
It's Easy to have an Affair

Alveena Salim

Networking is a lot of fun. You can catch up with long lost friends, make new friends and even find business contacts. Blackberries, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Bebo, Friends Reunited, Hi5, emails and social networks all make it so much easier to re-connect with people.

It’s also an easy way to start an online affair.

Social networks are a great avenue for meeting ex-boyfriends/girlfriends. You can meet people that you fancied at school or college but never had the courage to admit your feelings. Or people, that you may not have known that well at University, but according to their profiles, you can see that now they are extremely successful and attractive.

Culture caste and Lollywood Pakistani Films

The caste system among Muslims

Sources indicate that the castes among Muslims developed as the result of close contact with Hindu culture and Hindu converts to Islam.

Religious scholar Yoginder Sikand elaborates that the caste system among Muslims was not due to the "influence of Hinduism among a previously 'pure', 'uncontaminated' Muslim community," but rather to "the continued impact of Hindu beliefs and customs on the converts who still remained within a largely Hindu cultural universe and retained many of its associated beliefs and practices"


In some parts of South Asia, the Muslims are divided as Ashrafs and Ajlafs.
Ashrafs claim a superior status derived from their foreign ancestry.

Issue 8: Aliyah & Jameela

By Sara Salim and "Imaani" Aslam

Jameela: Asalaam Alaikum Sis, I see you've dyed your hair again?

Aliyah: Yep. Looks good don't it? What do you think?

Jameela: Erm... I think you may have overdone it with the blonde highlights, not too sure if it suits your skin tone... but hey, what's with the makeover anyway?

Aliyah: Well, you're looking at the new me. I've decided I'm through with all this being a Muslim girl thing. Now people know that I ain't one of those girls they can order about. I've decided I ain't taking no crap any more.

Jameela: Well that's great, respecting yourself is really important, but what's taking crap got to do with being and looking like a Muslim?

Cut The Culture

By Alveena Salim

Culture, what exactly is it? Well even though you might think it's got nothing to do with you; you are in fact surrounded by culture all the time – be it the culture of your parents/grandparents or the western 'British' culture.

Culture is the outward expressions of your values, beliefs, lifestyle etc. So from that point of view if culture is just basically your way of doing things then Islam can be your culture right? Yep too right it can and so it should be!