[TV] Dispatches: Lessons in Hate and Violence

Monday 14 February at 8PM on Channel 4.

Dispatches goes undercover to investigate allegations that teachers regularly assault young children in some of the 2,000 Muslim schools in Britain run by Islamic organisations.

The programme also follows up allegations that, behind closed doors, some Muslim secondary schools teach a message of hatred and intolerance.

Dispatches episode page(link is external)

Weeeee, more fun.

I dont know whats its like now but when i used to go mosque to read quran and do hifz I got battered with sticks and everything by teacher at the mosque!

I think those who hit kids at mosque should be warned, then banned from teaching kids anywhere!

Imams/teachers at mosque should have teacher training before they should be allowed to teach.

Do schools beat up kids for getting something wrong in lessons!

Did the Prophet (pbuh) hit kids when teaching them Islam!!!

I mean you go to the masjid after school to learn the quran and Islam and what do you get- a slap for not pronouncing a word correctly, a wack with a stick for forgetting some of your hifz..........its shameful! wheres the love????????

Mosque/teachers need alot of reform!

And before governments tell us to reform we should do it ourselves.


I got whipped by one of those wooden sticks that just KILL, cuz I was shouting-reading
and obviously it hurt and I started crying and then my teacher's just like "I hit your coat not you!" Fool

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TheRevivalEditor wrote:
Do schools beat up kids for getting something wrong in lessons!

They used to.

Besides, schools have way more resources and don't pay peanuts.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
TheRevivalEditor wrote:
Do schools beat up kids for getting something wrong in lessons!

They used to.

Besides, schools have way more resources and don't pay peanuts.

thats a kop out.
schools used to 15/20 years ago....

does any now? i doubt it
why cos they have changed/reformed...
we are still in dark ages on this

so u need million of pounds before u can stop hitting a kid when teaching them the quraan/islam! rubbish!


you need money to teach teachers how to teach.

You need to pay decent amounts of money to get decent quality teachers.

It's not something that will be fixed on the cheap. That way, it will just get driven undercover waiting for some expose program to come out to show how it still happens in some places.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Don't know of many places where the teacher hits the kids now. Before, nearly every teacher used to do it.

You wrote:
you need money to teach teachers how to teach.

You need to pay decent amounts of money to get decent quality teachers.

It's not something that will be fixed on the cheap. That way, it will just get driven undercover waiting for some expose program to come out to show how it still happens in some places.

oh come on. which mosque is short of money nowadays?
does it cost millions to have smaller classes?
does it cost millions to train teachers not to hit kids?
does it cost millions to send teachers on teacher training courses?

you're just making excuses for the mosques!


TheRevivalEditor wrote:

oh come on. which mosque is short of money nowadays?
does it cost millions to have smaller classes?
does it cost millions to train teachers not to hit kids?
does it cost millions to send teachers on teacher training courses?

you're just making excuses for the mosques!

Which mosque isn't short of money? where do they get the money from?
They may not need millions but even getting a decent amount to make teachers want to teach their is hard for some mosques (e.g my local one).
You make it sound so simple, but it actually can't be solved so easily.
Money IS needed and also maybe a problem is teachers not having teachers that are very enthusiastic? Maybe just want the money? hmm
Also good organisation and other qualities are needed.
[size=7] I'm too tired to write properly / explanations but want to reply incase I forget later lol [/size]

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
I got whipped by one of those wooden sticks that just KILL, cuz I was shouting-reading
and obviously it hurt and I started crying and then my teacher's just like "I hit your coat not you!" Fool


i used to get hit and i didn even knw why!!!!! (cos i went to an Moroccan mosuque...where they spoke arabic.....i didnt) but the guys choice of weapon was a cut up piece of garden hose! Lol

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

bilan][quote=ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
I got whipped by one of those wooden sticks that just KILL, cuz I was shouting-reading
and obviously it hurt and I started crying and then my teacher's just like "I hit your coat not you!" Fool


i used to get hit and i didn even knw why!!!!! (cos i went to an Moroccan mosuque...where they spoke arabic.....i didnt) but the guys choice of weapon was a cut up piece of garden hose! :lol:[/quote]

LOL! That cracked me up!
Nah, I've made it clear that if any molvi even tries to man handle or hit me or anyone else (my siblings, cousins etc) I will not tolerate it. Because it is contrary to the Sunnah, so I am obliged to stop oppression with my hand. So violent movlis.... think VERY carefully! :evil:

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

MuslimBro wrote:
And they just realised this.



when we were at mosque they use to make us "sit up n down" holdin our ears...

