Submitted by awlia (not verified) on 4 December, 2009 - 23:04 #31
Noor wrote:
awlia wrote:
Noor wrote:
the remembrance of Allah is not LIMITED.
Allah isn't limited so how can dhikr be limited?!
by the orders of allah and teachings of muhammad SAW it is limited.
bring forth your proof.
The 4 best words for DHIKR
The Prophet says:
Samura ibn Jundub reported that the Prophet said: "The dearest phrases to Allah are four: subhan Allah, wa al-hamdu lillah, wa la ilaha illallah, wallahu akbar: "Glorified is Allah, and Praise be to Allah, and There is no God but Allah, and Allah is most Great," There is no harm in beginning them in any order you choose while remembering Allah." (Narrated by Muslim)
The Prophet says:
"Whoever glorifies Allah at the end of every Salaat 33 times (subhanallah), and praises Allah 33 times (Al-hamdulillah), and utters the word of Greatness 33 times, (Allahu Akbar) that is ninety nine, then completes it with one hundred, saying: `Laa ilaha illallah wahdahu laa sharika lahuu lahul Mulk wa lahul hamd wa huwa `alaa kulli shay in qadeer, his shortcomings will be forgiven, even if it is as large as the froth of the sea." (Muslim)
Everything in islam has its limitation accept, even loving muhammad SAW has a limit, now that i have shown you my proof show me your proof of dhikr having no limit.
Submitted by awlia (not verified) on 4 December, 2009 - 23:08 #32
Noor wrote:
the remembrance of Allah is not LIMITED.
Allah isn't limited so how can dhikr be limited?!
the rememberence of allahin not limited, but the ways to remember allah is limited, limited to the ways allah has ordered us to do so, and the ways muhammad sSAW teached us to do so.
Such as in islam we pray 5 times a day, now can you change that in to 6 times a day? no you cant as allah has given us the 5 daily prayers which we have to do which canot be increased or decreased.
the rememberence of allahin not limited, but the ways to remember allah is limited, limited to the ways allah has ordered us to do so, and the ways muhammad sSAW teached us to do so.
now you are saying it isn't limited, jeez, make up your mind!
from the quran:
remember Allah standing, sitting and lying on your sides - surah nisa, v103
remember Allah with much remembrance - surah ahzab, v41
from the above two verses what do you deduce?
if Allah says remember me standing, sitting and lying on your sides, doesn't that imply that you can remember Allah by any means?
are you saying that we can love the prophet enough?! what is enough? if Allah az wa jal praises the prophet (saw), then how can our praise, love ever be enough or even reach a maximum?
I am not praising Muhammad by my own mouth because there is no praise beyond the praise of Allah (swt) and there are no words beyond the words of Allah (swt) in praise of the Prophet and no human being knows the rank of the Prophet and the deep respect he deserves better than Allah (swt) - Hassan bin Thabit (ra)
Submitted by awlia (not verified) on 5 December, 2009 - 11:58 #35
Noor wrote:
awlia wrote:
even loving muhammad SAW has a limit
are you saying that we can love the prophet enough?! what is enough? if Allah az wa jal praises the prophet (saw), then how can our praise, love ever be enough or even reach a maximum?
I am not praising Muhammad by my own mouth because there is no praise beyond the praise of Allah (swt) and there are no words beyond the words of Allah (swt) in praise of the Prophet and no human being knows the rank of the Prophet and the deep respect he deserves better than Allah (swt) - Hassan bin Thabit (ra)
Seriously you have to go back to the basics:
what is the order of love of islam,
muhammad SAW
our parents
can you love your parents equally to muhammad SAW? no you cant why because their status is not as high as muhammad SAWand their not worthy to be loved in thatleve.
Muhammad SAW can he be loved in the same level as allah? no he cant as only allah is worthy to be loved in that level, so for muhammad SAW if you start saying his worth his above a prophet then you have commited shirk, as muhammad SAW is a prophet this is the highest level allah has given him and if you view him above that then you have broken the rule, as allah has already given him his highest rank and if you take it above that then your disobeying allah as you have just disagreed with what allah has laready given.
