Girl Power!!! In Islam

Written by Sajid Iqbal


“They have to walk 10 steps behind their husband”

“They can’t even work”

Yeah yeah, heard it all before and probably a lot more. What is it with people thinking Islam treats women as second class citizens? Don’t tell me, you sometimes wonder that too? Well STOP THERE, because you’ll be surprised just how many rights women are given in Islam. Not Convinced ? Read on ! You will soon realise that its not the Spice Girls who introduced 'Girl Power' but it was Islam.

Next time you think Islam oppresses women, a woman is worth half a man and that Islam treats them like second class citizens then never forget this:

What does Islam give to women? Islam elevated the status of women 1,400 years ago by declaring them equal to men, giving them the right to work, right to education to the highest level, right to vote, right to take public office, right to join the army, right to divorce (God forbid), right to inheritance, right to marry who she wishes (yippie!!) and so on and so forth, the list is endless….you got all day?

Are Muslim women allowed to work?

There is NO legal provision in either the Qur’an or the Sunnah (sayings & way of life, of the Prophet ( blessings and peace be upon him)) which prevents a woman from seeking a career or a job. Women are permitted to take up such important professions as teaching, medicine, lawyers, accountants, MP, journalist – just to name a few!

In British and other western countries women don’t even get paid equally for doing the same job as a man!(1)

The money a Muslim woman earns is her own. In the Western world, on the other hand, any property a woman possessed, belonged exclusively to her husband. WHAT? It’s true.(2)

So I hope that’s made things crystal clear!

Are Muslim women allowed to seek Education?

You bet they are! Acquiring knowledge in Islam, is a duty binding both males and females. In a hadith (saying) of the Prophet (Blessing and peace be upon him) it states: “It is a duty on both men and women to seek knowledge (religious and secular)”. (Ibn Maajah)

Yet, it was not until the beginning of the 20th Century that Western women were allowed to attend University. Shocking!(3)

So girls, get yourselves down to college/University!


Do you want to know something that will make you fall of your seat? Around that time the child was only recognised to have one parent – the father! In Islam, however, the status of the mother is so high, that the Prophet (Pbuh) said – “Jannah ( Paradise) is at the feet of the Mother”.(Bukhari & Muslim )


Islam gave women political rights including voting and taking part in political activities such as sitting in parliament and becoming MPs. Lets not forget that women only got the right to vote in Britain in the beginning of the 20th century!

It took three generations for the British woman to win the most basic rights. Outrageous!Women underwent arrest, humiliation, hunger strikes, protest marches – JUST TO GET THE RIGHT TO VOTE!

Voting was secured as late as 1918. Society was very hostile towards women, regarding them as, wait for it – Deviants. Yet Islam gave women these rights 1400 years ago without them even asking for it!

What rights does a Muslim woman have over her husband?

If there’s one thing that the West believe to be true – is that a Muslim woman has to walk 10 steps behind her husband, she has no say in any matter and she’s there to cook, clean and look beautiful for her ‘Purpose in life’ (husband) to appear. YEAH RIGHT!

Just get your head around some of the rights Islam has provided for women and realise what real GIRL POWER is all about:-

Any money she earns or inherits is her own and her husband still has to provide for her… now we're talking about girl power!

On Marriage, she is entitled to receive a gift, Mahr, (which is usually in the form of money) and this is her own property.

Under Islamic Law a woman cannot be married off without her consent. She has final approval on a marriage partner and she can refuse and cancel a marriage arranged without her consent.

She is not required to change her maiden name upon marriage, as Islam recognizes her independent legal personality.

A great number of Jurists, say that the wife is not required to perform the household chores! ( Malik & Shafi – schools of thought).

Although the Prophet(saw) was such a great leader, he assisted in the house cleaning and mended his own clothes. SO HUSBANDS DO SOME HOUSEWORK PLEASE!

It is the husbands duty and full responsibility to provide expenses for: food, clothing, recreation etc, even if his wife is filthy rich!

Contrary to common belief – in the Islamic law a husband cannot, I repeat cannot, beat his wife or even mistreat his wife.

There is a saying of the Prophet ( Blessings and peace be upon him) “ … The best of those are those that are best to their wives”. (Tirmidi)

She also has the right to initiate a separation from marriage if her rights under marriage are not being granted. SO A WOMAN DOES HAVE THE RIGHT TO DIVORCE.

Widows have the right to remarry, and they are in fact encouraged to do so.

The Customs of dowry, is a practice which has never been sanctioned by Islam.

I’ve got to stop or I’ll end up writing a book. Believe me this list is endless!

“Why do Muslim women have to cover? This is oppression surely!”