But allhamdullialah things hav changd soooo much now where my son goes its more like school style they have activities ie colouring, Q & A sessions, reward chart golden time. He loves it!!!! learnig about ISLAM should be fun gosh whats gone happen to the children wen they grow up all they will rember is gettin punished wheres da lov!

And the class sizes are very small.

Its up to parents to tak active role in teachin kids too. AND all the teahers are qulified in teaching kids.....

MashaAllah we need more mosque classes like the one you're son goes too Smile

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Did anyone watch it then? Was it any good?

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

still need to.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

I have never witnessed this myself and although this may be true in some mosques its not all
does this not portray a bad image towards islamic schools?
next we will have people protesting to close them down if that image becomes greater
when i useto go mosque im not saying they never did hit but that was only when we useto be bad. other than that we useto just chill and learn the Qur'an and when we made mistakes they corrected us.

but the hate bit reminded me of one of my mates telling me not to be friends with someone from another religion and that we should hate them but i was like nooo shouldnt we all have a choice. lol

The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform

if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.



i used to get hit and i didn even knw why!!!!! (cos i went to an Moroccan mosuque...where they spoke arabic.....i didnt) but the guys choice of weapon was a cut up piece of garden hose! :lol:[/quote]

haha thats funny lol when i was like 7 my mosque useto give us sweets and ice polls Biggrin

The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform

if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.

To: TheRevivalEditor
I am not condoning hitting or beating children in any circumstance but lets be factual. Teacher training and resources is of utmost importance in most mosques/maktabs.

It’s ridiculous to assume mosques aren’t short of money, let’s look at the facts.

• Average money spent on a child at school will range from £5000 - £8000 a year depending on the schools location.
• Average money spent on a child at Mosques/maktabs will range from £300 – £600 a year depending on the mosques location.

Teachers at the moment are highly trained and educated at the tax payer’s expense and provided with additional training and resources through out their careers.

Teachers in some mosques have no training at all, where training is provided this is very limited.

Mosques aren’t funded by the tax payer but by the communities that build and maintain them, a so called back-ward mosque can be classed as a reflection of its core service users. If your mosque is backward dig deep in to your pockets and get involved. Volunteer your expertise fund raise, liaise or invest in time and resources to train as a future RE teacher (moulana or imam).

And how about focusing on the benefits of supplementary schools remember thousands of parents entrust their children to the care of mosques daily, not because they are all blind subservient lemmings but because they understand the need and benefits provided by the mosques.

yeah i think you do make a good point here but not always. i've seen mosques that get a lot of money but dont make any difference

The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform

if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.

Most Imams in this country are not even qualified
they can't even READ the Qur'an properly!
How can they beat children for not pronouncing correctly when they can't either!

Learning Arabic should be compulsory
it should be done in the same way we learn other languages at school

what's the point in reading something, when you don't even know what it is that you're reading?

the comments some speakers made were just disgsuting

"stay away from a man who has less than a fistful of beard as though you would a serpent"

where were his Qur'anic verses to corrobate this?!?!?!
How ridiculous

Most of these mosques
are South Aisan as well
Pakistani, mainly

Pakistani people NEED to sort themselves out


in the documentary that was made a few motnhs ago
about the Saudi funded schools
the narraotr BRIEFLY mentioned a CHRISTIAN faith school which was preaching hatred and death to Islam and Muslims

why wasn't THAT school investigated????

Utter hypocrisy!

I agree that immams should not hit children its wrong. However don't you find it funny how just them 2 institutions were trageted and people gerneralise and make assumptions that all masjids are the same. I know many masjids no longer beat childeren up in fact my younger brothers and sister love going to the masid and love learining new things about Islam its a fun environment.

Maryam leeds wrote:
I agree that immams should not hit children its wrong. However don't you find it funny how just them 2 institutions were trageted and people gerneralise and make assumptions that all masjids are the same. I know many masjids no longer beat childeren up in fact my younger brothers and sister love going to the masid and love learining new things about Islam its a fun environment.


it was ONE school
but a lot of ppl are gonna blow it out of proportion
and say that ALL muslim schools do this

It's good they should beat em, next time they will listen better. What don't kill them will only make em stronger.

If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"

1R4M wrote:
Pakistani people NEED to sort themselves out

I agree.

MuslimBro wrote:
1R4M wrote:
Pakistani people NEED to sort themselves out

I agree.

looool i aint pakistani but lol isnt this racism Blum 3
its not all pakistanis but some aswel as some others are like this to just havent seen them yet lol

The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform

if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.

MB aint pakistani either - being racist is his hobby.

But nah, I don't think this is racist - most Pakistani's are messed up in some way or another and do need to fix up.

The questions are - how? where/what do you start with?

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Anyone see the Bernie Mac sketch on Kings of Comedy?
