14 Pillars of Prayer

pillars of PRAYER (not Islam, thank you TPofS) if you miss any of them out, for whatever reason, then the prayer is invalid. and missing any pillar cannot be compensated by thr sujood of distraction. You have to redo the prayer.

  1. standing
  2. opening takbeer - Takbiratul Ihraam
  3. Reciting Suratul Fatihah
  4. Rukoo'
  5. Rising from Rukoo'
  6. Sujood on seven bones
  7. Rising from Sujood
  8. Sitting calmly between sujoods
  9. Being tranquil and calm during each pillar
  10. Doing the pillars in order
  11. The Last Tashaahud
  12. Sitting during the last Tashahud
  13. Sending Salaah and salaam on nabi (pbuh)
  14. The Final Tasleem


Lilly wrote:
here >>>>

He created an account a while ago.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

It doesnt matter.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Bilal wrote:
I did? woups

You've got a nice name mashaAllah

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
Bilal wrote:
I did? woups

You've got a nice name mashaAllah

an awesome name may i say.
and thanks for pointing that out admin, havent been paying attention recently..

aaand..back to stats...

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

ahh thanks brother. Wink

I decided to leave the concert, and pray instead,

But now the question remains in the amusment park... cant I delay a little bit and pray at a free place... cause theres waiting lines...

Bilal wrote:
ahh thanks brother. Wink

I decided to leave the concert, and pray instead,

But now the question remains in the amusment park... cant I delay a little bit and pray at a free place... cause theres waiting lines...

MashaAllah well done for the great choice Smile

You have to read within the time of each salah. If it is delayed but u still have time for it then, yes, that's ok

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

YESSS thanks Wink

hey, if someone is a the leastest level of Jannah... will he be able to see Allah?

Bilal wrote:
YESSS thanks Wink

hey, if someone is a the leastest level of Jannah... will he be able to see Allah?

i dont know but i could find out. did you know you go up in levels of Jannah by how much Quran you know; so you'll be asked to recite until you can recite no more. so you keep reciting and you go up in jannahs. awesome or what?

and is it true guys that a hafiz get to chose 10 people to take to jannah with them? dont know where ive heard that...

and in jannah you can go down an dvisit the people lower, but you cant go up...

i give up on stats. my head... i want sleep.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

oh cool,

but is it obligatory to memorize the entire quran?


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Metallica58 wrote:

no. you just want everyone to agree with you.

stop throwing all your toys out of the pram cos everyone's getting bored and soon they will just ignore you.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Where's Bilal gone off to?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

I was at school, and will still be for 3 days...

guys, you said that every prayer might be your last, so you have to do it PERFECLY, okay then, dont go to school, dont work, dont do anything why should we leave??? huh? tell me.

and if someone goes on a journey, hes travelleing and he cant pray, well why shoul he go? HIS PURPOSE IS FUN, JUST LIKE THE CONCERT. AHA!!!!!!!!!!! now you cant say anyting!! (maybe)

ok guys, this STUPID SHAYTAAN I WANT TO STRANGLE HIM, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevery time, I think of Allah, or thank him, In my head, it looks like he has a wife... (istarfiruallah), I keep trying aand trying to get him out of my head, but it only leaves like after 5 minutes,!!!!!!!!!!!!!! give me some tips pleaseeee!!!

read [qs:112:1-4]

and we shoudlnt travel for "fun" there might be fun, but that shouldnt be the main purpose.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

well, why do you travel then?

OKAY look, the life of a human being, ALLAH created you!!! he did, we have natural feelings of ''fun''. that is happiness, joy. but when this ''joy'' becomes, haram, (drinking alchohol, dancing girls) NOW THAT IS BAD, but we are enjoying life, BY having the intention TO pray.

for example: you accidentaly looked at a girl, your intetnion was to not look, ''I dont care you still looked'' WRONG, my intetention is to pray and theres no place, so I leave it??? nooooooo, because how will a human have joy, tell me? praying, satying at his house? thats it?

and I know this sourat, its very good. I found a way, and thats excaly to remember, that Allah is the master of the ENTIRE universe! and voila, the shaytaan is gone Biggrin

but one day, cant we ask for Allah to strangle shaytaan???? (istarfirallah) dont wanna joke, (really can we?)

just remember that shaytaan is basically Hellbound. for the rest of his life. and HIS aim is to drag us WITH him coz its because of Humans that he became bad(he isnt an angel). so we have to do our best to stay away from anything that can make us end up with him in hell for the rest of our lives coz thats all he want!

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

why is he suuuuuuuuuch evil????

I mean, he HAS to make every songle human, to go to hell with him? man, hes really evil.

but, I mean cant we take revenge? if he started to mislead us?

Bilal wrote:
but, I mean cant we take revenge? if he started to mislead us?

Yes we can.

By being good. Perfect revenge as we stay out of his clutches.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

OH MY GOD, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww awesome, awesome, incredible.

thats so genius!! you peaple should all be poets Blum 3

Bilal wrote:
OH MY GOD, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww awesome, awesome, incredible.

thats so genius!! you peaple should all be poets Blum 3

Bilal wrote:


It's people

I don't mean to be rude but please concentrate on your spelling before you do anything else Smile
I think you need Lilly's help with your spellings

My English is not very good


Assalamu alaikum Biggrin

@bilal here's a video that i think you may find enlightening insha Allah. A very short video but an important reminder indeed

Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH

right, true.

but now, I am praying, the problem isnt that I dont want too, its that theres no place.
and that concert, if I dont go I might be sad, by knowing that I just could of made the prayers when I come back, and extra ones.

Because theres a surat that says: Allah says to his angels : look if my slave has made his prayers perfecly, and if not, fill them with the extra ones.

SEEE HE IS SOOOOOOOOOO RAHMAN, and... I just love Allah.

anyways, the surat 17:64 says: Allah said to the devil: and mislead them with your voice, another one: excite them with your voice.

so what voice is he talking about?

the singing, or the flirting voice???
because if its singing, in the azan they SING...

sooo watcha think?

@Foysol: Awesome video Smile

1) Really? the whole concert thing again?? You have to pray salah at the right time. If you don't, you get gunnah. Simple, really, since, like the video said, it's for ourselves! and, yes, so is the concert, but which will benefit us more?

2) You can only substitute the extra salah for the 5 compulsory ones when you actually pray the compulsory ones. You, however, want to miss the compulsory ones, and then substitute the extra ones anyway. :s

3) In the athaan, they are calling you to prayer....


if I pray when I come back, its the same benefit. since I have the right intention.

in the athaan, he can just scream, why is he doing it in a melodious voice?

but what do you think, of: ''and excite them with your voice'' what voice?

LAY OFF the spelling mistakes!!!! freaking CASHEWWWSSSSSS

Ok I really don't want to keep going over the same thug again, but just want to make sure we fulfill our duty by telling u what's right and what's wrong. For the billionth time, Allah does NOT care about your intention when you miss an obligatory prayer. You will have sinned. Making it up later does not have the same benefit or reward. Allah will not be happy that u missed it even if you love Him.

Intention only matters for voluntary acts of worship. Salah is not voluntary.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Bilal wrote:

but now, I am praying, the problem isnt that I dont want too, its that theres no place.
and that concert,

You said

Bilal wrote:

I decided to leave the concert, and pray instead,

Are you just playing silly games or what?

My English is not very good