So even loving muhammad SAW has a limit, as if it goes above the limit which allah has given, if youstart viewing muhammad SAW more then what he is then you are first disagreeing with allah, and you are making your own rule which is going against allah.
So you have to love muhammad SAW to the limit allah has given, which is love himas he is our prophet, the best of creation, the guidance to us, but if you take it above that then your lvoe for him has gone to a haram level.
Back to topic - original post says there is nothing wrong with repeating the name of Allah (swt).
(I assume awlia is aware that God changed the qibla from bayt al maqdis to the Ka'bah because the Prophet wanted it so?)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by awlia (not verified) on 5 December, 2009 - 12:29 #38
Noor wrote:
awlia wrote:
Seriously you have to go back to the basics
seriously you need to stop copying and pasting.
if i wanted to right that myself i could, but why other when yolu can use the easier method.
if i wanted to right that myself i could, but why other when yolu can use the easier method.
because people may start reading your posts.
Submitted by awlia (not verified) on 5 December, 2009 - 12:32 #40
You wrote:
Back to topic - original post says there is nothing wrong with repeating the name of Allah (swt).
(I assume awlia is aware that God changed the qibla from bayt al maqdis to the Ka'bah because the Prophet wanted it so?)
theri is nothing wrong with dhikr as long as you do it the correct way, again like saying subhanalla 33 times, but doing in that method is haram (huwa huwa)
And the direction of qibla changed becasue allah revealed it to muhammad SAW to change his direction towards kabah, trying to put words in my mouth again are you. Too bad its not working
Submitted by awlia (not verified) on 5 December, 2009 - 12:32 #41
You wrote:
Back to topic - original post says there is nothing wrong with repeating the name of Allah (swt).
(I assume awlia is aware that God changed the qibla from bayt al maqdis to the Ka'bah because the Prophet wanted it so?)
theri is nothing wrong with dhikr as long as you do it the correct way, again like saying subhanalla 33 times, but doing in that method is haram (huwa huwa)
And the direction of qibla changed becasue allah revealed it to muhammad SAW to change his direction towards kabah, trying to put words in my mouth again are you. Too bad its not working
theri is nothing wrong with dhikr as long as you do it the correct way, again like saying subhanalla 33 times, but doing in that method is haram (huwa huwa)
Your original post says there is npothing wrong with it, hence it cannot be haraam. It may not have any benefit, but that is a different matter.
Haraam does have harm in it.
awlia wrote:
And the direction of qibla changed becasue allah revealed it to muhammad SAW to change his direction towards kabah, trying to put words in my mouth again are you. Too bad its not working
From the qur'an: [qs:2:144]. read it and weep.
Or if you prefer Yusuf Ali's translation:
We see the turning of thy face (for guidance to the heavens: now Shall We turn thee to a Qibla that shall please thee. Turn then Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque: Wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do.
(I also assume you are aware that Yusuf Ali was most likely a Shia?)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by awlia (not verified) on 5 December, 2009 - 13:13 #43
You wrote:
awlia wrote:
theri is nothing wrong with dhikr as long as you do it the correct way, again like saying subhanalla 33 times, but doing in that method is haram (huwa huwa)
Your original post says there is npothing wrong with it, hence it cannot be haraam. It may not have any benefit, but that is a different matter.
Haraam does have harm in it.
awlia wrote:
And the direction of qibla changed becasue allah revealed it to muhammad SAW to change his direction towards kabah, trying to put words in my mouth again are you. Too bad its not working
From the qur'an: [qs:2:144]. read it and weep.
Or if you prefer Yusuf Ali's translation:
We see the turning of thy face (for guidance to the heavens: now Shall We turn thee to a Qibla that shall please thee. Turn then Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque: Wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do.
