That's never gonna happen in a m years

My English is not very good

Hummus wrote:

Your dimaag is kharaab! 


"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
Apart from telling them offf/monitoring people/blocking the sites there isn't a lot you can do for those who're already in the habit.

Telling them off monitoring blocking them will never work because other kids at school will show them what you dont ant them to see 

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
In terms of prevention, education is vital. I know people will still be interested but if they've been brought up to know that it's wrong and what damage it does then it might be different.

Kids will say if its wrong then why do people do it?

The pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
However everyone's brought up to think the sexualisation of women and everything is normal. Sexualisation sells everything from perfume, cars to ice cream! And then going on to watch porn is not big deal and it's what everyone is doing.

Maybe thats because we lack in morals  


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Hummus wrote:
Your dimaag is kharaab! Porn sites are defineatly wrong, theres no questioning with that!

Why are they wrong?

You're going to see them bits anyway when you get married so why not get use to them?

My English is not very good

lollywood wrote:

Hummus wrote:
Your dimaag is kharaab! Porn sites are defineatly wrong, theres no questioning with that!

Why are they wrong?

You're going to see them bits anyway when you get married so why not get use to them?

You don't need to get 'used' to it especially in your teenage years!


Hummus wrote:
You don't need to get 'used' to it especially in your teenage years!

What's the harm if you do?

My English is not very good

Lollywood, by people being "happy in what they're doing" I'm assuming you mean the people taking part? IE the porn actors?

OK, let me break something to you, NOONE aspires to become a porn actor- these are people with a low self-worth, confidence and belief in their abilities. They are always trying to escape from something- be it drugs, unemployment or other social issues, and they are made to feel that so long as they get money it is OK for them to be objectified.


They don't really "enjoy" the harsh reality and many accept that, but believe that they don't have the choice- had they had a proper choice they would leave, but the people who make money from this won't have that and try to do whatever they can, legal or illegal, to discourage them from packing up.

I think it's high time we, as men, stopped making excuses and p****footing (sorry for my language, everyone) about this because we initially feel that it's enjoyable. Real men don't buy girls, remember. A real man thinks with his head, uses his heart and soul.

Let me ask you, if it was your daugher or  sister being sexualised how would you feel?

So if it's someone else's daughter or sister, why does that make it OK?

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

The Lamp wrote:

Lollywood, by people being "happy in what they're doing" I'm assuming you mean the people taking part? IE the porn actors?

I mean both watching and taking part

The Lamp wrote:
OK, let me break something to you, NOONE aspires to become a porn actor- these are people with a low self-worth, confidence and belief in their abilities.

How can you be so sure?

Some girls might do it to fund their educations?

The Lamp wrote:
They are always trying to escape from something- be it drugs, unemployment or other social issues, and they are made to feel that so long as they get money it is OK for them to be objectified.

If porn stars had such izzat they would never start in the fisrt place

The Lamp wrote:
They don't really "enjoy" the harsh reality and many accept that, but believe that they don't have the choice- had they had a proper choice they would leave,

It seems to me that you've got some experience lol

Why can't they leave and find a better job? could it be the greed of money stopping them?

The Lamp wrote:

I think it's high time we, as men, stopped making excuses and p****footing (sorry for my language, everyone) about this because we initially feel that it's enjoyable. Real men don't buy girls, remember. A real man thinks with his head, uses his heart and soul.

What's a real man?

The Lamp wrote:
Let me ask you, if it was your daugher or  sister being sexualised how would you feel?

Its their body they can do what they like

The Lamp wrote:
So if it's someone else's daughter or sister, why does that make it OK?

Because they get good many for it, they don't do it for charities sake you know

My English is not very good

Common sense tells us that no one aspires to become a porn star, it is illogical, even you seem to admit that it might be to fund their education.

 The point I was making is that there is a certain amount of desperation involved for those who are in the sex industry- either through unemployment, drugs or low self worth which is drummed into them by those who only think they are good for their sex appeal.

 It's not a simple choice of greed, there could be more things involved like confidence and drugs- there's a certain amount of research on it which you should read.

 Yes, I do have some experience in researching things like this. Unfortunately, your attitude seems to be that if we pay someone enough money we can justify doing anything to them. That's a really greedy and individualistic attitude that really causes so many problems.

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

Common sense tells us that no one aspires to become a porn star, it is illogical, even you seem to admit that it might be to fund their education.

 The point I was making is that there is a certain amount of desperation involved for those who are in the sex industry- either through unemployment, drugs or low self worth which is drummed into them by those who only think they are good for their sex appeal.

 It's not a simple choice of greed, there could be more things involved like confidence and drugs- there's a certain amount of research on it which you should read.

 Yes, I do have some experience in researching things like this. Unfortunately, your attitude seems to be that if we pay someone enough money we can justify doing anything to them. That's a really greedy and individualistic attitude that really causes so many problems.

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

The Lamp wrote:
Common sense tells us that no one aspires to become a porn star, it is illogical, even you seem to admit that it might be to fund their education.

Do you think its ok if they do it for education

Why does Heera mandi exist in Pakistan?


The Lamp wrote:
The point I was making is that there is a certain amount of desperation involved for those who are in the sex industry- either through unemployment, drugs or low self worth which is drummed into them by those who only think they are good for their sex appeal.

