Nearly there, just few hours to go, i know i have asked this but how many people from this forum are comin, apart frm muslim kuri i got the hint lol
What bout u muslim sis and lilsis?
Neway those of you gals comin, c ya 2mro inshallah tc ws
Nearly there, just few hours to go, i know i have asked this but how many people from this forum are comin, apart frm muslim kuri i got the hint lol
What bout u muslim sis and lilsis?
Neway those of you gals comin, c ya 2mro inshallah tc ws
I believe there will be a press conference at the camp on Sunday with Shaykh Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri. I have been told all the mainstream media will be there. I will inshallah be there aswell.
I have been told the Shaykh did a very good talk on Islam and Peace on Thursday. He explained in detail about what Islam says about peace, violence, suicide bombings etc. I will try to put the speech on line as soon as it is available.
You're a lucky girl. Make sure you fill us all in when you return
Salam, what can i say? the camp was amazin well organised and beautiful place, congratulations to all those who organised such a succesful camp, may Allah and the Holy Prophet
bless them for their efforts..
The main aspect of this camp was of course Shaykh ul Islam Prof Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, we were so lucky to have been blessed with his presence that we cannot every repay Shaykh ul Islam for his favour, he gave us so much in these three days. The first night of the camp Shaykh ul islam took over 5 hrs out of his precious for people like us so we could benefit from his lectures, the lecture shaykh ul islam gave that first night was on spirtualism. The second was on adab "respect", and last one was about Dawah techniques in the west. Even though Shaykh ul islam was not well the last day he still blessed us with his presence for 4 whole hours.
I wil write more but since i am lackin time, have to head to work in a bit but maybe will be able to tell more on if i dont come online b4 all those bro and sis that are goin to the spiritual tour then i request that you remeber me in your dwuas and pray that i get the love of Allah (swt) and the Holy Prophet (saw), this camp was just three days, i cant imgaine what the 2 weeks are goin to be like with shaykh ul Islam, all i can say is make the most of it, these chances dont come very often, tc ws
yes i was there yesterday and heard the lecture on Dawah, which was very good.
I also distributed the revival magazines to the bros and sisters there, and spoke to many people about the magazine.
Asalamualaikum wr wb!
Alhamdullilah the camp was great!
I really hated coming home yesterday n couldnt stop thinking bout Shaykh ul Islam's great lectures n him.
The atmosphere was so peaceful n spiritual it made draw myself out of this world and i never thought bout home or anything whilst i was there. I had even forgotten home all together and loved every single moment of it.
I remember attending last years camp but alhamdullilah this year was different. I felt a lot more emotional and really didnt want to leave the place, learnt a lot and also felt the love for the holy prophet
and on top builded the love for my Shaykh.
Now all im thinking about is those 3 days n wish i could go back under the company of my Shaykh.
Well life goes on which means we all have to move on but im gonna concentrate on fulfilling my duty of dawah and carry on working for my mission as much as i can.
Jazak'Allah khair
p.s im pretty sure the tour would be great as 3 of my sisters are going too, im gonna miss them but im pretty sure they'll enjoy these 2 precious weeks.
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
Asalaamu alaikum
im lost for words...the 3 days of the camp were the best days of my life.
words cant do justice 2 the immensely spiritual atmosphere that was witnessed by everyone as soon as our Beloved Shaykh walked was totally amazing...its like your soul receives an instant uplift by looking at our Beloved Shaykhs face...Subhan'Allah
The lectures were excellant+i am so grateful and do not feel worthy as i got the opportunity 2 sit right at the front 4 most of the lectures. Just by looking at the blessed face of our receive the noor...Alhamdulillah.
I have never cried so much in my life...compared to how much i cried in those 3 days. When Qiblah Hazoor made the dua on the last was so touching, inspirational, full of love+forgiveness, asking for guidance, asking to be near Allah and our Beloved Rasool (peace be upon Him and His family) tears just would not stop and it was the same for everybody else.
what can i say...Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri is undoubtedly the greatest man of this century. He spends all his time praying for us, helping us, guiding us, inspiring us, giving us the love of our Beloved Rasool (peace be upon Him and His family), making us realise our sins and repenting for them. He is my inspiration, my guidance, my light towards the right path and I pray to Allah Almighty that through His Beloved Rasool (peace be upon Him and His family) that my Shaykh is blessed with strong health and always continue to bless us and shower us with his precious knowledge. AMEEN.
Just couldnt wait till wednesday to tell you all but a sister wanted to convert to islam but wasnt sure so wntd to be in the company of shaykh ul islam and when she attended the lectures she decided she wanted to convert so on the second day of the camp she took shahada in front of shaykh ul islam, so congrats to her and indeed its a blessing to have her accept islam...
yeh i met the sister...Suhan'Allah it is great to see more and more people embracing the beautiful deen in the hands of our Beloved dad was actually there when she took the shahadah! so he told us all about it.