(I also assume you are aware that Yusuf Ali was most likely a Shia?)
you got nothing left in you have you making me repeat the same thing over and over again:
dhikr isnt haram, saying HUA HUWA is haram, as this is a form of dhikr that has been innovated, the method of dhikr that is halal is the saying of subhanallah alhamdulilla and allahu akbar 33 times, that is dhikr, i said dhikr is allowed, but the dhikr of huwa huwa is haram, do i need ot break it down more?
as for qibla
Prophet Mohammed prayed facing Jerusalem for sixteen or seventeen months after arriving in Medina. But after received this hurtful news Prophet Mohammed used to come out at night and look into the sky awaiting the revelation from Allah (SWT) about this matter. The following verse was revealed at this time:
Indeed We see the turning of your [Prophet Mohammed (saw)] face to heaven, so We shall surely turn you to a Qiblah which you shall like; turn then your face towards the Sacred Mosque, and wherever you are, turn your face towards it, and those who have been given the Book (i.e. Jews and the Christians) most surely know that it is the truth from their Lord; and Allah is not at all heedless of what they do. Glorious Qur'an (2:144)]
And yusuf ali was a sunni, allah ordered muhammad SAW to change the direction to kabah.
It has no implications to do with eemaan (faith) or kufr (disbelief), commands or prohibitions. This was not mentioned by anyone from the Salaf (early generations) of this ummah, and it was not prescribed by the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
Actually, this is the heart of the matter. If you are saying that there is no harm (or benefit) to the action, why spend all this time to fight against it?
You are not calling the saying of Allah's name to be harmful, nor are you saying that it is a sin. So why debate the matter at all?
your own post says that it has no implications, yet you keep arguing. I am quoting what you cut and pasted. address it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Got any links for this? all I have read suggests the opposite, but it was not conclusive, hence the "probably" in my post.
awlia wrote:
allah ordered muhammad SAW to change the direction to kabah.
Yes he did, in order the please the Prophet (saw), as mentioned in the verse.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by awlia (not verified) on 5 December, 2009 - 13:18 #46
You wrote:
awlia wrote:
And yusuf ali was a sunni
Got any links for this? all I have read suggests the opposite, but it was not conclusive, hence the "probably" in my post.
awlia wrote:
allah ordered muhammad SAW to change the direction to kabah.
Yes he did, in order the please the Prophet (saw), as mentioned in the verse.
check out his biography, get some books on him,find them somewhere,and read.
check out his biography, get some books on him,find them somewhere,and read.
but getting the info out of you would be much more convenient!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by awlia (not verified) on 5 December, 2009 - 13:30 #48
You wrote:
awlia wrote:
check out his biography, get some books on him,find them somewhere,and read.
but getting the info out of you would be much more convenient!
the lst thing im gonna say for today, as i willbe going out for zuhr and asr now:
Submitted by RI_RS on 5 December, 2009 - 13:44 #49
You wrote:
Haraam does have harm in it.
Oh yeah! Haraam
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
Submitted by Dawud on 5 December, 2009 - 18:08 #50
Salaam Awliya,
Is it OK for me to remember the name of my Lord and mention the word "Allah"?
Sorry, if you're getting stressed out over here, when people disagree they tend to get petty and attack each other. Please let me know if you feel that I am attacking you, as that would not be cool.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Submitted by awlia (not verified) on 5 December, 2009 - 21:30 #51
Dawud wrote:
Salaam Awliya,
Is it OK for me to remember the name of my Lord and mention the word "Allah"?
Sorry, if you're getting stressed out over here, when people disagree they tend to get petty and attack each other. Please let me know if you feel that I am attacking you, as that would not be cool.
even if i fealt you were attacking that would be no problem infact it would be a good challenge for me.
Anyway theirs nothing wrong with saying allah, when remembering allah or at difficult times we usually say ya allah, but if you want to turn that into a dhikr then its wrong, as their is no quran or sunnah ruling on just saying allah to perform dhikr, the ones that have been ordered to use are subhanallah, alhamdulillah allahuakbar, and many others, think about it you sitting down and just chanting allah allah allah, allah what? what about allah, so obviously in order to do dhikr you need to say something that means something, like subhanallah, glory to allah, allahukabar, allah is the greatest, like this you are praising allah and saying something of value to your rab
1. Your own post says that there is no harm in it - you keep ignoring that. Quoting from before:
You wrote:
awlia wrote:
It has no implications to do with eemaan (faith) or kufr (disbelief), commands or prohibitions. This was not mentioned by anyone from the Salaf (early generations) of this ummah, and it was not prescribed by the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
Actually, this is the heart of the matter. If you are saying that there is no harm (or benefit) to the action, why spend all this time to fight against it?
