Peace to everyone.
I am a Shia Muslim.
I believe in one true God, Allah.
I believe that Shia Islam is the true original Islam taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Today, I follow the Ayatollah as my religious leader.
I believe that after death, there will be a Day of Judgement, when all men and women will be held accountable for their actions.
I will stand behind my Master, Imam Ali.
Imam Ali will intercede and save me from harm because I loved him according to teachings of the Prophet.
Imam Ali is the first of the Twelve Imams prophesied by the Messenger of God.
Imam are Infallible and do not make mistakes,
Hadith books report that Prophet said, "there will be Twelve Imams after me".
My website is here:
The Islamic World is now sick of American lies, deceit, hypocracy and oppression of Muslims.
To all Muslims, the actions of U.S. reveal more than its fake promises.
Ninty-two percent of all Muslims hate United States.
They pray to God to sink USA.
In 1979, Ayatollah Khomeni rightly named America as "The Great Satan".
Latest news from Iran:
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this member Albani and Awlia does not look like a muslim to me.
I think he is a jew pretending to be a muslim.
anyone can register with a muslim sounding name. kafirs use these old tricks to confuse muslims.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
I don't think your theory has merit, and if you meant me I have never gone into that kind of depth, or set out to cause sectarianism. That is the kind of nonsense tyrants feed their hapless subjects.
the deaf and the blind and dumb has spoken, as ali RA said you shias hurt m with your false beliefs.
So who is false me or you the shitas, allah has kept me in the correct path but look at you shias as hussayn RA cursed you you 2 are one of the cursed ones in false fairy tale beliefs. Ali RA hated you, his son and grandson hated you, dang the people who made your false belief on you and they rejected it, and you the deaf blind and dumb still believe in them despite being rejected and proven wrong.
You shias are so false that even christians would destroy you in debates.
It is also what kafir Mossad murderers and satanic CIA feed their stupid morons agents.
by the way, i did not have you in mind. if i did meant you, i would've said so.
im not affraid of an oppressive zionist like you joie de vivre, or whatever your real lanati name is.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
Joie do u support the zionists? :S
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
[b]How Ali was granted wilayat (guardianship) of the universe.[/b]
God's holy Prophet (pbuh) was forced to flee from his home town because meccans had made plan to assassinate him.
When God gave permisson for hijrah (migration), all the muslims went from mecca to medina. They were refugees.
Only Prophet (pbuh), Ali and Abu Bakr were left behind.
The rest all either rushed ahead to medina, or, cried out of fear in the cave outside mecca.
No one else was ready to lay down his life for Prophet(pbuh).
On the fatal night, assassins surrounded the house of Prophet. They believed that only Prophet was inside all alone. They would kill him at midnight. To save the Prophet someone had to sleep on Prophet's bed to confuse the killers that he was still in mecca and in his home.
Ali volunteered. He said he would sleep on the fatal bed.
Ali said if I sleep would you live? Prophet said yes.
Prophet said "O Ali tonight is the night of great danger."
Ali said if my sleeping saves you then i will sleep on your bed.
The Prophet wept. He hugged and kissed his 22 year old cousin. He prayed for Ali and gave him his cloak for sleeping.
Ali slept on Prophet's bed with Prophet's cloak over him.
Killers thought this was Prophet sleeping on the bed, and at midnight the attack will take place.
The story is very long. You can read it yourself.
Essentially, Prophet slipped out of the house with God's help. That night God also saved Ali who then joined the Prophet some days later.
The story shows Ali was ready to sacrifice his life for God and His Messenger.
[b]Quran says for his act of love on the night of Hijrat, God selected Ali for Nobel Prize: The keys to the Universe.[/b]
This is what is written in Shias as well as Sunnis books. Hijrat story shows how Ali won love of God and became master of the Universe.
This is confirmed by great sunni scholars like Fakhruddin Razi and Jalaluddin Suyuti, each in his Tafsir books.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
Once again, we do not deny Hadhrat Ali (ra) and that has never been in dispute.
We of the Ahlus Sunnah also respect Hadhrat Ali (ra) as a very pious and important figure within the muslim community.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Is Malik trying to convert us all to Shias?
Nothing wrong with that; we all love Ali.
But there is no need for him to degrade the Caliphs.
Mr Malik is one zealous Shia, I must say.
I just read the above migration story. Its often related by our scholars too. Its simply beautiful.
They say that our lunar calendar starts from this night. Its when Holy Prophet Mohammed fled to Medina.
I would have thought that birth of Prophet was better to begin the Islamic era.
No, another member that has since been deleted by 'Ed was trying to show Malik the error of his ways.
Well, maybe he is also trying to "convert" us, but I think that is a lost cause.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
im not trying you convert you. why would i do that?
you brothers and sistes are already muslims.
we only try to convert kafirs who hate islam.
Last year a new kafir woman converted and became a shia muslim. she takes part in muharram processions and does matam. she now wear hijab. she is also a presenter on the free AHLULBAYT TV - SKY 842.
