14 Pillars of Prayer

pillars of PRAYER (not Islam, thank you TPofS) if you miss any of them out, for whatever reason, then the prayer is invalid. and missing any pillar cannot be compensated by thr sujood of distraction. You have to redo the prayer.

  1. standing
  2. opening takbeer - Takbiratul Ihraam
  3. Reciting Suratul Fatihah
  4. Rukoo'
  5. Rising from Rukoo'
  6. Sujood on seven bones
  7. Rising from Sujood
  8. Sitting calmly between sujoods
  9. Being tranquil and calm during each pillar
  10. Doing the pillars in order
  11. The Last Tashaahud
  12. Sitting during the last Tashahud
  13. Sending Salaah and salaam on nabi (pbuh)
  14. The Final Tasleem


lay off, its a hard decision, give him time.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?


the prophet muhammad(saw) had a friend who was always praying not missing a single one.

and he said to the prophet(saw), I did all my prayers and never missed one, and didnt go for fun.

He replied: your not a good muslim.

Allah created us joy, and plesures, the only bad stuff ar the haraaaamm things, BUT NOW IM ENJOYING LIFE AND I TOLD YOU its not negleting, THERES NO PLACE.


Bilal wrote:

the prophet muhammad(saw) had a friend who was always praying not missing a single one.

and he said to the prophet(saw), I did all my prayers and never missed one, and didnt go for fun.

He replied: your not a good muslim.

Allah created us joy, and plesures, the only bad stuff ar the haraaaamm things, BUT NOW IM ENJOYING LIFE AND I TOLD YOU its not negleting, THERES NO PLACE.

You can't take one random narration and say it explains everything. You haven't even said why the person wasn't good. As far as I know there was a person who prayed all his prayers but he was sent to he'll because he never told others to pray too. So it has nothing to do with him not enjoying life. Other reasons why peoples prayers may not be accepted is if they're not nice to people and don't respect them, argue and do other sins. These things have nothing to do with intention of missing a salah and u cannot pick random things and interpret them to suit yourself

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Allah created us pleasures.

some of them are fun, but haram. Others halaal.

Now, this concert is not haram. But theres no place to pray, what if EVERYWERE you go, theres no place, you stay at home?

all your life? sitting on the couch, going to your job, and sleeping?

wow, great life.

Bilal wrote:
Allah created us pleasures.

some of them are fun, but haram. Others halaal.

Now, this concert is not haram. But theres no place to pray, what if EVERYWERE you go, theres no place, you stay at home?

all your life? sitting on the couch, going to your job, and sleeping?

wow, great life.

Missing one concert does not equal living your whole life at home. And there is more haram at a concert than halal.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

yeah, one concert, and what if going to the mall, at a park, a pool... no fun at all then?

wrong, theres is no haram at a concert...

Metallica58 wrote:
yeah, one concert, and what if going to the mall, at a park, a pool... no fun at all then?

wrong, theres is no haram at a concert...

Unless you want to spend your whole day praying, there is enough time to do those things.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

no, because if you go to a pool your gonna at leat swim for 3 hours, and the differents between duhr and asr, isnt that big, so you dont have time, and you wanna eat, take a bath stuff. but what im saying here is that:

if no place for praying you dont go at all? and stay home all day?
totally wrong, Allah is the Rahman, and you clearly know that my intetion is good.

Bilal wrote:
no, because if you go to a pool your gonna at leat swim for 3 hours, and the differents between duhr and asr, isnt that big, so you dont have time, and you wanna eat, take a bath stuff. but what im saying here is that:

if no place for praying you dont go at all? and stay home all day?
totally wrong, Allah is the Rahman, and you clearly know that my intetion is good.

YOu don't need to swim for 3 hours!

You cut down the time, you dont just say i dont have time to pray.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

alright fine! swim for 5 minutes, cool.

thats how you want to live, okay fine.

leave me alone.

Bilal wrote:
alright fine! swim for 5 minutes, cool.

thats how you want to live, okay fine.

leave me alone.

lol ahh lil children, you're so cute *pinches cheeks*

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Lol :twisted:

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

okay well, I dont want to waste my time.. so bye

Bilal wrote:
no, because if you go to a pool your gonna at leat swim for 3 hours, and the differents between duhr and asr, isnt that big, so you dont have time, and you wanna eat, take a bath stuff. but what im saying here is that:

if no place for praying you dont go at all? and stay home all day?
totally wrong, Allah is the Rahman, and you clearly know that my intetion intention is good.

Why not pray first and then go swimming? it seems to me that you're just looking for excuses not to pray and you want us to back up your excuses, no matter how much you go around in circles and repeat your self you’re not going to hear the answer you want to hear which is you can miss a prayer for a music concert

You need to understand that there's more things in life then a music concert and candy, what if you missed your prayer and went to the music concert and on the way there god forbid you had an accident and you had to go to the hospital so now you’ve missed two things your prayer and the music concert

My English is not very good

what if the prayer time hasnt come up yet... I cant pray before...

wrong, to proove that:

imagine, your eating and its prayer time, and your just finishing your meal to then go pray, and then you suddenly die. well, you died by missing the prayer...

WELL, your intention was to pray RIGHT?? so its okayyyyyyyy, how would God forbid me that concert?

Bilal wrote:
what if the prayer time hasnt come up yet... I cant pray before...

wrong, to proove that:

imagine, your eating and its prayer time, and your just finishing your meal to then go pray, and then you suddenly die. well, you died by missing the prayer...

WELL, your intention was to pray RIGHT?? so its okayyyyyyyy, how would God forbid me that concert?

that's not the same thing - your intention is to go to the concert, not to pray.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Bilal wrote:

what if the prayer time hasnt come up yet... I cant pray before...

Then wait

Bilal wrote:

imagine, your eating and its prayer time, and your just finishing your meal to then go pray, and then you suddenly die. well, you died by missing the prayer...

In that case God would know that your intention was to pray but he took your life

Bilal wrote:

how would God forbid me that concert?


You could die on the way there

My English is not very good

when will this imaginary once in a lifetime concert be over?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

oh yeaahh right, NOW intention matters, when I said it you said it dosent matter, you miss a concert, you sin.

Allah KNOWS I want to pray but I died, and then , if on your way you die, then NEVER TAKE A CAR IN LIFE EVER EVER EVER. is that what your saying?

You wrote:
when will this imaginary once in a lifetime concert be over?

When he stops imagining it lol

My English is not very good

You're really not understanding this intention business

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Bilal wrote:
if on your way you die, then NEVER TAKE A CAR IN LIFE EVER EVER EVER. is that what your saying?

That makes no sense

My English is not very good


look dude, I WANT to PRAY, but theres no place, GET IT? now, if there would be noooooo place in EVERYWHERE EVEN SCHOOl, you wouldnt go??????

thats what you said:

you might die on your way there, okay fine, I might die at any second, a meteorite might smash you... like TOMOROW...

so, we will all die one day, so we just do nothing?

Bilal wrote:

look dude, I WANT to PRAY, but theres no place, GET IT? now, if there would be noooooo place in EVERYWHERE EVEN SCHOOl, you wouldnt go??????

Wow, it's been a month?! Time flies eh?

You got one month older. You should know better dude.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

-_-, ok im done with this

I cant speak to such hard headed people.

Bilal wrote:
-_-, ok im done with this

I cant speak to such hard headed people.

Then don't reply to this topic again

My English is not very good