You are not calling the saying of Allah's name to be harmful, nor are you saying that it is a sin. So why debate the matter at all?
2. The ahadith you quote have the words "best of" and not the word "only" which to me atleast implies that the well... as it says... best dhikr's are mentioned. not the only allowed ones.
3. If we go by what you say, someone not aware of Arabic cannot remember at all!
4. Who does dhikr exclusively of "Hu"/"Huwa" or just "Allah" ? I thought most went through that verse of the qur'an that mentions many names/attributes of God.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Dawud on 6 December, 2009 - 17:28 #53
awlia wrote:
Dawud wrote:
Salaam Awliya,
Is it OK for me to remember the name of my Lord and mention the word "Allah"?
Anyway theirs nothing wrong with saying allah, when remembering allah or at difficult times we usually say ya Allah,
I'm glad we can agree on that. Everything else is in the small details
but if you want to turn that into a dhikr then its wrong, as their is no quran or sunnah ruling on just saying allah to perform dhikr, the ones that have been ordered to use are subhanallah, alhamdulillah allahuakbar, and many others, think about it you sitting down and just chanting allah allah allah, allah what? what about allah, so obviously in order to do dhikr you need to say something that means something, like subhanallah, glory to allah, allahukabar, allah is the greatest, like this you are praising allah and saying something of value to your rab
That makes sense, we should definitely start our zhikr with some information about Allah, just like the Salah starts with Allahu Akbar. But if the zhikr starts to fill your heart and every intake of breath becomes an "Al Hamd" do you think it might be alright if your spoken exhalation was purely "Lillahi"?
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Submitted by awlia (not verified) on 7 December, 2009 - 10:26 #54
Dawud wrote:
awlia wrote:
Dawud wrote:
Salaam Awliya,
Is it OK for me to remember the name of my Lord and mention the word "Allah"?
Anyway theirs nothing wrong with saying allah, when remembering allah or at difficult times we usually say ya Allah,
I'm glad we can agree on that. Everything else is in the small details
but if you want to turn that into a dhikr then its wrong, as their is no quran or sunnah ruling on just saying allah to perform dhikr, the ones that have been ordered to use are subhanallah, alhamdulillah allahuakbar, and many others, think about it you sitting down and just chanting allah allah allah, allah what? what about allah, so obviously in order to do dhikr you need to say something that means something, like subhanallah, glory to allah, allahukabar, allah is the greatest, like this you are praising allah and saying something of value to your rab
That makes sense, we should definitely start our zhikr with some information about Allah, just like the Salah starts with Allahu Akbar. But if the zhikr starts to fill your heart and every intake of breath becomes an "Al Hamd" do you think it might be alright if your spoken exhalation was purely "Lillahi"?
lillahi simply means god, so cant use that alone for dhikr, wont make sense.
Submitted by awlia (not verified) on 7 December, 2009 - 10:37 #55
You wrote:
1. Your own post says that there is no harm in it - you keep ignoring that. Quoting from before:
You wrote:
awlia wrote:
It has no implications to do with eemaan (faith) or kufr (disbelief), commands or prohibitions. This was not mentioned by anyone from the Salaf (early generations) of this ummah, and it was not prescribed by the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
Actually, this is the heart of the matter. If you are saying that there is no harm (or benefit) to the action, why spend all this time to fight against it?
You are not calling the saying of Allah's name to be harmful, nor are you saying that it is a sin. So why debate the matter at all?
2. The ahadith you quote have the words "best of" and not the word "only" which to me atleast implies that the well... as it says... best dhikr's are mentioned. not the only allowed ones.
3. If we go by what you say, someone not aware of Arabic cannot remember at all!
4. Who does dhikr exclusively of "Hu"/"Huwa" or just "Allah" ? I thought most went through that verse of the qur'an that mentions many names/attributes of God.
what the scholar meant by that was this huwa huwa thing, it was so unknown to the prophet SAW and his sahabas that their is not a single hadith whioch states any of the thing emtniopned above about it, and nor by the salafs either, not that its ok or anyhting.