Yes! Its was great 2 c a sister been converted by our Beloved Shaykh too.
Sis muslim_kuri i miss Qaid too
We culdnt stp cryin in those 3 days, i still cant
after every single namaz when i remember him i still cry.
Its been 2 days nw since im bk n nothin is goin rite my thoughts r with my Shaykh at all times n i alwayz think bout him were eva i go. We are definately luky to hav him as our Shaykh n also part of our mission otherwise without him they wuldnt hav been 1.
His nooraniyat, smile, kindness, humbleness, generosity, love, moderation and purity its only noticed weh one sits in his lecture n personally hears it.
Words just cant describe the real feeling someone has 4 him n in dis occasion neither can i.
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
Not neccessarily.
I watch a lot of his videos and even though I havent had the chance to meet him personally, all the above attributes you mentioned in your post come across to me.
I don't believe in having just one sheikh but I hold a lot of respect for him and its incredible how much he's done for Islam.
Bro/sis ive seen many pple say all sorts bout him but wen they c him in real life n hav met him they alwayz take they words bk.
U mght b sayin all dis becoz u havent met him, id request u 2 attend a gathering in his company one day den ull c de truth. U cannot learn a lot bout him wen u watch videos n stuff the truth is shown wen u r present in the lecture.
Jazak'Allah khair
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
Salaam. i'll co-sign everyones heres comments on the camp. in addition to that the organisation was excellent and the location was very serene. plus the brothers on the camp, especially the glasweigans, londoners, and the danish were very nice people alhamdulillah.
) but we must take what we have learned from the camp and become stronger and get involved in the mission. Inshallah, if all goes to plan, his eminence Shaykh-Ul-Islam will be staying at my house for 2 nights on his trip to Manchester later this month! Inshallah
everyone here is invited!
about actually bieng in Shaykh-Ul-Islam's can gain all the knowledge you want, but to be in the presence of a pious person and gain 'adab' will take you closer to Allah (swt). the Shaykh was immensley outstanding in his speeches, and touched everyone.
3 people actually converted to islam in those 3 days, subhanallah.
unfortunately it was only 3 days, and i guess it couldnt last forever. (bieng back at work and then uni later makes me wanna
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
omg you lucky lucky person!! when is the manchester event is that op the 20 or 21st? let me knw..
in regards to mujahidas post i think chm1 was actually sayin that shaykh ul islam is an amazin person just by seeing his lectures, and shaykh ul islam has himself said that watch my videos and you will get the same blessing as you do in my presence as many ppl dont have the means to attend the events due to many reasons but due to their dedication for islam they get the blessings..
i hear what you say and your right, if you cant make the journey then watch the dvd's/read books! i got the new double disc on the Islamic State, looking forward to watching that when i get outta work! but what mujahidah said is true, in his prescence is something else. im lucky in the sense ive met him on several occasions (once at the IMQ HQ in Lahore) and hes a great individual. who else on earth writes thousands of books, has thousands of DVD's and millions of cassettes but doesnt earn a SINGLE penny of it??
Inshallah hes at Victoria Park mosque on 21st Aug, when hes actually here im not sure but were getting the house ready!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
i knw obviously being in his prescence is a diff thing but the blessing ppl receive those who dont have the means to see him then the blesings are the same..are u goin 2 tour, man am i jealous of all those goin!!!!!!!!
i agree, there is nothing compared 2 being in the blessed presence of our Beloved Shaykh...just seeing their face full of noor makes me feel inspired+ i feel an instant spiritual uplift. no doubt that the blessings we receive while in the presence of our great Qaid are uncomparable and priceless...but it is also just as important for us to continue watching their lectures on video/dvd...the message of our Qaid is always with us...he is always in our hearts, minds....since being back from camp iv been seeing their blessed face in my dreams...subhan'Allah so beautiful! sis mujahida i know how u feel...cant stop cryin..look back at the time spent with our Qaid n i want it back n to be repeated over n over for eternity....theres no peace in this world but like our Qaid has told us we have to attain sleeplessness and uneasiness to Insha'Allah gain the happiness. We need to sacrifice our sleep and our time for our great mission+Insha'Allah we always will continue to do so!
one of the many things our Qaid said that sticks in my mind:
'before seclusion from the world create seclusion within your hearts'
Subhan'Allah, May Allah Almighty always give us the toufeek to heed to the message that our Qaid gives us with true sincerity from the bottom of our hearts, AMEEN
Thot id giv my comment on the camp as i went aswel. woz excellent ! the way it woz so organised, the venue woz real nice. The lectures, i learnt soo much, Shaykh ul Islam has MashAllah soo much knowledge n i definately got a few issues cleared in my head such as aqeeda. ovcors then Shaam came on sat nyt n that woz a nice mehfil. The whole ov the 3 days wer very emotional n especially his last dua wich i knw had olmost evry1 in tears including me!!! wen i came bak home i cudnt stop talking bout the camp, i missd it loads!! n a yr is 2 long ov a wait 4 the nxt camp!!! Gud thing is Shaykh Ul Islam is cumin 2 manchstr in a few weeks 2 Victoria Masjid n hez cumin 2 rochdale Minhaj Ul Quran b4 that so im lukin 4ward 2 seein him agen!
