Tis the final one ladies and gents! I knw..lets take a moment..ok moment gone!
(I didn't make a seperate blog for the conclusion even though long, cos 20's such a nice round nr, dont ya think? Anyhoo! Don't feel obliged to read it all in one go or be put of from reading it all together! That would be a shame since its a nice read and you've come this far, might as well finish it!)
September 19th: Chapter 16 - Innovations of Du'a
1. Habitually Reading Specified Du'as which are not Found in the Sunnah
So habitually reciting a certain du'a at regular times and intervals. One who performs du'a in this manner destroys the whole purpose of du'a - that of feeling poverty to Allah and showing sincerity and need to is Creator- when one parrots the same phrases hundreds of times in the course of a few days or weeks
2. Kissing One's Thumbs and Rubbing One's Eyes with them
It is common for people to do this when the prophet's(saw) name is mentioned. The basis of this act is a fabricated narration on the authority of Khidr, the Companion of Musa (as) but the chain of narrators is unknown.
3. Du'a in a Group
This is only permissible during certain occasions, such as the khutbah on Friday or during the Witr prayer
4. To Clasp One's Hands to One's Chest During Du'a
This is contrary to the proper manner of du'a as the sunnah is to ask with the palms outwards.
5. Tawassul with the Status of the Prophet(saw)
6. To Specify the Unspecified
What is meant by this is that a person specifies a certain time, place or a certain du'a that is not specified by the Shari'ah. So to make a habit of making du'a on say the 12th of Rabi al-Awal or at a certain location, is an innovation. Likwise, to specify a particular du'a before or after doing an act is also considered an innovation (unless such a specification is found in the sunnah.
Another example that is common is that during the tawaf (circumambulation around the Ka'bah) many people read specific du'as for each round, believing that this is part of the sunnah.
Other examples include making a New Year's wish or doing the same whilst blowing out candles etc.
The opposite of this principle is also true.If a specific du'a has been narrated in the sunnah for a specific occasion or a certain act, then it should not be used habitually except for the circumstance it has been narrated for. E.g. the du'a for entering the mosque should not be used every time someone enters a house or other structure etc
7. The Statment "May Allah Establish it and Preserve it"
This statement is made by many people after the statement of the mu'adhin: The prayer has been established". However, the basis of it is a weak narration
Du'a is a treasure that all people can possess, yet so few strive to achieve. It is a light that one can use to guide onself out of the darkest dilemma that one may be in. It is the wind that lifts the sails of one's hope and pushes one forth to one's destination. It is the sword that he can use to fight any and every enemy impeding's one path.
So ask yourself: what is the status of this affair in your life? How often do you turn to Allah? And for what matters do you turn to Him? How sincere are you in your requests? And do you ask Allah properly, conforming with the pre-requisites and etiquettes of du'a?
Or do you ask and ask, but do not care about the ways that you have blocked its response? Are you heedless of Allah, and turn to Him at times of need, only to forget Him when your du'a is answered?
Or do you despair of His infinite Mercy and Wisdom when your du'a is not responded to, forgetting and ignoring the countless other blessings that He has given you, and presuming of Allah evil thoughts?
Ponder over the answers to these questions and change your life accordingly to better the situation that you are in.
O you who does not turn to Allah at all, feeling himself to sinful to a merit a response! Are you worse than Iblis? For verily, if Allah can respond to his du'a, then surely you have more right to be responded to. Are you not aware of the vast treasures of Allah, and that He is al-Karim, the Ever-Generous?
Did He not create you out of nothing, and guide you to islam and bless you with so many blessings that you cannot even count them?
And if He gave all that you, without you even asking Him, then how much more will He give you when you raise your hands up to Him, seeking His Pleasure, believing in Him as your Rabb?
So ask Him and continue to ask Him, and the first matter that you should ask Him for is guidance, for verily it is the primary goal that you strive for.
O you who are in distress! Despair not of finding a solution to your problems. Verily, there is nothing that can overcome a sincere du'a, for Allah is capable of all things. And know that the response to the du'a will be proportionate to your sincerity to Allah.
If you desire a goal with such fervour and passion, then take the necessary precautions to obtain it. Make sure that you have asked Allah having fulfilled the conditions of du'a and ensure that you have removed any obstacles and impediments in the way of response.