As for dhikr to use, all the dhikr allowed to use for dhikr have been mentioned in hadiths, and were not allowed to just make new ones out of nowhere, those are the ones ordered to be used, and subhnallah alhamdulillah and allahuakbar, arent the only ones that are allowed to use, their are pelanty of different types of praises that can be used in dhikr, pleanty, if you search for them you can find them, but you cant innovate something out of nowhere, like the huwa huwa.
AS for myself im still learning/started learning to speak arabic, all these years i have memorised many different duas, some which i dont know the meaning of, i dont have any problems remembering them or what they should be used of.
As for metnioning dhikr using quran, well of course many duas are from quran, the fanmous dua rabbana athina fid-duniya and the rest, that dua is from the quran, obviously what can be a better source then the quran, and the names and artubutes of allah are used in dhikr, if they are im sure they are used in a sentence that has some meaning in it, and some praise inshallah.
Submitted by awlia (not verified) on 7 December, 2009 - 10:37 #56
You wrote:
1. Your own post says that there is no harm in it - you keep ignoring that. Quoting from before:
You wrote:
awlia wrote:
It has no implications to do with eemaan (faith) or kufr (disbelief), commands or prohibitions. This was not mentioned by anyone from the Salaf (early generations) of this ummah, and it was not prescribed by the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
Actually, this is the heart of the matter. If you are saying that there is no harm (or benefit) to the action, why spend all this time to fight against it?
You are not calling the saying of Allah's name to be harmful, nor are you saying that it is a sin. So why debate the matter at all?
2. The ahadith you quote have the words "best of" and not the word "only" which to me atleast implies that the well... as it says... best dhikr's are mentioned. not the only allowed ones.
3. If we go by what you say, someone not aware of Arabic cannot remember at all!
4. Who does dhikr exclusively of "Hu"/"Huwa" or just "Allah" ? I thought most went through that verse of the qur'an that mentions many names/attributes of God.
what the scholar meant by that was this huwa huwa thing, it was so unknown to the prophet SAW and his sahabas that their is not a single hadith whioch states any of the thing emtniopned above about it, and nor by the salafs either, not that its ok or anyhting.
As for dhikr to use, all the dhikr allowed to use for dhikr have been mentioned in hadiths, and were not allowed to just make new ones out of nowhere, those are the ones ordered to be used, and subhnallah alhamdulillah and allahuakbar, arent the only ones that are allowed to use, their are pelanty of different types of praises that can be used in dhikr, pleanty, if you search for them you can find them, but you cant innovate something out of nowhere, like the huwa huwa.
AS for myself im still learning/started learning to speak arabic, all these years i have memorised many different duas, some which i dont know the meaning of, i dont have any problems remembering them or what they should be used of.
As for metnioning dhikr using quran, well of course many duas are from quran, the fanmous dua rabbana athina fid-duniya and the rest, that dua is from the quran, obviously what can be a better source then the quran, and the names and artubutes of allah are used in dhikr, if they are im sure they are used in a sentence that has some meaning in it, and some praise inshallah.
Submitted by awlia (not verified) on 7 December, 2009 - 10:37 #57
You wrote:
1. Your own post says that there is no harm in it - you keep ignoring that. Quoting from before:
You wrote:
awlia wrote:
It has no implications to do with eemaan (faith) or kufr (disbelief), commands or prohibitions. This was not mentioned by anyone from the Salaf (early generations) of this ummah, and it was not prescribed by the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
Actually, this is the heart of the matter. If you are saying that there is no harm (or benefit) to the action, why spend all this time to fight against it?
You are not calling the saying of Allah's name to be harmful, nor are you saying that it is a sin. So why debate the matter at all?
2. The ahadith you quote have the words "best of" and not the word "only" which to me atleast implies that the well... as it says... best dhikr's are mentioned. not the only allowed ones.