"The Prophet (s) is the path...Allah Almighty is the destination"
your right sis i dont think any1 can wait to see our Beloved Qaid again!
nope not going tour unfortunately altho i wud luv 2! is he coming rochdale as well? do you know the date and where the IMQ in rochdale is? theres about 20 mosques near milkstone road!
im seriously considering taking a year out of uni to go learn personally from him. my sis, sum of yous might hav met her, did it last year. and if you recall the slideshow on it, Sister Nazia Tariq's comments were on the slide show...she did it in its 1st year, shes my cuzn lol. i wanna go too now! jus gotta make ma mind up when. inshallah
any1 else considering doing the ICIS course this year?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
not this year but Insha'Allah in the future
thats what a lot of people i asked to come with me said lol. i thawt i'd go in 2 years after ive done my LLB, but like the Shaykh said, he may be writing his book by then and he might not do the course again if he doesnt get 50 people this year. so far i hear its only about 30. i know situations are diffrent for everyone, but its about the struggle remember!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
i understand what your saying
but me n sisters are gona work harder for the mission here 1st...try 2 build a strong foundation for Minhaj-ul-Quran. id luv 2 go this yr but my parents also agree that work should be done here my struggle is to stay in uk and work for Minhaj-ul-Quran and going icis would be the easy option for me..if u see what i mean! but Insha'Allah our Beloved Qaid will continue the course and il get 2 go in the future...maybe nxt yr...but even if it doesnt happen as long we keep struggling for the mission where ever we are then we will Insha'Allah get the rewards in the hereafter.
I am goin ICIS this yr inshallah!!!!!!! cant wait. you will have to name your sis il knw who she is as i knw most of the gals that went this yr as my sis was one of them 2...
yeah true, inshallah i hope we all get to go one day.
my sister is called Saba Khan, from Oldham. glasgows got a funny accent
but really nice lads from there, hope 2 see em all again soon
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
i thought we should move this topic over here lol
yeh i know when Qiblah said that we could have a break because some of the 'brothers and sons' were getting tired the night its always the males!
but yea it made us realise that they do soo much for us and we cant even sit through all the lectures...but like u said i think after that every1 was fine
oh btw i know sis saba
lol, maybe it was the males.....but we hardly slept! we counted 5 hours total in the 3 days.
how u knw my sis? shes really nice isnt she? noothing like me!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
i dont think anyone slept
at the icis presentation in manchester she was 1 of the sisters giving a speech...also met her last yr in glasgow camp
all the Minhaj sisters are kool...alhamdulillah
hey hayder, ur saba's bro so u wer in the van with us wen we went 2 the camp! lol Shaykh Ul Islam is cumin 2 rochdale on the 20th- day b4 the conference in manchstr victoria masjid. we'v jus calld him 2 do dua in minhaj ul Quran rochdale n its a dinner.
N bout the icis course, cant do it this yr coz gna start uni tho wud want 2 do it in the future inshAllah.
"The Prophet (s) is the path...Allah Almighty is the destination"
Asalamu alaikum
Masha'Allah, the camp was absolutely amazin, Big-Up to ALL the organisers for organisin such a superb event n may dey ALL be remarded for their efforts, Masha'Allah, the atmosphere was soo peaceful, due to the wonderful surroundings n wen Qibla Huzoor came in it felt like there was a sudden uplift in evryones hearts, Subhan'Allah, jus goes to show how significantly Great he is n how much of an effect he has on ppl! he is a true inspiration to the muslim world, Masha'Allah, Our Qaid can really develop Ishq-e-Rasool in pplz hearts, i dont think i hav ever cried that much b4, da dua he made was supremely amazin, you cud jus feel the closeness of Allah (swt).
P.S. The ppl who are attentin da tour are very lucky n fill us in wen u get bak,
"nafrath gunaho sey karo, gunagaro sey nehi"- (Professor Dr Muhammad Tahir-Ul-Qadri)
lol Sis Asiyah, yeah thats me....hope u liked the burger, sorry if u didnt
oh and i apologise about the journey to and from as well, there were hiccups there were outta our hands, but the van we got was last minute and outta desperation. sorry for any discomfort anyway.
inshallah if its confirmed hes stayin at our house, ur invited 2 come visit.
thats really good, is it a mens event as well? i'll defo come down rochdale.
the best time to take a year out is before you go uni, UCAS defer enteries....loadza people do it to go abroad, see the world, work, relax etc. but inshallah hope we all get to go some day still makin ma mind up whether to start my 2nd year at uni next year rather than now!
mashallah, wat uni u goin n wat u studyin?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.