Asalaamualaikum, hope your all well & havin a blessed Ramadhan.
I am curently raising money for charity and needed some ADVICE OPINIONS, im sure someone can help?
1)Wat makes u give £ to charity
(wat words dig deep in you heart, then make you dig deep in ur pocket)?
2)Wat fundraising ideas/activities methods hav worked for u in the past?
3)Any other tips, advice, suggestions welcomed
(by the way charity is Orphan Care Home in Pakistan)
i would really appreciate your ideas, views, suggestions
amd look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
Personally, I really dislike being guilt-tripped into giving money. So words that (artificially) 'dig deep' into my heart and pocket make me run away.
No idea about fundraising - just PLEASE don't make it FUNdraising and/or 'wacky'.
Mainly I care about money going directly through to the people it's intended for - i.e. not big organisations with a lot of bureaucracy/red tape. So maybe speaking to/hearing from the people who are ACTUALLY on the front-line (building/managing the orphanage or at least visiting it themselves) helps.
EDIT: if that fails, tell people the many ahadith about looking after orphans, and mention that the Prophet
himself was an orphan.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
I think she is more on about raising awareness - for the people there, most will dig into their pockets .Digging deep is not necessary, digging wide is - microdonations from many people can be greater than large donations from a few people.
"Eid Dinner"?
A few years ago when there was some violence in Kosovo, 'Ed did some money raising for there - an expensive dinner for people willing t pay.
And then the genius bit: with the left overs, go door to door, give them some food and mention why.
Was not there (or involved) but I hear the outcome was more than satisfactory.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Salaam Ya'qub
i see what you mean.
Yes i have mentioned hadiths.
Will mention that Prophet saw himself was an orphan.
Thank You for your reply
Salaam You
i see what you mean.
yes eid event great
Thank You for your reply
Salaam Wednesday
i see what you mean.
Yes charity event better than just you
Yes it is part of an organisation.
Thank You for your reply
you're raising money for Aaghosh aren't you? masha'Allah.
we have done many fundraising events and masha'Allah all have been very successful.
i'll send you a pm.
I think she sees what we mean.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Show them the business plan.
Show what your charity has already done. Then show how it plans to do more for the future. This would make me think that my money would achieve concrete results and not just be useless. Then break your appeal into small units which cost a reletively small amount and "sell" the units to your audience.
If you show me concrete results, I'll believe in your work.
If you show me concrete plans, I'll feel optimistic about what you're doing.
If you make it easy for me to achieve a lot by spending a little, I'll probably pay up.
You are mean, I see.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
yes. its the name of the orphanage that is being built in pakistan.
Salaam Noor
Yes Aagosh.
Wats a pm?
im interested.
Thank You for your reply
Salaam Dawud
Yes Allahmdolillah this has been implimented
Thank You for your reply
Salaam Wednesday
yes Aagosh part of Minhaj Welfare Foundation part of Minhaj Ul Quran
Minhaj Welfare Foundation Aagosh 1(link is external)
Minhaj Welfare Foundation Aagosh 2(link is external)
Thank You for your reply
i duno wt to introduce.
pm means private message. When you sign in there should be a few options on the left hand-side, one of them is messages. If you investigate that you can send private messages.
You can introduce yourself on the new member's thread.
Good luck with the appeal.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Salaam Dawud
Thank you for that i know wat pm is now.
Plz make dua that we reach our target £2k inshAllah.
Asalaamualaikum ppl,
Good News... Allah-amdolillah ive met half my target!!!
In-shaa-Allah - i will reach the £2,000 target soon!!!
mashAllah, keep up the good work.