Nowadays, topless and mini skirts are OK but covering yourself is 'oppression'… Who you trying to fool? Take a good look around, be honest – do you think women are being degraded? Yep, so do I.

Women wearing next to nothing selling cars, plastered upon bill boards, upon magazines, the internet and just about anywhere and everywhere. Blimey, if that’s not degrading, what is? Islam emphasizes on modesty. No person should be seen as a sex object. Men also have to dress modestly.

What are the benefits in covering?

When a woman puts on her hijab, dresses moderately and steps out. She’s sending out a message LOUD & CLEAR – “Deal with my mind and not my body”. What will happen:-

Men will stop flirting with you, they’ll start talking to you.

You’ll be taken seriously, because they won’t be looking elsewhere.

There will be no arm around the shoulder or waist, they’ll stand almost a yard apart.

Ask any sister who dresses Islamically, and she’ll tell you, that by behaving like a Muslimah, she attracts a GREAT AMOUNT OF RESPECT.


Not Islam, but sadly some Muslim men, do oppress women today. This is because of their cultural habits or their ignorance about Islam.

So what we find is that Islam gives women wonderful rights and has done for over 1400 years. Women are by no means seen as second class citizens in Islam....actually it looks like women have more rights in Islam than men do!



  1. is external) eng/dynpages/camp_pay.asp
  2. is external)
  3. ibid
  4. Muslim converts Association


Nice stuff!!!! But, unfortunately some Sheikhs and some academics would argue with that, maybe we should dig deeper next time and look at more controversial things and let's use more Quranic and Hadith References. How about that?

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

When a woman puts on her hijab, dresses moderately and steps out. She’s sending out a message LOUD & CLEAR – “Deal with my mind and not my body”.

The picture in the corner of 'Girl Power' does'nt really fit this does it? :doubt:

'Allah gives and forgives
Man gets and forgets' Baba Ali is external)

They're all wearing hijab. It's just the emitting light that's doing all the shining.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Courage wrote:
They're all wearing hijab. It's just the emitting light that's doing all the shining.

They ARE wearing quite tight clothes which show their curves.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Great article but pic not appropriate for it. It looks like the muslimahs are gonna lash out to a bit of travolta's night fever.....

You know that bit about hijab, when you wear it you'll be taken seriously? I was by many, but to be honest I also saw some muslim men giving me bad attention, so although i'd love to agree I wouldn't use that argument myself because I only half believe in it. Considering I'm in all black jilbab and scarf no one could say I was asking for any sort of sexual attention. So how can you counteract this argument? Coz I find myself thinking no it doesn't ward off men, wards off some, but not all.

Once I started wearing the niqab I was like a deadly insect repellent to all men they didn't so much as look in my direction in case I unleashed my venomous niqabi powers. you understand what I'm saying? So personally I feel more protected in my niqab, but I take the point other sisters can feel protected without niqab.

“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]


If the Niqab ever became the norm, men would adapt.

We are a versatile creature. For good and for bad.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Hajjar wrote:
Great article but pic not appropriate for it. It looks like the muslimahs are gonna lash out to a bit of travolta's night fever.....

You know that bit about hijab, when you wear it you'll be taken seriously? I was by many, but to be honest I also saw some muslim men giving me bad attention, so although i'd love to agree I wouldn't use that argument myself because I only half believe in it. Considering I'm in all black jilbab and scarf no one could say I was asking for any sort of sexual attention. So how can you counteract this argument? Coz I find myself thinking no it doesn't ward off men, wards off some, but not all.

Once I started wearing the niqab I was like a deadly insect repellent to all men they didn't so much as look in my direction in case I unleashed my venomous niqabi powers. you understand what I'm saying? So personally I feel more protected in my niqab, but I take the point other sisters can feel protected without niqab.

I think he said that men are LESS likely to mess you around, though I think the sort of men you're likely to attract, if at all, by wearing hijab are the ones who want to check you for marriage.

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

But is that not the case only because there are easier targets out there?

If the hijab was the predominant form of clothing, would they not then become the lowest common denominator?

I think the sort of men you're likely to attract, if at all, by wearing hijab are the ones who want to check you for marriage.

I don't think she meant that kind of attention...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

guys still look at you if you are covered from head to toe (khimar and abayah) and not for marriage reasons. with niqaab i've noticed no one looks at you in that way.

Noor wrote:
guys still look at you if you are covered from head to toe (khimar and abayah) and not for marriage reasons. with niqaab i've noticed no one looks at you in that way.

Question is if that would remain the same way if the Niqab became more normal/accepted. Personally, I doubt it.

Read about harrassment in Muslim countries - the victims there in many instances are wearing Niqab.

