pillars of PRAYER (not Islam, thank you TPofS) if you miss any of them out, for whatever reason, then the prayer is invalid. and missing any pillar cannot be compensated by thr sujood of distraction. You have to redo the prayer.
- standing
- opening takbeer - Takbiratul Ihraam
- Reciting Suratul Fatihah
- Rukoo'
- Rising from Rukoo'
- Sujood on seven bones
- Rising from Sujood
- Sitting calmly between sujoods
- Being tranquil and calm during each pillar
- Doing the pillars in order
- The Last Tashaahud
- Sitting during the last Tashahud
- Sending Salaah and salaam on nabi (pbuh)
- The Final Tasleem
Let's see
Even though everything i see around me is evidence that Allah exists.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
yeah, I know...
heavvy metal is so islamically wrong...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
WHAT?? whats so wrong about it?
the music, what it calls to, the people, you think they are god fearing people down thre? seems more on the devil worshipping side of things. the scary pictures on tshirts, the nail necklaces and bracelets. the whol screaming your fristration out. Islam isnt about this, islam is about washng yourself when you're angry and sitting if you were standing, standing if you were wa1lking, walking if you were runing, lying down if you were sitting; its about seeking refuge in Allah from shaytaan the cursed NOT inviting shaytaan in by screaming your head and getting even more angry about things.
screaming about palestine is not going to make a difference whatesoever, getting together and starting something is.
the free mixing, the drugs, the alcohol, the sex. pl1ease dont tell me this dont happen in concerts. in THESE type of concert too.
you know what, i got a mate who was into this stuff, i'll ask her if she would go to aconcert now with scarf and all. let's see what she thinks okay?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
wrong wrong wrong, screaming is a type of singing... thats it.
getting angry???... okayyyy, thats just because like the sound is loud so they ''headbang'' to the music, we are not angry,
devil worshipping??? ME??? dude, its only some ''death metal freaks'' who do that most of them listen for the music and love God.
free mixing... I AM NOT LOOKING OR TOUCHING OR ANYTHING. drugs I dont smoke, alcohol i dont drink.
if they do it, leave them, just dont do it and try to stay away
btw, pictures are just logos, NOT DEVIL (like I said its death metal freaks)... and bracelets and stuff... thats for goths, I AM NOT DOING THAT AT ALL... IM ONLY DOING IT FOR THE MUSIC , the dark side of it is bad... but tatoos are cool BUT i dont ahve any and will never... THATS IT.
okay, is gelatin haram? because even if its from pig, they take out the fat and chemicaly change it and take the collagen wich is the protein found in the bones, hooves, skin. BUT THEY REMOVE the skin with acid and take ONLY the collagen wich makes it no longer pig right??????? HALLOWEEN IS TODAY!!! ANSWER PLEASSSSEEEE
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
AND STOP TRYING TO FIND EXCUSES FOR METAL ROCK. When you'll be in that place, people wont differentiate. you KNOW what's going on down there (the sex, drugs, alcohol, devil worshipping etc...) and you've WILLINGLY ACCEPTED it and ACCEPTED to be ASSOCIATED with it. so shut up and accept it instead of finding excuses and being such a wuss and wimp and a "oh no, this isnt me its just them i just hang aruond with them".
headbang eh? they cant help it eh? so you dont thinkt here's something wrong when a type of music causes suuch an uncontrollable reaction in people?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Remember he's 14
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
On the day of Judgement we will be resurrected with the people we took as companions in this life.
Is this a wise idea?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
errr....I dont do no head banging/trick-or-treating/salaah missing for concerts.....
I was talking more about Lilly saying he has a thick skull...
He's a stubborn kid who's being told his favourite thing should be taken away from him. Of course he is going to try and find every way for it to not be true, be in denial and whatever. And of course he isn't going to want to listen to us. And keeping away from haram is hardly easy!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
true say tpos, i was regretting being so harsh... its a good reminder, jazakAllah ofr this reminder tpos, we all needed after 11 pages of discussion.
patience, mercy and forgiveness if we want Allah to have mercy on us and forgive us.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
halloween: peaple getting dreesed up FOR FUN, and getting candy. PERIOD
gelatin changes since its not pig skin anymore they take only the collagen inside and remove ALL the rest... its like feces that decompose... its earth.
look look, heavy metal has a bad influence IF YOU DO THE BAD STUFF, but most of my friends do it for the music... the rest well i dont have any friends that drink or anything.
the tattoos, dark make up and percings its the ''goth emo style'' its stupid and ugly.
I have a guitar at my house I jam with my friends thats it. would you rather listen to rap with 99% bad words, talking fast and girls cars, drugs, running from the police???
OR peaple hadbanging ''not all'' with guitars and have the true meaning of music.
Pig gelatine is haram. It doesn't matter what happens to it, it has still come from pigs and that's all that matters.
Check out the links in this post
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
ok yeah but, what if theres a dead chiken but it layed an egg before it died, would you eat the egg? or no because it came from maytaah?
and Allah (swt) forbade swine FLESH and gelatin comes from inside the bones and the collagen INSIDE the pig SKIN, so all the ''fat, skin, blood,'' everything is completely gone since it has been removed by acid...
the prophet
forbade vinegar out of wine but if you take the vinegar out of it its tahhir and pure not an atom of alcohol is inside anymore.
U think I got time to read that, I can eat 10 kitkats in the time it would take to read that. Here have a kitkat you must be tired. Just out of interest how many keyboards do you change in one year????
Oi, I dunno about drugs, but maybe you should check out an electrician, definetly a loose connection.
I change about 300 to 400 keyboards...
and a, how many kitkats do you eat each second???
Oi, I was'nt asking you bout keyboards, was asking lilly, wait your turn please. Me munch 10 kitkats in a min
so now bilal you went from i dont knoz anything abt islam to "pig gelatin has undergone so much transformation that it isnt pig anymore" perlease, can you likem talk to a scholar or something? and back up your points?
as ive said, you've decided to associate with those people, however tough that might be to accept, that's that.
and not everyone drinks alcohol everywhere. and hoz does someone drinking something influence ME in any way? HOW??
at some point in my life, ALL my friends listened to music, but it was still wrong. however many people listen to it around me.
BUt it is easier to not fall into the sin and the sins you say you wont fall into if you just totally STAY away from it, aka: "i aint gona fall off the cliff, im just LOOKING" "why dont you just take ten step back and sit down?"
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
DUDE, I know what im doing.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
You convinced to miss the concert yet?
Don't remind him
My English is not very good
for the ... exabilliontradilathillion time,I said that the problem is PLACE, theres no place, and if you wanna go to a journey!!! your purpose is fun, its discovery!!!! so you miss it because of the travel, and same thing I miss the prayer because of that stupid concert!!! I KNOW that prayer is good and everything but its too much!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, if its that complicated, forget living... dont even go to school, die praying .
and, guys, THAT STUPID SHAYTAAN!!!!!!!! OH HOW I WISH TO STRANGLE HIM AND JUST TEAR HIM THAT EVIL MANIAC, he keeps telling me that Allah dosent exist!!!O.O
and now you will say that just dont listen to him but I keep trying and trying BUT HE WONT LEAVE THAT STUPID MANIAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!