Ahlulbayt TV is the world's first free-to-air, full English TV Channel dedicated to the message of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and His Holy Household (AS). Available on SKY and Galaxy.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
I don't know what you think a zionist is but decent people who have long called themselves zionist are perplexed and offended that they are compared to people they are very unlike such as Nazis or the apartheid regime of South Africa. Since Israel does exist, most zionists today could technically dispense with the label and just point out they support measures for peace and don't believe Israel should be destroyed. If you do not support peace and prefer that Israel should be destroyed you can call yourself an anti-zionist. If you mean anything less wholesome by the term then I suppose I am not a zionist by your definition, but it is a hostile definition in the first place - nobody measures up to that kind of demonisation. Not a yes-or-no answer but it's in there somewhere. None of this is to diminish opinions about Israel, but making the discussion one about zionism is BS, is framing intended as an attack on Israel at every level, and I believe it is a tactic to bringing hostilities to an overwhelming jihadi victory over every inch of Israel. I'm not new to this topic so I can confidently ask, is it not so?
NB If you want to pursue the topic please find or start a thread, I don't think this is a good one for discussing my thoughts on Israel.
That means a yes. I was right.
Zionists are not decent people. They are thieves. They stole land of muslims. They are killers. They murder Palestinians every day. They are worse than Nazis. They treat Arabs like Germans treated Jews. They are unjust. They punish entire population for crimes of few. They are cursed by God. They hate the truth. They have changed the Holy Bible. They act unjustly. They deny innocent Palestinians the right to live free and happy life. Zionists are evil. They discriminate on racial and religious grounds. They are oppressors. UN says Israelis are criminals. They violate basic human rights. They are heartless. They demolish homes of muslim families.
God curse the Zionists, and may they burn in Hell.
May the Zonists and their generations of ruined. Ameen.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
I think it is best to talk about real issues and specifics instead of about names that can have varied and different meanings to different people.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Another hadith of Prophet (pbuh):
[b]"I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is its Gate."[/b]
If you want to know God and the Prophet, then you have to go through Imam Ali. If you want to know the real path to God and the truth in all its purity, then only Imam Ali can give you that.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
Why don't you say
Ya Rasulullah Madad?
differentiation, identity.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
^i didn't ask you.
please could you explain why shia hit themselves on the 10th of muharam, i thought that it haraam to hurt yourself, so you do apart from the entertainment of viewers. and why when other Muslims watch some shias try and covert us!!!
Can't wait, 10 days left for some real wrestling up close!!!!
Maybe if they had less spectators, they would have less to "prove"?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
We did. We still do. We even say Ya Hussain, and Ya Mahdi, etc.
It was Prophet (pbuh) who told us to say Ya Ali Madaad after him.
Whoever calls on Imam Ali, God will mysteriously assist him in any problem.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
Shia Muslims believe that God created Prophet and Imam Ali before anything else. They are God's first creation. Everything else was created after the creation of Prophet and Ali. All the Universe was created for the Prophet (pbuh). If God had not created Prophet, He would not have created the Universe. Prophet is the master, and Ali is his student.
Prophet's hadith say:
[b]"I am the Guardian of those whose take Ali as their Guardian."[/b]
[b]The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: "I am Ali are from one Light."[/b]
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
God has created us all to worhip Him. But how do we do that.
Allah does not come down and tell us how to pray and worhip.
You cannot worhip Allah in the correct way. Only the correct way pleases Him. How can you worship Allah in the right way unless Ali tell you how to do that?
Without Imam Ali, no one can even know Allah let alone worship Him.
If you think you can, then go ahead, carry on. Your worship will be vain. Without Imam Ali, all your religious acts, rituals, charity and other good deeds are a complete waste of time and useless effort. You will get no reward at all.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
You're missing out something there - God sent us a messenger to guide us.
Hadhrat Ali (ra) was a follower of this messenger, but not a prophet himself.
The message that the Prophet
brought was wrote down within the lifetime of the Prophet (saw).
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
First of all your evidence for that please...
And what exactly do you mean 'without imam Ali' ...All muslims accept Ali RA as a khalif if that is what you mean.
but if u mean seeking his help etc then how can Ali RA help us if he has passed from this world.
There is a hadith here Prophet (pbuh) said:
[b]"Love for Ali is faith and hatred for Ali is hypocracy".[/b]
If you like Imam Ali, you are a believer in the eyes of God.
If you dislike him, you are a kafir in the eyes of God.
In that case, all your good deeds will be wasted. You will land in Hell.
Lanat on you. Your worships are not accepted.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
No sunnis dislike Imam Ali (ra). The shia on the other hand can hold enmity with his friends.
You seem to be missing where the issue lies, and it is not about the status of Imam Ali (ra).]
Can you really be the friend of Imam Ali (ra) and of the Prophet
if you show enmity to their companions?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
doesn't that apply to all the khalifs then...so why do some shi'as not accept all of teh khalifs and even go as far as hatred. < which is obv wrong in anyones eyes.
Prophet (pbuh) named only Ali.
He did not say love for Mawiya is faith, did he?
Prophet (pbuh) spoke like this only for Ali. He said if you have love for Ali, then in the sight of God you are a true believer. Your iman is true. If you have dislike for Ali, then in the eyes of God you are a kafir, a hypocrite. cursed person. You are a disbeliever.
Prophet did not say these kind of special things for any other person. Yes he praised sahaba, but he did not make their love essential part of islam, part of iman. Prophet (pbuh) did not say if you dislike Mawiya, you are a hypocrite. Did he?
Ali was very special among sahaba. He was unique. He is infallible. Sinless. That is why God told His Prophet (pbuh) to identify Ali in a very special way.
Your fate in the hereafter depends only on your relationship with the Prophet and with Imam Ali. No one else.
Hadith are very clear on this issue. If you dont follow them, then its up to you. You are playing with fire.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
May Allah guide you.
Allah has guided me.
May Allah guide you.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".