3. If we go by what you say, someone not aware of Arabic cannot remember at all!
4. Who does dhikr exclusively of "Hu"/"Huwa" or just "Allah" ? I thought most went through that verse of the qur'an that mentions many names/attributes of God.
what the scholar meant by that was this huwa huwa thing, it was so unknown to the prophet SAW and his sahabas that their is not a single hadith whioch states any of the thing emtniopned above about it, and nor by the salafs either, not that its ok or anyhting.
As for dhikr to use, all the dhikr allowed to use for dhikr have been mentioned in hadiths, and were not allowed to just make new ones out of nowhere, those are the ones ordered to be used, and subhnallah alhamdulillah and allahuakbar, arent the only ones that are allowed to use, their are pelanty of different types of praises that can be used in dhikr, pleanty, if you search for them you can find them, but you cant innovate something out of nowhere, like the huwa huwa.
AS for myself im still learning/started learning to speak arabic, all these years i have memorised many different duas, some which i dont know the meaning of, i dont have any problems remembering them or what they should be used of.
As for metnioning dhikr using quran, well of course many duas are from quran, the fanmous dua rabbana athina fid-duniya and the rest, that dua is from the quran, obviously what can be a better source then the quran, and the names and artubutes of allah are used in dhikr, if they are im sure they are used in a sentence that has some meaning in it, and some praise inshallah.
The 4 best words for DHIKR
The Prophet
Samura ibn Jundub reported that the Prophet said: "The dearest phrases to Allah are four: subhan Allah, wa al-hamdu lillah, wa la ilaha illallah, wallahu akbar: "Glorified is Allah, and Praise be to Allah, and There is no God but Allah, and Allah is most Great," There is no harm in beginning them in any order you choose while remembering Allah." (Narrated by Muslim)
The Prophet
"Whoever glorifies Allah at the end of every Salaat 33 times (subhanallah), and praises Allah 33 times (Al-hamdulillah), and utters the word of Greatness 33 times, (Allahu Akbar) that is ninety nine, then completes it with one hundred, saying: `Laa ilaha illallah wahdahu laa sharika lahuu lahul Mulk wa lahul hamd wa huwa `alaa kulli shay in qadeer, his shortcomings will be forgiven, even if it is as large as the froth of the sea." (Muslim)
Everything in islam has its limitation accept, even loving muhammad SAW has a limit, now that i have shown you my proof show me your proof of dhikr having no limit.
the rememberence of allahin not limited, but the ways to remember allah is limited, limited to the ways allah has ordered us to do so, and the ways muhammad sSAW teached us to do so.
Such as in islam we pray 5 times a day, now can you change that in to 6 times a day? no you cant as allah has given us the 5 daily prayers which we have to do which canot be increased or decreased.
now you are saying it isn't limited, jeez, make up your mind!
from the quran:
remember Allah standing, sitting and lying on your sides - surah nisa, v103
remember Allah with much remembrance - surah ahzab, v41
from the above two verses what do you deduce?
if Allah says remember me standing, sitting and lying on your sides, doesn't that imply that you can remember Allah by any means?
are you saying that we can love the prophet
enough?! what is enough? if Allah az wa jal praises the prophet (saw), then how can our praise, love ever be enough or even reach a maximum?
I am not praising Muhammad
by my own mouth because there is no praise beyond the praise of Allah (swt) and there are no words beyond the words of Allah (swt) in praise of the Prophet
and no human being knows the rank of the Prophet
and the deep respect he deserves better than Allah (swt) - Hassan bin Thabit (ra)
Seriously you have to go back to the basics:
what is the order of love of islam,
muhammad SAW
our parents
can you love your parents equally to muhammad SAW? no you cant why because their status is not as high as muhammad SAWand their not worthy to be loved in thatleve.
Muhammad SAW can he be loved in the same level as allah? no he cant as only allah is worthy to be loved in that level, so for muhammad SAW if you start saying his worth his above a prophet then you have commited shirk, as muhammad SAW is a prophet this is the highest level allah has given him and if you view him above that then you have broken the rule, as allah has already given him his highest rank and if you take it above that then your disobeying allah as you have just disagreed with what allah has laready given.
So even loving muhammad SAW has a limit, as if it goes above the limit which allah has given, if youstart viewing muhammad SAW more then what he is then you are first disagreeing with allah, and you are making your own rule which is going against allah.