Sorry if I sound a bit rude but its not my problem


The Lamp wrote:
It's not a simple choice of greed, there could be more things involved like confidence and drugs- there's a certain amount of research on it which you should read

They must have bucket loads of confidence if they're able to pose in the nude   


The Lamp wrote:
 Yes, I do have some experience in researching things like this. Unfortunately, your attitude seems to be that if we pay someone enough money we can justify doing anything to them. That's a really greedy and individualistic attitude that really causes so many problems.


We pay them for a service it provides them with food and a house to live in they should be grateful for that

Do u know how rich they?

Would they be happy to beg on the streets- if they are good leave the porn industry?

My English is not very good

The Lamp wrote:
Common sense tells us that no one aspires to become a porn star, it is illogical, even you seem to admit that it might be to fund their education.

Do you think its ok if they do it for education

Why does Heera mandi exist in Pakistan?


The Lamp wrote:
The point I was making is that there is a certain amount of desperation involved for those who are in the sex industry- either through unemployment, drugs or low self worth which is drummed into them by those who only think they are good for their sex appeal.

Sorry if I sound a bit rude but its not my problem


The Lamp wrote:
It's not a simple choice of greed, there could be more things involved like confidence and drugs- there's a certain amount of research on it which you should read

They must have bucket loads of confidence if they're able to pose in the nude   


The Lamp wrote:
 Yes, I do have some experience in researching things like this. Unfortunately, your attitude seems to be that if we pay someone enough money we can justify doing anything to them. That's a really greedy and individualistic attitude that really causes so many problems.


We pay them for a service it provides them with food and a house to live in they should be grateful for that

Do u know how rich they?

Would they be happy to beg on the streets- if they are good leave the porn industry?

My English is not very good

I'm sorry what's Heera Mandi?

If it's not your problem why are you here defending the porn industry?

Confidence doesn't mean dancing naked, it means having faith in your abilities, traits, character and skills- some join the porn industry because they don't have that.

 Your last few sentences don't make sense, but I'll try and answer- I'm not saying that they should beg on the streets but we should provide them with alternative employment, the means to do better and move on.

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

The Lamp wrote:
I'm sorry what's Heera Mandi?

You don't know what Heera Mandi is? Shok

The Lamp wrote:
If it's not your problem why are you here defending the porn industry?

What the porn stars do to get money is not my problem

The Lamp wrote:
Confidence doesn't mean dancing naked, it means having faith in your abilities, traits, character and skills- some join the porn industry because they don't have that.

That dosn't make sense to me? 


The Lamp wrote:
I'm not saying that they should beg on the streets but we should provide them with alternative employment, the means to do better and move on.

What if they don't want a job that only pays min. wage? they could get that in says 5 mins?

My English is not very good

If you could translate it into English then that would be great.

What's not to get about my point? People turn to that sort of employment because they lack other good opportunities, they lack confidence and belief in themselves (rather than how hot their bodies are).

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

The Lamp wrote:

If you could translate it into English then that would be great.

Diamond market

The Lamp wrote:
What's not to get about my point? People turn to that sort of employment because they lack other good opportunities, they lack confidence and belief in themselves (rather than how hot their bodies are).

Have they looked around?

I think u would need some self confidence to show your body off


My English is not very good

Yes, you might think it, but I'd recommend you think about what it means to eb self confident, as I've said thinking that your body is hot is not the same as having confidence in yourself and your abilities.

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

The Lamp wrote:
Yes, you might think it, but I'd recommend you think about what it means to be self confident, as I've said thinking that your body is hot is not the same as having confidence in yourself and your abilities.

I think it's the same because taking your cloths off in front of people takes self confidence the women who dont have self confidence drowned them self’s in makeup and then go out if they had self confidence then they would go out as they are





My English is not very good


There are more important things than looks.

The Lamp keeps mentioning their confidence in their ABILITY

They can think they're hot but that won't mean they think they're smart too.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
There are more important things than looks.

Not visible?

What other things?

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
The Lamp keeps mentioning their confidence in their ABILITY

They can think they're hot but that won't mean they think they're smart too.

Why should we get the blame for them not being smart?

My English is not very good

They may be smart, they just don't believe in themselves.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:

They may be smart, they just don't believe in themselves.

What can we do?

My English is not very good

Stop buying/watching porn so it becomes less popular and they are not so popular for the job anymore.

Yes, you can argue that there'll always be others who watch it, but we are only in control of our actions, therefore we should try to control them. And be proud of the fact we're not reducing a girl down to an object.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
Stop buying/watching porn so it becomes less popular and they are not so popular for the job anymore.

I don't buy porn, If it became less popular then the girls would start prostituting themselves and that could lead to more serious problems like aids    

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
Yes, you can argue that there'll always be others who watch it, but we are only in control of our actions, therefore we should try to control them. And be proud of the fact we're not reducing a girl down to an object.

If girls dont want to be objectified then they should't do things that objectify them no matter how desperate they are

men don't force them to take part in pornography, it might make them feel good?

Muslim women also do soft porn in Mujra's they have doing this sort of thing for ages in the South Asian subcontinent

My English is not very good

They feel good because guys love them for it, and if they didn't then they wouldn't feel ok doing it. 


"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
They feel good because guys love them for it, and if they didn't then they wouldn't feel ok doing it. 

They should understand that its temporary love and it won't last, porn stars are not milk drinking children


My English is not very good
