hi omg i just had a thought when i was writing something
i have prayed in the past for Allah (swt) to help me become a better muslim.
and recently i keep having alot of thoughts to do with islam and right and wrong and the hereafter and the future and judgement day and soooo much and when i have these thoughts it actually feels soooo real.
it makes me want to be a better muslim and i mean a good muslim (ashamed to say im not that good). but i still find it hard when it should be easy for me by now.
has anyone got any tips on how they started praying 5 times a day or embraced islam properly? (as in not getting distracted with things that are wrong).
p.s another thought im having right now is
Revivals actually soooo cool and i actually love coming on here and when everyone quotes hadiths (which make me feel at ease and add to my thoughts when i read them) and helps each other out.
has anyone had thoughts like mine before?
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
are you more a punishment person or a reward person? what gets you to do thing? knowing all the good stuff you're gona get out of it? or thinking about all the trouble you're gona get into if you dont do it?
that will help with giving tips
anyway, about praying, just remember that it is compulsory, and some ahadith actually say that it is the thing that differiate muslims and disbelievers.
also, just remember everything Allah gives you? you HAVE to be careful, i mean? what makes sure your heart is still beating while you're reading this? do you have any control on the beating of your heart?
and everyone knows what happening if the heart stops beating right?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
i get you
im more of a punishment and rewards sort of person
yeah i read that to, but what helps with getting distracted. because i know this is wrong but i really get distracted soo easily when it comes to it and then afterwards i feel bad and think next time and it goes on and on and on.
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
Alhamdulillah i pray 5 times a day now but before i used to have the same problems. i got distracted by things too easily. it is always going to be an ongoing battle til the day you die.
what really helped me was getting to know more about Islam. it is not enough to just have faith in Islam and Allah. trust me when i tell you knowledge is power. i mean when you truly know about Islam it strengthens your belief.
if you actually knew what happens to your soul after it leaves your body trust me you would not hesitate to pray. it is not all about fear though, if you knew the rewards you will get for a person who goes to jannah this will also help you to perform good deeds
so you see its all bout having the right balance of hope and fear. you should fear Allahs wrath and punishment but you should also hope Allah has mercy upon you and insha allah rewards you.
insha allah try seek more knowledege about your deen for if you take 1 step towards Allah he takes 10 steps towards you
May Allah guide us all, Ameen
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
The above two posts have mentioned what I wanted to say but their focus is a little different to mine.
I think thinking the rewards and punishments on offer are just a little, temporary boost. They do their job for a while and then its just like "yeh yeh I know, whatever". It all sounds the same and repetitive. And threats can only work for so long.
I DO believe knowledge is power though. To become more 'practising' you have to learn and understand the ISLAM (not just punishments/rewards blah blah blah) as this is what helps you act. If you don't know much about something you won't pay attention to it and so quickly lose interest. I think the more we understand the more we motivate ourselves to do whats right because no doubt Islam is great so obviously when you realise its greatness it will make you do better. Does that make sense?
Also you say you have thoughts before you start doing something. That's great, now make sure you try your best to not ignore those thoughts and act upon them as they are obviously kicking in to help you perform better
And you can do simple things like every night reading a tasbeeh of Astaghfirullah or anything else. And then build up on that when it becomes part of your natural routine or just if you want to read more.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
you know what...although i kinda knew these things already

it still helps for someone else to say it to sooo thank you people
may allah reward you
and ermmmm yeah i think i want to pray more now and live by Allah swt's guidance because i've always had some knowledge but kinda opening my eyes now. and i think part of thats because of revival and everyone in it
insh'allah i do good and insh'allah everyone here does to
o yeah and the rest of the ummah
All in my prayers dudes
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Insha'Allah, Ameen
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
If you get temporary boosts often enough, it can get you across the finishing line.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
yep, but in some/a lot of? cases its not enough well it doesn't really help IMPROVE you as much as possible, I think. Yes you may finish the line but why 'just finish' when you could potentially create a new world record instead?!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
i guess ur new years resolution came through after all!
lol, i kid i kid..i think what everyone else has said is very valid, but I think another big thing is the people that you hang around with. I think that did help me with getting to pray 5 times a day along with whats mentioned above. so iA you WILL do fine! we all believe in you mushy! #if you cant do it..no-one can!#
(now tht should totally motivate you
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
yeah but i think no one will actually ever cross the finish line no matter how good we all are theres always room for improvement
gotta think. how can we come close to even measure up to half a man as our beloved prophet s a w.
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
yep ofcourse. (but you missed the point, and thought too hard
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
haha how did i do that?
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
By relating it back to the Prophet(saw) and mentioning how impossible it is. You can cross the line just by doing some good deeds...or you could try your best and be the best YOU can be.
(And also if you're going to think about how we can never be perfect you should also think about how no matter how many good deeds we do, its all down to Allah(swt) mercy at the end of the day. Well I guess we should think about that anyway, and praise Allah(swt) for his mercifulness)
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
but if you look back at what i said i said something about the prophet being a true inspiration and we should all try to be walk in his path as much as we can
i didnt say that but you should have gopt that message lol (i cant remember exactly)
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
Nah, your post sounded like ^ but how it would be difficult to be like that since you said we can't be like that or whatever. Anyway you've cleared that up now
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
yes i did mrs clever 1 shoe lol
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.