So you have to love muhammad SAW to the limit allah has given, which is love himas he is our prophet, the best of creation, the guidance to us, but if you take it above that then your lvoe for him has gone to a haram level.
seriously you need to stop copying and pasting.
Back to topic - original post says there is nothing wrong with repeating the name of Allah (swt).
(I assume awlia is aware that God changed the qibla from bayt al maqdis to the Ka'bah because the Prophet
wanted it so?)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
if i wanted to right that myself i could, but why other when yolu can use the easier method.
because people may start reading your posts.
theri is nothing wrong with dhikr as long as you do it the correct way, again like saying subhanalla 33 times, but doing in that method is haram (huwa huwa)
And the direction of qibla changed becasue allah revealed it to muhammad SAW to change his direction towards kabah, trying to put words in my mouth again are you. Too bad its not working
theri is nothing wrong with dhikr as long as you do it the correct way, again like saying subhanalla 33 times, but doing in that method is haram (huwa huwa)
And the direction of qibla changed becasue allah revealed it to muhammad SAW to change his direction towards kabah, trying to put words in my mouth again are you. Too bad its not working
Your original post says there is npothing wrong with it, hence it cannot be haraam. It may not have any benefit, but that is a different matter.
Haraam does have harm in it.
From the qur'an: [qs:2:144]. read it and weep.
Or if you prefer Yusuf Ali's translation:
(I also assume you are aware that Yusuf Ali was most likely a Shia?)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
you got nothing left in you have you making me repeat the same thing over and over again:
dhikr isnt haram, saying HUA HUWA is haram, as this is a form of dhikr that has been innovated, the method of dhikr that is halal is the saying of subhanallah alhamdulilla and allahu akbar 33 times, that is dhikr, i said dhikr is allowed, but the dhikr of huwa huwa is haram, do i need ot break it down more?
as for qibla
Prophet Mohammed
prayed facing Jerusalem for sixteen or seventeen months after arriving in Medina. But after received this hurtful news Prophet Mohammed
used to come out at night and look into the sky awaiting the revelation from Allah (SWT) about this matter. The following verse was revealed at this time:
Indeed We see the turning of your [Prophet Mohammed (saw)] face to heaven, so We shall surely turn you to a Qiblah which you shall like; turn then your face towards the Sacred Mosque, and wherever you are, turn your face towards it, and those who have been given the Book (i.e. Jews and the Christians) most surely know that it is the truth from their Lord; and Allah is not at all heedless of what they do. Glorious Qur'an (2:144)]
And yusuf ali was a sunni, allah ordered muhammad SAW to change the direction to kabah.
to repeat myself:
your own post says that it has no implications, yet you keep arguing. I am quoting what you cut and pasted. address it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Got any links for this? all I have read suggests the opposite, but it was not conclusive, hence the "probably" in my post.
Yes he did, in order the please the Prophet (saw), as mentioned in the verse.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
check out his biography, get some books on him,find them somewhere,and read.
but getting the info out of you would be much more convenient!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
the lst thing im gonna say for today, as i willbe going out for zuhr and asr now:
Oh yeah!
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
Salaam Awliya,
Is it OK for me to remember the name of my Lord and mention the word "Allah"?
Sorry, if you're getting stressed out over here, when people disagree they tend to get petty and attack each other. Please let me know if you feel that I am attacking you, as that would not be cool.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
even if i fealt you were attacking that would be no problem infact it would be a good challenge for me.
Anyway theirs nothing wrong with saying allah, when remembering allah or at difficult times we usually say ya allah, but if you want to turn that into a dhikr then its wrong, as their is no quran or sunnah ruling on just saying allah to perform dhikr, the ones that have been ordered to use are subhanallah, alhamdulillah allahuakbar, and many others, think about it you sitting down and just chanting allah allah allah, allah what? what about allah, so obviously in order to do dhikr you need to say something that means something, like subhanallah, glory to allah, allahukabar, allah is the greatest, like this you are praising allah and saying something of value to your rab
1. Your own post says that there is no harm in it - you keep ignoring that. Quoting from before:
2. The ahadith you quote have the words "best of" and not the word "only" which to me atleast implies that the well... as it says... best dhikr's are mentioned. not the only allowed ones.
