The intent to offend

Recently something happened where many expected a ballistic reaction from Muslims in general - The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) was depicted in a two part south park episode.

The media was salivating at the expected reaction, the network broadcasting it was cowering in fear - it censored the second of the two episodes to sucha degree that even speeches that did not mention Islam or the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) werew bleeped out.

CNN and other media were positive of a reaction - why wouldn't there be one? Remember the dutch cartoon saga and the many protests?

CNN even rolled out the chief Islamophobe Ayaan Ali Hirsi to condemn Islam as an extremist religion and the state was set.

and two Muslims reacted. "Revolution Muslim" as the group/website are called reacted and this was lapped up by the media as the first of something that would keep the media cycle juiced up for a very long time.

Except that was more or less the only reaction - and by a couple of people who are barred at preaching at their local mosque.

So what went wrong? why are the heads not rolling?

Firstly, let me say that it pleased me that the network did have to think twice before airing the episode - before insulting anyone it is a good thing to think twice.

But the more important point - that has mostly been missed - is one of intentions.

Southpark and its writers were not using the depiction as a primarily as a way to offend.

The dutch cartoons that were published were. That was some of their primary purpose - more so in repeat reproductions where some other newspapers decided to "show solidarity" by printing them again.

Ofcourse there is also the case that times have moved on and some saw the reaction to the first to be damaging and there is always a chance that a furore over the Southpark episodes will develop in the future, but if that day comes, we will see.

In short, if you intend to offend, don't be surprised if you cause offence.

Or is the real story that Revolution Muslim - an unheard of gorup is now heard of by many many people and all it had to do was write a few words?


what is southpark? what happened? any links I could check out to understand what You are talking about?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?