September 2nd - Chapter 8: Conditions During Which Du'a is Answered
1. The Person Who Has Been Wronged
The prophet(saw) mentioned in numerous ahadith that a muslim should fear the du'a of he who has been wronged, for he(saw) said: "Fear the du'a of he who has been wronged, for verily it ascends to the skies faster than sparks (of light)."
"Fear the du'a of he who has been wronged, even if he is a disbeliever, for there remains no veil between it." - meaning there is no veil between it and Allah
In another narration we are told " three people du'as are never rejected:....and the one who has been wronged. Allah raises it above the clouds, and the doors of the skies are opened for it, and the Lord says 'By My Honour and Glory! I will help you, even if it be after some time!"
This is a warning to the one who has wronged others and a comfort and solace to one who has been wronged. Allah has sworn that He will, of a surety, come to the aid of the one who has been wronged.
2. The One in Severe Circumstances
When a person finds himself in a grave crisis, and his heart is about to shatter with grief and fear. The quality of sincerity that a person displays, and the desperate need that he feels for the Mercy of his Lord, is so strong and pure, his du'a will be answered wether the person is a muslim or not.
3. After a Calamity
However it is necessary that the person displays patience and satisfaction at Allah's decree and not wail or lament over his misfortune. Imm Salamah narrated that the prophet(saw) said: "There is no muslim that is afflicted with a calamity, and he says what Allah has commanded him to say: 'To Allah we belong and to Him we will return! Oh Allah! Give me the rewards (of being patient over) this calamity,a nd grant me something better than it to replace it' except that Allah will give him something better to replace it."
4. The Traveller
"Three are the du'as that are responded to, there is no doubt concerning them: the du'a of he who has been wronged, the traveller, and the du'a of the father for his son."
If this is the case of the average traveller who is travelling for wordly reasons, then it applies even more when the person is travelling for religious reasons, such as desiring to increase his knowledge, or visit his parents or a muslim brother/sister
5. The Father Against/For His Son
The du'a of the mother is also included in this, for the right of the mother is even greater than that of the father and the du'a of the parents for their daughters comes under this hadith as well since the rulings applicable to men also apply to women unless there exists evidence to the contrary.
6. The Son for The Father
The prophet(saw) said: When a person dies, all of his actions are cut off except, from three matters: a sadaqah jariyah, or a pious son that prays for him, or some knowledge (that he gave) that others still benefit from."
This does not mean that a person should not pray for his parents when they are alive, for of course this too is one of the rights that the parents have over the child.
7. The One Who is Fasting
8. The Person Reciting the Quran
It has been authentically narrated that peace and tranquility descend on the one who recites the Quran as do the angels. Therefore, after reciting any portion of the Quran, we are encouraged to make du'a, as it is more likely to be responded to.
9. The Person Performing Hajj, 'Umrah or Jihad
The prophet(saw) said: "The people performing Hajj and 'Umrah are the delegates of Allah. He called them and they responded, and they asked Him, so he gave them (their requests)
10. The Du'a for a Person in His Absence
The prophet(saw) used to say: "The du'a of a muslim for his brother in his absence is responded to. There is an angel in front of him that has been assigned to him; every time he makes a du'a for his brother with good, the angel assigned to him says 'Amin' and to you the same'"
In this situation, the du'a must be purely for the sake of Allah, since a muslim will love his muslim brother only for the sake of Allah.
11. The One Who Remembers Allah Constantly
It is only befitting that the one who remembers Allah constantly be remembered by Allah in his time of need.
12. The Just Ruler
Chapter 9: Factors that aid a person's du'a in being answered
Subhanllah i'm loving this thread. Alhamdulillah.
I can relate to the things that have been mentioned here so much, especially from recent experiences. Jazakallah khair
keep it up insha Allah
If you want Allah to speak to you then read the Qur'an and if you want you speak to Allah then make dua.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
part 11
part 13
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?