3. If we go by what you say, someone not aware of Arabic cannot remember at all!
4. Who does dhikr exclusively of "Hu"/"Huwa" or just "Allah" ? I thought most went through that verse of the qur'an that mentions many names/attributes of God.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I'm glad we can agree on that. Everything else is in the small details
That makes sense, we should definitely start our zhikr with some information about Allah, just like the Salah starts with Allahu Akbar. But if the zhikr starts to fill your heart and every intake of breath becomes an "Al Hamd" do you think it might be alright if your spoken exhalation was purely "Lillahi"?
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
lillahi simply means god, so cant use that alone for dhikr, wont make sense.
what the scholar meant by that was this huwa huwa thing, it was so unknown to the prophet SAW and his sahabas that their is not a single hadith whioch states any of the thing emtniopned above about it, and nor by the salafs either, not that its ok or anyhting.
As for dhikr to use, all the dhikr allowed to use for dhikr have been mentioned in hadiths, and were not allowed to just make new ones out of nowhere, those are the ones ordered to be used, and subhnallah alhamdulillah and allahuakbar, arent the only ones that are allowed to use, their are pelanty of different types of praises that can be used in dhikr, pleanty, if you search for them you can find them, but you cant innovate something out of nowhere, like the huwa huwa.
AS for myself im still learning/started learning to speak arabic, all these years i have memorised many different duas, some which i dont know the meaning of, i dont have any problems remembering them or what they should be used of.
As for metnioning dhikr using quran, well of course many duas are from quran, the fanmous dua rabbana athina fid-duniya and the rest, that dua is from the quran, obviously what can be a better source then the quran, and the names and artubutes of allah are used in dhikr, if they are im sure they are used in a sentence that has some meaning in it, and some praise inshallah.
what the scholar meant by that was this huwa huwa thing, it was so unknown to the prophet SAW and his sahabas that their is not a single hadith whioch states any of the thing emtniopned above about it, and nor by the salafs either, not that its ok or anyhting.
As for dhikr to use, all the dhikr allowed to use for dhikr have been mentioned in hadiths, and were not allowed to just make new ones out of nowhere, those are the ones ordered to be used, and subhnallah alhamdulillah and allahuakbar, arent the only ones that are allowed to use, their are pelanty of different types of praises that can be used in dhikr, pleanty, if you search for them you can find them, but you cant innovate something out of nowhere, like the huwa huwa.
AS for myself im still learning/started learning to speak arabic, all these years i have memorised many different duas, some which i dont know the meaning of, i dont have any problems remembering them or what they should be used of.
As for metnioning dhikr using quran, well of course many duas are from quran, the fanmous dua rabbana athina fid-duniya and the rest, that dua is from the quran, obviously what can be a better source then the quran, and the names and artubutes of allah are used in dhikr, if they are im sure they are used in a sentence that has some meaning in it, and some praise inshallah.
what the scholar meant by that was this huwa huwa thing, it was so unknown to the prophet SAW and his sahabas that their is not a single hadith whioch states any of the thing emtniopned above about it, and nor by the salafs either, not that its ok or anyhting.
As for dhikr to use, all the dhikr allowed to use for dhikr have been mentioned in hadiths, and were not allowed to just make new ones out of nowhere, those are the ones ordered to be used, and subhnallah alhamdulillah and allahuakbar, arent the only ones that are allowed to use, their are pelanty of different types of praises that can be used in dhikr, pleanty, if you search for them you can find them, but you cant innovate something out of nowhere, like the huwa huwa.
AS for myself im still learning/started learning to speak arabic, all these years i have memorised many different duas, some which i dont know the meaning of, i dont have any problems remembering them or what they should be used of.
As for metnioning dhikr using quran, well of course many duas are from quran, the fanmous dua rabbana athina fid-duniya and the rest, that dua is from the quran, obviously what can be a better source then the quran, and the names and artubutes of allah are used in dhikr, if they are im sure they are used in a sentence that has some meaning in it, and some praise inshallah.