
Du'a - The weapon of the believer: (FINAL) PART 20

Salaam! Biggrin

Tis the final one ladies and gents! I knw..lets take a moment..ok moment gone!

(I didn't make a seperate blog for the conclusion even though long, cos 20's such a nice round nr, dont ya think? Biggrin Anyhoo! Don't feel obliged to read it all in one go or be put of from reading it all together! That would be a shame since its a nice read and you've come this far, might as well finish it!)

September 19th: Chapter 16 - Innovations of Du'a

1. Habitually Reading Specified Du'as which are not Found in the Sunnah

Du'a - The weapon of the believer: PART 19

Salaam! Biggrin

(yh, I knw what ur thinking..bout time! Good things are worth waiting for they say right? Blum 3 )

September 15th: Chapter 14 - Du'a and its Relationship with Destiny

The topic of du'a and its relationship with destiny (qadr) is a very important one, and around which much confusion exists. Many people ask "If everything has already been destined to occur, then of what use is du'a, if Allah has written what I want, I will get it without making du'a, and if it is not written for me, then I will never get it no matter how much du'a I make?"

The response to this question lies in understanding that the outcome of anything is dependent on the performance of the efforts that are necessary to procure it.

Du'a - The weapon of the believer: PART 18

Salaam! Biggrin

September 10th: Chapter 12 - Permissible Acts of Du'a

(Today is a very special day cos..I became the proud aunty of another baby boooy! Biggrin )

There are certain acts that people might presume are prohibited, but are in fact allowed. Some of these are listed below.

1. To Pray for a Person without Praying for One's Self

This is permissible since the prophet(saw) prayed for a number of Companions without making du'a for himself

2. To Wish for Death in Severe Circumstances

Du'a - The weapon of the believer : PART 17

Salaams! Biggrin

September 9th: Chapter 11 - The Wisdom Behind A Delayed Response

11. The Du'a Might Actually Have Been Responded To

The hadith where the prophet(saw) guaranteed that a person's du'a will be accepted has already been mentioned. However, the 'acceptance' might be in a manner that is not apparent.

It is possible that Allah will give him the reward of his du'a on the Day of Judgement, and this reward will be more beloved to him on that Day than the response of his du'a in this life.

It is also possible that Allah blesses him with something else that he did not ask for, as a result of his du'a. Lastly it is possible that Allah averts an evil that was predestined for him because of his du'a.

12. The Du'a Might be Weak

Du'a - The weapon of the believer : PART 16

Salaam! Biggrin

September 8th: Chapter 11 - The Wisdom Behind A Delayed Response continued

Recap of previous part

5. The Matter Might Bring Evil

Following up from the last point (Allah is the most wise), it is possible that Allah knows that a certain matter, although apparently might appear to bring good, in reality will lead to evil consequences. So a person might desire to have money, and in his heart he feels that he will spend this money for the sake of Allah, and yet Allah knows that if this person were to be given money, he would spend it in haram way, and that would ruin his iman.

Du'a - The weapon of the believer : PART 15

Salaam! Biggrin

September 5th: Chapter 11 - The Wisdom Behind a Delayed Response

A very important chapter so PAY ATTENTION!

It is indeed a great trial for a muslim to make du'a, sincerely continually for a long period of time, and yet see no sign of response.

Here, a person's iman in Allah is truly tested and here is the opportunity that Shaytan uses to try to sow his whispers, and plants his doubt in a believer's heart.

In this way a person might start thinking evil thoughts about his Creator, or start doubting the wisdom of the Divine Decree.

Du'a - The weapon of the believer : PART 14

Salaam! Biggrin

September 4th: Factors that Prevent Du'as from Being Answered

One of the greatest trials that a muslim might be afflicted with is that his du'a is not answered. Hence why the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) would pray to Allah that his du'a not be amongst those du'as that are not responded to. In particular he(saw) would pray: "O Allah! I seek your refuge from knowledge that is without benefit, and from a heart that does not become fearful,and from a du'a that is not responded to!"

So the prophet(saw) would make du'a that his du'a be answered!

1. Haram Sustenance

2. Sins

3. Leaving Advice to Others

Du'a - The weapon of the believer : PART 13

Salaam! Biggrin

September 4th - Chapter 9: Factors that Aid a Person's Du'a in Being Answered

Some of these factors have already been mentioned, but they will be listen again here for the sake of benefit.

1. Sincerity

2. To Expect the Best from Allah

The prophet(saw) said that Allah said: "O My servants! If the first of you; if the jinn of you and the men of you were to stand on one plain, and ask Me, and I gave every single person what he wanted, then all of that would not decrease anyhting from My Kingdom, except like a needle (decreases the amount of water) when it is placed in the ocean (and then taken out)

This hadith is an indication of the completeness of Allah's Power and Kingdom.

Du'a - The weapon of the believer: PART 12

Salaam! Biggrin

September 2nd - Chapter 8: Conditions During Which Du'a is Answered

1. The Person Who Has Been Wronged

The prophet(saw) mentioned in numerous ahadith that a muslim should fear the du'a of he who has been wronged, for he(saw) said: "Fear the du'a of he who has been wronged, for verily it ascends to the skies faster than sparks (of light)."

"Fear the du'a of he who has been wronged, even if he is a disbeliever, for there remains no veil between it." - meaning there is no veil between it and Allah

Du'a - The weapon of the believer: PART 11

Salaam! Biggrin

September 1st - Chapter 7: The Recommended Times for Du'a continued

If you want to recap : Part 10

9. Du'a Before the End of Salat

After a person has finished his tashahhud, and before he actually says salam, he should supplicate with any du'a that he likes, as this is one of the times of response.

Ibn Mas'ud narrates: "I was once praying, and the prophet(saw) Abu-Bakr and Umar (were all present). When I sat down (in the final tashahhud) I praised Allah, then sent salams on the prophet(saw) then started praying for myself. At this, the prophet(saw) said: 'Ask and you shall be given it! Ask, and you shall be given it!'"

10. Du'a After the Salat
