The caste system among Muslims
Sources indicate that the castes among Muslims developed as the result of close contact with Hindu culture and Hindu converts to Islam.
Religious scholar Yoginder Sikand elaborates that the caste system among Muslims was not due to the "influence of Hinduism among a previously 'pure', 'uncontaminated' Muslim community," but rather to "the continued impact of Hindu beliefs and customs on the converts who still remained within a largely Hindu cultural universe and retained many of its associated beliefs and practices"
In some parts of South Asia, the Muslims are divided as Ashrafs and Ajlafs.
Ashrafs claim a superior status derived from their foreign ancestry.
The non-Ashrafs are assumed to be converts from Hinduism, and are therefore drawn from the indigenous population.
They, in turn, are divided into a number of occupational castes.
Interactions between the oonchi zat (upper caste) and neechi zaat (lower caste) are regulated by established patron-client relationships of the jajmani system, the upper castes being referred to as the 'Jajmans', and the lower caste as 'Kamin'.
Upon contact with a low-caste Muslim, a Muslim of a higher zaat can "purify" by taking a short bath, since there are no elaborate rituals for purification.[7] In Bihar state of India, cases have been reported in which the higher caste Muslims have opposed the burials of lower caste Muslims in the same graveyard.
Some of the high castes are
Brahmin[religious teachers also known as Pandits or Molvi's
Jatt Land owners they are a mixture of Hindus and Sikhs
Mughal Persian kings
Rajput Land owners They are mostly Hindu converts
Some of the low castes are
You must never share cups plates and things of that sort with the lower castes
There are also many other Hindu practices that are still present among Muslims today
Lollywood (Urdu: لالی وڈ) refers to the Pakistani film industry based in the city of Lahore. The word "Lollywood" was first coined in the summer of 1989 in the now defunct magazine "Glamour" published from Karachi by a gossip columnist Saleem Nasir. The film industry in Lahore started in 1929 with the opening of the United Players' Studios on Ravi Road. The cornerstone for the studio was set by Abdur Rashid Kardar. Since then the studio has managed various indigenous productions competing with other film production centres in the undivided India, namely Bombay and Calcutta.
Most of the feature films shot in Pakistan are in National Language Urdu. Urdu (spoken elements of Hindi and Urdu are exactly the same) is often used in feature films of Bollywood and may also be included in films in local languages like, Punjabi, Pashto, Balochi or Sindhi.
The Pakistani film industry is credited with having produced some of the most notable and recognised filmmakers, actors, writers and directors, and for introducing pop music to South Asia.[
Pakistani Music
Pakistani pop music refers to popular music forms in Pakistan. Pakistani pop is a mixture of traditional Pakistani classical music and western influences of jazz, rock and roll, hip-hop and disco sung in various languages of Pakistan, including Urdu language. The popularity of music is based on the individual sales of a single, viewership of its music video or the singer's album chart positions.
Pakistani pop music is attributed to have given birth to the genre in the South Asian region with Ahmed Rushdi's song ‘Ko-Ko-Korina’ in 1966.[1]
Veterans like Runa Laila started the pop industry in Pakistan while the fifteen-years old pop sensation Nazia with her brother Zohaib Hassan ushered the birth of pop music all over South Asia tailing on the success of her British endeavours.
From Rushdi's pop hits to songs sung by the Hassan siblings, to bands including Junoon, Vital Signs and Strings, the Pakistani pop industry has steadily spread throughout South Asia and today is the most popular genre in Pakistan and the neighbouring South Asian countries.
Songs sung by Pakistani pop artists are a regular feature on soundtracks of most of the Bollywood movies.
The genre has always been accepted in the mainstream youth culture but hindrances came in the form of changing governments, radical Islamicisation, foreign influences and a stiff competition from neighbouring countries.
Still, pop music thrived and survived with a steady growth. In was not until recent times that Pakistani pop music was to be admired throughout South Asia and the rest of the world.
You've shared this because...?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Because we need to highlight the good things about Pakistan and this is one of them
I bet you did not know about Lollywood or Pakistani films
My English is not very good
Lol, I did know about them.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Hoe did you find out?
My English is not very good
Lollywood movies are actually really, really poor
most of them are full of songs where wfat women gyrate on screen
the odd few will come out that are good
but most r crap
They are great
A little bit of rain does no harm
My English is not very good
Death is the end of time. Not the end of Life.
I thought this website had something to inspire youth.
what a waste of time, and a rubbish article on a lame topic..
why r u talking or promoting it on this website?!?!
it is a sign of unprofessional-ism in life & wrong in Islam.
Its not an article.
It was just written by a randomer who loves lollywood.
If you like something, you can write a topic about it, and people won't delete it cos this is supposed to be a youth forum
if it was an article it would be filed under 'articles'
Don't just do something! Stand there.
You would not be saying that if it was an article on Bollywood
why you are so bitter towards Lollywood?
You are not an active member on here hell you're not even verified it seems to me that you have only come on here to hate on Lollywood,
I bet you're a Hindu high on COW PEE
My English is not very good
No need to get so offensive over defending some petty little cause like 'lollywood'
STOP IT SI! what are you doing?! acting like a 7 years old! a sulky one as that! returning insult for insult, and he/she wasnt even insulting. did WE treat you like that when you first came? no. would you like to be treated like that? visiting regularly doesnt make you "special".
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
What have I said or done wrong? watch the video and then you will understand
I never said I was "special" my point was the user only come on here to hate on Pakistani films
My English is not very good
I deleted your post before this one.
I dont care if you dont think you havent done anything wrong.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
did you watch it, I wonder what they were doing?
My English is not very good
in the Quran Allah says not to insult other people's gods and stuff, in case they get angry and start insulting Allah. would you like that to happen? and you'll be to blame, coz you started it.
and no, not everyone is fixated upon Lollywood vs Bollywood...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
They do that anyway with or without insults
My English is not very good
im not talking about they, im talking about the people you interact with. not the general population. leave these people alone for Allah to judge. or go to them and try to call them to Islam. but for that, you need for knowledge.
so, tell me the 5 pillars of Islam. (lets start with easy stuff)
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
1 Praying
2 Fasting if you can
3 Zakat
My English is not very good
1. Shahada
2. Salaat
3. Zakaat
4. Fasting
5. Hajj
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
There’s no need for it as I'm born into a Muslim family
only converts need to take the shahada
My English is not very good
Everybody has to choose to be Muslim.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
How? if you're born in a Muslim family your choice is already made unless you choice to opt out
My English is not very good
you are your own person, your family cannot choose what YOU BELIEVE
PLEASE, I BEG YOU, do not bring in the whole ancestry crap
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
That's later on in life but as a child the parents would want you to follow in there foot steps at least in terms of faith
Its not ancestry cr*p as you put it
Its the truth our families are converts like it or loath it the choice is yours
My English is not very good
You don't seem to understand the meaning of convert. May Allah guide help you, ameen.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
To change someone from one religion to another from what I understand
My English is not very good
Does that mean my parents, who were born in Pakistan are converts?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Doesnt he meant the first generation of muslims of our families? they be converts
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
It means that they are children or great grand children of converts to prove this get a blood test done that will tell you all you need to know
My English is not very good