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"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
got a wedding to attend 2moro

im dreading it

its all the way in Bolton

and its a crappy weather

my loverly suit is gonna get so creased up and trampy by the time we get there Cray 2

bless, what you wearing sis?

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
got a wedding to attend 2moro

im dreading it

its all the way in Bolton

and its a crappy weather

my loverly suit is gonna get so creased up and trampy by the time we get there Cray 2

why dont you just take your clothes with you and get changed there?

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

a baby pink and blue suit from Dulhan

wore it last Eid

with matching accessories

I attended a wedding in Bolton today, we left at 10 in the morning and returned at 10 at night.

Despite dads crazy driving we were in the car for at least 8 hours today. Despite my protests we stopped at the service station once there, and once on the way back. I felt like a christmas tree as we stopped for coffee. I was so embarrassed, I was very overdressed for a service station!

The wedding was pretty 'normal' despite the fact my cousin, was marrying an English convert.

She had on the traditional asian garms (no gold though), and we ate typical asian food...which she seemed to enjoy.

Both families seemed to get on very well with one another, prob cos they both have a lot in common - my cousin (and all his siblings) are docters, very rich and have been educated in private schools...and she's in the same profession and has had the same upbringing.

The only difference in this wedding was that, the bride must have had links/background to scotland as many of her guests were wearing Kilts.

I would have liked to have seen more 'English' influnces in the wedding (such as food and dress). Especially since her parents and family were present...but I have a feeling they may do a 'white wedding/registration' later on.

"MuslimSister" wrote:

The only difference in this wedding was that, the bride must have had links/background to scotland as many of her guests were wearing Kilts.

Alhamdulillah! I hope the kilts were below the knee...

"MuslimSister" wrote:
I would have liked to have seen more 'English' influnces in the wedding (such as food and dress). Especially since her parents and family were present...but I have a feeling they may do a 'white wedding/registration' later on.

I think this is what I may end up doing (a two-stage wedding to incorporate both cultures)

Otherwise, if we try to balance the British and Malay traditions, we may end up with what could be described as an Apple-and-Chicken-Curry-Crumble (i.e. a mess!)

Don't just do something! Stand there.

[size=18]What is a wedding? Webster's Dictionary defines a wedding as "The process of removing weeds from one's garden.[/size]

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Are you sure you never typed "weeding"?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"You" wrote:
Are you sure you never typed "weeding"?

whats WITH everyone on this forum?!


Don't just do something! Stand there.

No idea.

Are they acting weird?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Noor" wrote:
aye, especially that You.

I think Noor is a pirate in disguise, that would explain the aye

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

"Naz" wrote:
"Noor" wrote:
aye, especially that You.

I think Noor is a pirate in disguise, that would explain the aye

or Scottish

hoots me noo!

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Just spent the last 20min reading over this a lot has changed.

Desite my protests my wedding will be bigger and more 'cultural' than I wanted it to be.

Dress fittings, shoppings, get togethers etc is all very exciting..but now that there are just 6weeks to go I'm honestly getting sick and tired of wedding talk..

I appreciate the fact that as Asian girl, EVERYTHNG has been organising for me..the catering, halls, transport, cards, etc

Which is good as I have zero interest in these things.

I'm just reponsible for my make up and flowers.

However, I cant stand the fact that cos this is an 'asian' wedding...every 'asian' i know, has an opinion regarding this wedding...its either 'too western' 'too cultural/not cultural enough' 'too extravagent/not extravegent enough' etc etc

Rant over.

I actually posting cos I'm sending out weddings invitations soon...if any beloved 'oldies' would be able to come to London around xmas time, do drop me a PM.

My aunties bro is getting married (having a love marriage). Hes paying for his own wedding and is pushing out the boat (booking nawaabs). The earliest date he can get is April 09. Its ridiculous.

Ive never been to an Arab wedding before so should be interesting as none of the brides relatives can speak Punjabi or English Lol

Personally i think British Pakistani weddings are boring. The ones in Pakistan are soooo much more fun. Throwing money over the grooms head, putting oil on his head, and theres this stick thing with sparkly things on it which you kinda move around in a circle and side to side over the grooms head (thats if you can reach the grooms head). I dont understand the reasoning behind it all but its still good fun Biggrin

I agree
some weddings nowadays are waaaaaayyy too ott!!!

OUR weddings however are tres boring
u go there
sit down for hours
n then go home

OUR weddings again are segregated
the only time theyre not is wen the groom comes to sit with the bride
n MAYBE his best man or best men flit in and out to do something
so ye, they're segregated

theres no dancing at our weddings or anything
I would like that!
but no
we're boring ppl!

This is so wrong, what business do strange men have in the Fitness of another man's women!?
theyre men!
ALL guys look
its what they do
sad, but true
we cant change that
in our weddings they're segregated so no guy's gonna see the bride
n wen shes leaving the hall to go to her new house, they put a chadar over her head anyway
so noone sees her

some people were going on about the bride's fake modesty
how do u know its fake???
most brides DO feel really shy
theyre getting married, their life is gonna change after that day!
so its not fake at all! girls tend to get shy

and the whole covering the face during nikaah is more of a nazar thing really
not cos its fake modesty

ditto our weddings are the same. No dancing (your imitating a khoteralee), no talking really loud, no laughing, no jokes, no smiling no looking happy, sit up straight and look repespectable, do not draw attention to yourself. For heavens sake its a wedding not a flippin funeral.

