Dead Body Exhibition

BODIES REVEALED the incredible exhibition about the amazing and complex machine we call the human body. Using real human specimens, painstakingly prepared and respectfully displayed, BODIES REVEALED lets visitors of all ages explore deep within the human body.

BODIES REVEALED demonstrates how our bodies work, what we need to survive, what destroys us and what revives us. BODIES REVEALED is a celebration of the human body, inviting you to become a more informed participant in your own wellbeing. The exhibition takes visitors through galleries providing an up-close and personal look inside the skeletal, muscular, reproductive, respiratory and circulatory systems of the human body.

The remarkable exhibition is both fascinating and educational having been used as a teaching aid within the medical profession in cities such as New York, Las Vegas, Dublin, Vienna and Athens. The BODIES REVEALED exhibition promises the unique opportunity to enlighten, empower, fascinate, and inspire all its visitors.

More info @

me and my friends wna go! Biggrin doesnt it sound wicked?!

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Ermm of you say so.

I feel quite strongly that you should boycott this.

Exhibitions of the human anatomy plastinated were developed by Gunther von Hagens, whose Body Worlds 4 exhibition debuted in Manchester. The exhibits are presented incredibly artfully in educational and thought provoking displays that represent a serious achievement, guiding the public from a love of art to a new understanding of what humanity is. His exhibits tour the world and it is only a matter of time before he brings them back to the UK.

Copycat exhibitions are not only artistically derivative and an affront to von Hagens' life's work; they are not as thoughtfully done; some of the plastination techniques of von Hagens' competitors have been found wanting, with bodies on display beginning to rot and wilt before the public - disgusting; and there is a question over where the cadavers have come from. Von Hagens' exhibits are people who wanted their bodies to be used in this way. Is is suggested that his competitors - and I am not accusing Bodies Revealed - have used the bodies of Chinese political dissidents. Von Hagens has a body donation program. All his competitors can say is that their bodies are "unclaimed". Von Hagens has a particular artistic vision. A great shame to settle for a fraud.

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

Am I the only one who thinks it is wrong to use dead bodies for such exhibitions, no matter how artfully it was done?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks it is wrong to use dead bodies for such exhibitions, no matter how artfully it was done?

I doubt that you are the only one.

Personally, presuming consent prior to death, I think the original museum shows are a justified, albeit artful, presentation of his science. I don't think having all of the style but none of the academic merit, as with these touring copycat exhibitions in casinos and the like(link is external), is at all justified. And yes, it is a fine line. One might not object to becoming a scientist's masterpiece or a part of his research, but one would not want to be plastinated by some wannabe PT Barnum(link is external) and sent to Birmingham.

NB The debate isn't new.

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

You wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks it is wrong to use dead bodies for such exhibitions, no matter how artfully it was done?

They have the permission of those who died to do this right?


Is that enough?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
Is that enough?

Why not? It's their bodies isn't it? And the exhibition isn't forcing anyone to come and see, only for those interested.

I wonder what it means when it says: 'respectfully displayed' .


probably that they are not dressed up to look like some chavs on a night out? or other depictions where the artist may be "having fun"?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks it is wrong to use dead bodies for such exhibitions, no matter how artfully it was done?



You wrote:
probably that they are not dressed up to look like some chavs on a night out? or other depictions where the artist may be "having fun"?

No, the "artists" in the case of the Body Worlds exhibitions are scientists displaying their work, artfully because the public doesn't want to see untidy corpses scattered about and also because a plastinated cadaver that is arranged in clever ways can show us all what the doctors see. In the case of this particular exhibition from what I have seen at the Bodies Revealed site the displays are boring if you've seen the real deal, rather than tasteless per se, but they are exploiting scientists not to mention the dead ignorantly for a buck, doing nothing original, and that certainly is distasteful.
  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

s.b.f wrote:
You wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks it is wrong to use dead bodies for such exhibitions, no matter how artfully it was done?


Just the idea that the dead should be respected, (and only used in matters where it saves others lives.)

It's like that woman in somewhere in America, whose remains were mummified upon death. and instead of burying or leaving her alone, she is in a museum.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:

It's like that woman in somewhere in America, whose remains were mummified upon death. and instead of burying or leaving her alone, she is in a museum.



Did she agree to it?


Can't find the link and no - I doubt many mummies agreed to it. It was apparently just a passing fad in the late 19th century to get mummified - just like getting frozen was one later on.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You didn't mention it was in the 19th century...

If wanting to be mummified was an option, why would people not want to be mummified? Some people are really afraid of being buried after they die. By being mummified, it means your body is above groud.

Suddenly all this seems pointless.

But, I do love museums.


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