O you whose du's is yet to be answered! Do not let Shaytan come between you and the response of your du'a. Be certain and have full faith that Allah will, of a surety respond to you but only if you have fulfilled the proper conditions of du'a/
Examine your own situation, and see if perhaps you have not blocked the response to your du'a by your own sins and actions. Ponder over the goal that you desire, and see whether it is possible that what you desire is in fact harmful for you, and Allah in His Infinite Wisdom and Mercy is depriving you of it for your own good.
If you fully believe with your heart that Allah is al-Mannan the One Who Gives Continously and Generously. So when you are dealing with One whose characteristics are these, then what do you fear?
O you who has had his du'a answered, and has seen the effects of his plea! Beware of forgetting your state when you were calling out to Allah, hopeful of a response, fearful of rejection. Remember your sincerity to Allah at that time and be careful not to let Shaytan cause to become heedless again.
Now that Allah has answered your du'a, it is incumbent on you to thank Him by increasing your worship of Him, and leaving the sins that you are doing. And beware of acting like the kafir, who when he needs Allah, calls out to Him in all sincerity, but when his du'a is answered, forgets the state that he was in, and leaves the worship of Allah.
Verily, your journey is long, and the perils are many. Your destination is far, and the path is treacherous. So utilise your du'a. Use it to ward off the evil of yourself and the evil of your enemies, and the evil that is destined for you. And use it to strive to reach your every goal and struggle to arrive at your desired destination.
Du'a is your sharpest sword and your strongest weapon.
Actually, doesnt look so long after all!
Alright, my jobs done! You guys now all have the potential to make some kick ass du'a woot woot!
For my part, I thought this book was amazing mashAllah and just what I needed, so has helped me tons! I hope inshaaAllah that you guys will get the same benefit ![Biggrin](
All thanx to Abu Ammar Yasir Qadhi of course, so may Allah (swt) reward him IMMENSELY for his work Ameen! Oh and while your at it, I wouldnt mind a coupla du'as made for me
Over and out!![Biggrin](
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
I would disagree with all 7 points/headings in this chapter.
Tawassul is supported by hadith.
collective dua is a common practice for generations and the general principle is that everything is allowed if not forbidden. It has to be proven to not be allowed.
Clasping the hands is laziness, but surely its still better than not doing dua at all?
Kissing the fingers and taking them to the eyes is an act of devotion "your name brings coolness to my eyes" is the sentiment present.
Doing duas at/after specific events is a case of reminding and calling people towards dua who would otherwise not have done it at all - and Islam has many "reminders" to call us to good actions, from daily (prayers) to weekly (Jum'ah) to annually (Ramadan, the eids).
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Wa alaikum as salam
I have to say i agree with Admin there, too much use of 'bid'ah' :/
Subhanallah! Loved the conclusion though, very important reminders there. Sadly though it has come to an end
May Allah reward the author, increase his knowledge and continue to use him in the upliftment of the deen. Ameen
A MASSIVE THANK YOU Billz, jazakallah khair for your efforts and for thinking about others and sharing the knowledge. May your best deed be your last deed and may your best day be the day that you stand before Allah. Ameen
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Isnt that the case for not-religious acts, but for forms of worship etc we should follow what there is evidence FOR & leave other things?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
the limits to the exception are debateable and some suggest that it only applies to fardh prayers where delaying a particular fardh to do something else before it is considered wrong.
But then there is nafl prayer where there are certain places where in nafl prayer it is known that you can go all out and read other stuff too.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Its not forbidding Tawassul though, just telling people to refrain from using the prophet's status as Tawassul
I didn't mention it in the thread, but whilst Umar(ra) was a Caliph, a governor wrote to him, informing him of people who would come together to do du'a. His response was to send a group of men to beat these people with sticks and he even joined them in doing so!
No, you cant afford to be lazy in ur du'a! It doesnt make sense for you to be!
I thought ahadith could only be narrated on the authority of the prophet(saw) ?
Agreed. When the author says specifying the unspecified I took it as du'as mentioned at places etc. not mentioned in the sunnah, because the reminders your talking about WERE practised by the prophet(saw)
That is what I took from this chapter in general, acting upon these practises on a reglar basis, thinking that they have more merit than the ones mentioned in the Quran or sunnah. These things SHOULD be mentioned no? If people don't know that there is a practise better than the one theyre doing they cant stop it csn they?
(Have I fallen into the same category as people who think saying Jummah Mubarak is bid'ah? :/ )
How dya like my quoting?![Dirol](
@Jim Bob: Wa iyyak and Ameen
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"