Niqab can be a good thing, but its not the only thing needed to stop harassment (of some types - it may occasionally encourage harassment of a different nature.).

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

In Syria prostitutes wear the niqab to cover their shame.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:
In Syria prostitutes wear the niqab to cover their shame.

in pak too

You wrote:
Noor wrote:
guys still look at you if you are covered from head to toe (khimar and abayah) and not for marriage reasons. with niqaab i've noticed no one looks at you in that way.

Question is if that would remain the same way if the Niqab became more normal/accepted. Personally, I doubt it.

in uk yes, abroad i don't know. some guys are just pervs.

imo women will always be stared at. Covered or not. In some places the niqab just draws attention to itself. Women in hijaab get looks too.

Its a case of which way will u get the least amount of attention,unless of course attention is what you want. And in some professions it might be.

Back in BLACK

where do u get ur emoticons from?!

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Refreshing and empowering. Smile

However i noticed you mentioned the idea that “They have to walk 10 steps behind their husband” but didn't address it...

So you can do so now Pardon
Does it have any substance?
Where did it come from?
What connects it to Islam?
Do Muslims still believe it in some places?

#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #

MakeMeRawr_6TeenF wrote:
Refreshing and empowering. Smile

However i noticed you mentioned the idea that “They have to walk 10 steps behind their husband” but didn't address it...

So you can do so now Pardon
Does it have any substance?
Where did it come from?
What connects it to Islam?
Do Muslims still believe it in some places?

When Princes Diana first visited Kosovo, she was appalled to find that the wives all walked 10 paces behind their husbands.

When she returned near the end of the '90s, however, she was pleased that they now walked 10 paces ahead of their husbands.

She asked someone why it had changed... the answer was 'landmines'.


Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:

When Princes Diana first visited Kosovo, she was appalled to find that the wives all walked 10 paces behind their husbands.

When she returned near the end of the '90s, however, she was pleased that they now walked 10 paces ahead of their husbands.

She asked someone why it had changed... the answer was 'landmines'.


Is Kosovo a Muslim country?

and how is walking ten paces in front any better?
If she was upset because she thought women walking 10 paces behind men symbolized oppression... then shouldn't she be upset because now men walking 10 paces behind meant THEY were being oppressed?

Men being oppressed matters too.

#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #

MakeMeRawr_6TeenF wrote:
Ya'qub wrote:

When Princes Diana first visited Kosovo, she was appalled to find that the wives all walked 10 paces behind their husbands.

When she returned near the end of the '90s, however, she was pleased that they now walked 10 paces ahead of their husbands.

She asked someone why it had changed... the answer was 'landmines'.


Is Kosovo a Muslim country?

and how is walking ten paces in front any better?
If she was upset because she thought women walking 10 paces behind men symbolized oppression... then shouldn't she be upset because now men walking 10 paces behind meant THEY were being oppressed?

Men being oppressed matters too.

It was a joke. A tasteless joke.

And yes, Kosovo is (on the whole) a Muslim country. I have an Albanian friend who went and fought there, actually, although he isn't Muslim.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

MakeMeRawr_6TeenF wrote:

Men being oppressed matters too.

True... but it doesn't really happen nearly as much of the time.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:

It was a joke. A tasteless joke.

And yes, Kosovo is (on the whole) a Muslim country. I have an Albanian friend who went and fought there, actually, although he isn't Muslim.

oh right :S

Well i didn't get it.... Diana's adventures were before my time i think Blum 3

Did he go and fight there against Muslims? is Albania a Muslim country?

Ya'qub wrote:

True... but it doesn't really happen nearly as much of the time.

D'you mean men being oppressed by women doesn't happen nearly as much of the time?

And it doesn't matter how much it happens... it's the principle...
I've noticed in a lot of things (for e.g in wars and things) some people mention how 'innocent women and children' are being killed and/or injured... But what about the innocent men?
I know there's that idea that men are much more capable of defending themselves...and as a general thing that might be true, that men are MORE capable...but they don't have bullet proof armour for skin... they're human too.

Imo it should just be innocent PEOPLE dying.

#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #

Noor wrote:
guys still look at you if you are covered from head to toe (khimar and abayah) and not for marriage reasons. with niqaab i've noticed no one looks at you in that way.

But that's less likely isn't it? I mean you're less likely to be looked at in a sexual way.

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

In her book "Women and Gander in Islam", Leila Ahmed says that in pre-Islamic times, the veil was a sign of class and prostitutes didn't cover - that was how you knew what they were

Sorry, "Gender" not Gander. Ha ha.

If a woman earns her own money, then why should a man still have to provide for her? If women are equal, then aren't they capable of providing for themselves?

Benevolent sexism is still sexism.