(yh, I knw what ur thinking..bout time! Good things are worth waiting for they say right? )
September 15th: Chapter 14 - Du'a and its Relationship with Destiny
The topic of du'a and its relationship with destiny (qadr) is a very important one, and around which much confusion exists. Many people ask "If everything has already been destined to occur, then of what use is du'a, if Allah has written what I want, I will get it without making du'a, and if it is not written for me, then I will never get it no matter how much du'a I make?"
The response to this question lies in understanding that the outcome of anything is dependent on the performance of the efforts that are necessary to procure it.
In other words, it has already been decreed, for example, that a seed will give fruit if planted, but this will not occur unless the farmer takes the appropriate efforts in irrigating the crop, maintaining it, protecting the seedling as it grows,a nd ensuring as much as he can that the factors are amenable for the plant to give fruit.
So even though a person believes in the Divine Decree, he must at the same time strive all that he can to ensure that the desired goal occurs. So du'a is the means that one uses to achieve the desired goal that one has, and this means that the du'a provides, in no way contradicts the destiny that has been written for that person.
This stance is clarified by the prophet's(saw) hadith reported by Thawban, that he(saw) said "Nothing increases one's lifespan except good deeds, and nothing repels Divine Decree except du'a. And verily, a person may be deprived of sustenance due to a sin that he does!"
In other words, the performance of good deeds is a cause of increasing one's lifespan, so if a person puts in the necessary effort, the result will be achived, and this is also destined. So both the means to achieve a goal, and the fulfilment of the goal itself, are already decreed.
16th of September:
If someone were to ask "How can du'a repel Divine Decree?" We would respond "The fact that you may be ill has already been decreed by Allah for you, as has the fact that you will ask Allah to cure you of this illness has also been decreed. In a similar manner, a person may be deprived of his sustenance that was decreed for him, since Allah's eternal knowledge encompassed the fact that this person would perform a sinful deed that would cause the deprivation of his sustenance. All of this, then is from the Decree of Allah, all Glory and Praise be to Him."
So no matter how cautious a person is, he cannot escape what is written for him, simply because Allah controls everything and nothing escapes His Knowledge or Power. However, by turning to Allah through du'a, it is possible to avert something that might have been decreed.
Ibn Hajr, commenting on the benefits of du'a, said "And the benefit of performing du'a is the attainment of reward by obeying the command (of Allah to make du'a) and also by the attainment of what is asked for, for there is a possibility that the request is dependent on the du'a, since Allah is the Creator of both the effort and result of the effort."
Therefore, the proper response to the question posed at the beginning of the chapter (Why make du'a if everything is already decreed?) is in the words of Ibn al-Qayyim
"The logical consequence of such reasoning leads to a rejection of all eforts. It can, therefore be said to a person who holds this view 'If the satisfaction of your hunger and thirst has already been decreed for you, then it will be fulfilled, whether you eat or not. On the other hand, if it has not been destined for you, it will never occur, whether you eat or not..."
Divince Decree, then cannot be used as an excuse not to make du'a. For just as one strives to ensure that one attains worldy needs of food, drink and family, so too must one strive in one's religious deeds to attain the desired goal.
Aditionally, it should be remembered that the concept of Divine Decree is one that a human can never fully understand, due to his limited intellect and finite capabilities. The true muslim does not delve too deeply into the philosophical ramifications of Divine Decree. Rather, he accepts all that has occured to him in the past as having been destined for him and he strives to obtain what he desires in the future (as long as it is permissible for him).
Since he does not know what has been written for him in the future, he expects the best from Allah and does everything in his power to ensure that what he wants is granted to him. Just like going to work everyday will ensure, if Allah wills, that he gets his pay cheque at the end of the month, so too does making du'a ensure, if Allah wills, that he achieves his goal.
Chapter 15: Miscellaneous Topics
I'll only be mentioning the one point from this chapter since I didnt think the other points would be of use in helping you make du'a.
4. The Most Important Matters to Ask for
The servant asks Allah for his each and every matter, for the treasures of all matters belong to Allah.
However, without a doubt, certain matters have more right to be asked than others, for not all affais are equivalent in importance. Of the matters that one should ask continuously and without fail are the following
i. Guidance
ii. Forgiveness
No matter how pious a person becomes, or how rightly guided he is, he is bound to fall into error occasionally for he is only human. The righteous person realises this, and he is ever-quick to turn to Allah in repentance, doing so frequently and sincerely.
iii. Paradise
The ultimate goal of every believer should be to earn the pleasure of Allah, and through it Paradise. So if this really is the goal of the believer, he should ask for it in every single du'a that he makes. And if a person finds that he does not ask frequently for Paradise, then he must ask himself how important it is to him and re-evaluate the priorities that he has made for himself.
Asking Allah for Paradise necessitates seeking His protection from the Fire of Hell. Therefore the prophet(saw) would often combine these two requests.
iv. Protection from Afflictions
One of the comprehensive matters that the prophet(saw) exhorted us to ask for is 'afiyah. This is a comprehensive word that denotes good health and protection from major afflications and tribulation in this world and the Hereafter
v. Perseverance in One's Faith
A person always strives to protect the valuables that he has, and without a doubt, the greatest blessing that a muslim has been given is the blessing of iman. Hence why he continually asks Allah to protect his iman.
There are many other important matters that one must always ask Allah of, such as the continual attainment of Allah's Mercy and Blessings, patience at His Decree and contentment with whatever one has been blessed with etc.
The main point is to realise that a believer must prioritise his goals and place the needs and requirements of his religion over those of this world.
Although both worlds are sought from Allah, one of them is temporary and is a means and test to achieve happiness in the other one. So the wise person realises this and asks Allah accordingly.
Gonna continue 2morro inshAllah, just gonna update this thread instead of creating a new one. Kinda been slacking this week, I knw :oops: But jazakAllah for ur patience! Patience's good stuff, can never have enough of it![Wink](
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Wa alaikum as salam
Damn right you've been slacking....waited this long and it seemed short too -__- (joooooke) this was an important reminder, feel like i've been slipping these past few days. I blame the lack 'dua' posts.......ok it's my fault, need to make some effort on my behalf for the duad to be accepted insha Allah.
Jazakallah khair for the reminders, really, really appreciated.![Smile](
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Bilan, JazakAllah for all your Dua Posts...
They have been very educational.
Maybe you could do a PDF and put all of this together when you're done.
Thnx guys![Biggrin](
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
I know it says we can't ever fully understand the divine decree business but I dont think I really understand what was explained either :s :oops:
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Thanks for the update![Smile](
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH