Shia muslim girls are most lovely and loving wives that a man can find on Earth.
Shia women love God, and His Prophet Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him and his family.
They have a pure heart full of light and peace.
The mind of Shia muslim sister is clean.
It is not influenced by Kafir TV and Western cultures of immorality and nakedness.
Shia girls makes the best homes for their husband and children.
Ya Ali Madaad.
No offence, but why only Shia girls? Aren't Muslims meant to be an Ummah?
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
You talk utter rubbish you nw that don't you..all muslim sisters can be good its not a matter of shia or sunni etc ...and stop writing idiotic thigs like this on the forum! How u can justify that shia sisters are better than other muslim sisters, vice versa is beyond me.
And what can be said of Shi'a Brothers?
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
I will do a seperate post about the great qualities of Shia men.
This post is only about the Shia females and their incomparable virtues.
Suhail and Razors, excuse me but you are not applying straight thinking here.
there is a difference between ordinary people and professionals.
We are all citizens of Britan, but I cannot compare my self with Royal Family can I now?
There is middle class, upper class, and working class.
Similary all muslims girls are good, but Shia muslim females are better than the rest.
They make the best wives. God has blessed them for their love for His chosen Imam Ali.
The more you love God's beloveds, the more you yourself will be loved by people on earth.
It is God's best gift that He grants to Shia girls. Others get MBE or OBE or whatever.
Kafirs women get nothing. Look at how despite their "freedom" they still get
abused exploited dumped and no body trusts them, nobody loves them. Its God's curse.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
This blog made me laugh.
Thanks for brightening my day up Malik.
Who is that a picture of?
m'A, very pretty ;]
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
Not all kafir women are bad you cant label them all the same just because of faith people also have goodness in them aswel and good charcater etc
and Shia females are better than the rest .... one of the most stupidest things i ever heard actually makes my blood boil because you just can't say that i nw Shia girls and Sunni girls and u will find good and not so good in both sects ....yet who are we to even judge anyway ... please just stop making stupid idiotic claims and get a life!!
well, he is entitled to his view I say. If someone disagrees with them, its not like they are married to him or something.
He can live in his idealised world and is entitled to it.
Saying that, I am not a fan of hyperbole and all these shia blog posts ahve something in common - they lack substance. the lack and why and the how and talk about his idealised world.
I wonder if he also thinks the same of the shia women who stood up and opposed ahmedinejad last summer... including that one that was killed while protesting.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I agree. I think Malik is entitled to his own opinions too. They're so funny.
Firstly LOL at Suhail! You made me laugh!
Second, Malik - I think i get what you mean about the royal family - are you saying that you can only talk about your own experience?
If so, don't you think that if you never give yourself (particularly your mind) an opening to new things, you won't be able to find a true analysis of whatever it is that you're stating? (Tbh I've only read one of your posts and this is it) so in this case that Shia chicks are better?
Also isn't dividing Muslims into categories wrong? Like I said, One Ummah, One Brotherhood or do you not believe that? (I'm actually just curious)
Personally speaking, I seriously aim to tear the sect label I was given away from me, because at the end of the day, a Muslim is a Muslim.
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
sure fine ofcourse he be entitled to his opinions,,,,and more than funny it just becomes a little annoying lol
I used to know some Shia boys and girls at the University. They were ok with me and I was fine with them. No problems.
They were into their own sect and rituals like beating themselves during Muharram.
I can't understand why a girl would beat herself when men can do it for her.
Slap across the face would work for many crazy girls.
Malik, whose is that picture of?
LOL . Brother Malik... What were u thinking when u worte this. This is the biggest type of malarky that ive heard.. Shias??? Well, generalistaions cannot be made about the whole of the shia population being 'sparkling angels'.. As in the same way it annot be made about all sunnis, wahabis or deobandis ect. We are all 0ne ummah, and believe in one god, follow the same book, and are all the ummati of the holy prophet (salalahu alyhiwasalam), therefore dont you think other people may have the same qaulities, or is it just in shias?????????
Lol.... Yes brother malikk has brightened everyones day!!! Jazakallah brother Malik!!!
LOL :badgrin:
"O Allah, I seek refuge with You from distress and grief , from incapacity and laziness, from miserliness and cowardice and I seek refuge in You from the burden of debt and from being overpowered by men"
Excuse me!! why do shia sisters make the best wives?? whats wrong with women of diff sects?? do enlighten me!!
i dont think you should take Malik seriously...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
and welcome muslimah 18!!
nice to have you with us!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
lol jzkallah khair sis lilly lol a just got aggravated by that shia women comment! its ridiculous!!
i did too! and was going to give a piece of my mind, then started reading the comments and realised that yeah, thats the best approach. he isnt worth taking seriously.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
A wife is a wife, shia or not, she will drive you nuts.
By the way I thought shia's were not even really muslim. Well I heard some are, but the really deviated ones are not.
Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul, which sometimes helps me and sometimes opposes me.
-Imam Al-Ghazali
I suppose that is the same for everyone?
@ B. Malik,
So do you mean Sh'iatte women by gene or practising Sh'iatte???
Eg, someone , perhaps, who's Mother/Grandmother is Sh'iatte, but the women herself no longer practises Sh'iatte, but is Sunni??? What do you mean?
Enlighten me...
Love is a serious mental disease.
@ Muslimah18:
there is nothing physically wrong with women of different sects. but shia females love holy ladies. hence they try their best to follow them. we all know pious girls should be married. thats what the prophet (pbuh) said. shia girls are most pious of all.
@ Isha Al-Maghribi:
i meant girls who praactice shia islam and follow the holy ladies of perfect family of Prophet (pbuh).
we are all shia be genes. shia is the way of fitra. its in our DNA. everyone is born shia. last muharram i bought a T-shirt in London which had "SHIA BY NATURE" written on it.
@ ZDC:
only non-shia girl drive you nuts. a shia wife will never annoy her husband. Allah stops her; a shia woman fears God and loves his Messenger.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
Oh for Gods save grow up malik. Come out of your narrow minded world of Shiaism and see the broader picture of life and Islam. Whilst your at it, go learn about Deen.
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.
Its ok. Just wait til he gets married.
I am sure she will find ways to drive him up the wall, and then he willl swear off shia woman.
Actually, that is a pretty cruel idea. Inshallah he will be happy in his marriage.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Lol. I don't get his idea of Islam or Shiaism. It's pointless talking to people like him.
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.
Lmao this blog was funny :O I know a couple of Shi'a sisters and I'm sorry to say but they're the complete opposite of what you say :O
And Omg :O Coincidence or what? Your avatar is of ''Shia Labeouf''...Or was that intentionally done?
in a lame, malikish way, yes...he had a malikish explanation for it that only makes sense to him... we had that debate somewhere...i gave up halfway...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Yeh but where?
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)