But that doesnt stop one of younger sisters, she a proper wild child and you can hear her gob from the other side of the room Lol

Naz* wrote:
My aunties bro is getting married (having a love marriage). Hes paying for his own wedding and is pushing out the boat (booking nawaabs). The earliest date he can get is April 09. Its ridiculous.

Ive never been to an Arab wedding before so should be interesting as none of the brides relatives can speak Punjabi or English Lol

Personally i think British Pakistani weddings are boring. The ones in Pakistan are soooo much more fun. Throwing money over the grooms head, putting oil on his head, and theres this stick thing with sparkly things on it which you kinda move around in a circle and side to side over the grooms head (thats if you can reach the grooms head). I dont understand the reasoning behind it all but its still good fun Biggrin

I don't know if this is sjust a stereotype but, I've seen/heard Arabs acting like Native Americans at their weddings, you know with the "screaming"?

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

MuslimSister1 wrote:
Just spent the last 20min reading over this a lot has changed.

Desite my protests my wedding will be bigger and more 'cultural' than I wanted it to be.

Dress fittings, shoppings, get togethers etc is all very exciting..but now that there are just 6weeks to go I'm honestly getting sick and tired of wedding talk..

I appreciate the fact that as Asian girl, EVERYTHNG has been organising for me..the catering, halls, transport, cards, etc

Which is good as I have zero interest in these things.

I'm just reponsible for my make up and flowers.

However, I cant stand the fact that cos this is an 'asian' wedding...every 'asian' i know, has an opinion regarding this wedding...its either 'too western' 'too cultural/not cultural enough' 'too extravagent/not extravegent enough' etc etc

Rant over.

I actually posting cos I'm sending out weddings invitations soon...if any beloved 'oldies' would be able to come to London around xmas time, do drop me a PM.

Just sit back and relax. Enjoy it all.

and act like a prima donna. and enjoy it.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

The Lamp wrote:
Naz* wrote:
My aunties bro is getting married (having a love marriage). Hes paying for his own wedding and is pushing out the boat (booking nawaabs). The earliest date he can get is April 09. Its ridiculous.

Ive never been to an Arab wedding before so should be interesting as none of the brides relatives can speak Punjabi or English Lol

Personally i think British Pakistani weddings are boring. The ones in Pakistan are soooo much more fun. Throwing money over the grooms head, putting oil on his head, and theres this stick thing with sparkly things on it which you kinda move around in a circle and side to side over the grooms head (thats if you can reach the grooms head). I dont understand the reasoning behind it all but its still good fun Biggrin

I don't know if this is sjust a stereotype but, I've seen/heard Arabs acting like Native Americans at their weddings, you know with the "screaming"?

Good. It should liven things up abit.


Why oh why have you changed your name? If you dont have a clue what im on about then ignore me, ive got the wrong person lol.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Got this in an email. I just had to share it with everyone (its soooo funny). If anyone is offended by the contents then im very sorry (but its not suppose to be) and admin feel free to delete it. Quite long but worth the read.

[B][FONT=Arial][SIZE=12]Online Nikkah Chat Transcript[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR] aa [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR] wa [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR] what's going on? [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR] nothing much. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR] did u get any word on the banquet hall? [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR] ugh [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR] i tried everywhere ayesha and every place was so expensive [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR] OMG!!! [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR] abdul!! [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR] [IMG][/IMG] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR] do you know much it sucks to wait! we've been waiting to get this nikkah done for months! [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR] sorry [IMG][/IMG] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR] omg this is retarted [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR] *retarded [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR] shut upp [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR] are you mad at me? [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR] maybe [IMG][/IMG] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR] Well I have an idea (i) [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]:[/COLOR] oh this will be good [IMG][/IMG] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR] we can have an online nikkah [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR] a what?! [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR] yeah! it should be easy to do. i think everyone we need is online right now. let's get it done! [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR] oh wow [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR] come on, i'm sinning right now just typing to you. let's nikkah this thing asap! [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR] arright arright lemme call my abbu and tell him the story... that u r being stingy and don't want to book a banquet hall and just want to do it online [IMG][/IMG] lolzz [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR] lol [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR] brb [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR] k [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR][/FONT] omg my dad agrees haha
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] hahah i knew it. we're sooo stereotypical memons eh
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR][/FONT] yeah lolz
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams*:[/COLOR][/FONT] ok now what
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] well i jsut explained to imam saab our ordeal. he has agreed to perform the nikkah
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] *just
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR][/FONT] phew [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' has been added to the conversation. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] Salam Imam.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: wut da
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: hu added me?!1
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] Imam it was me. i talked to you about it in the other window remember?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: oh yeah
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: do u no da hole ish?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] sorry?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: fiqh man
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR][/FONT] imam i dont think u should substtute that as a curse word [IMG][/IMG]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: wha?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: LOL
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: no no i meant the fiqh of a nikkah.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] oh
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: hah yeah my bad.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] hmmm i know the basics.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: no worries ill talk u threw it k?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] k [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: first thing iz we need yo hunny bunny 2 leave da chat window
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: then we be needin her pops yknow wha im sayin?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] so she has to leave and bring her dad in?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: str8 up
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] ok you got that ayesha? stay online but leave the window. and tell your dad to get online. i think he's on my list for some reason.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR][/FONT] lolz my dad? he doesnt use msn 2 much. arright ill let him know. [/FONT][FONT=Arial]I'm getting married *screams* has left the conversation. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: so where'd u 2 meet?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] oh u know. she liked to view my naseeb journal and i liked her profile. a few salams and some private messages later it turned into a full blown [IMG][/IMG] fest on MSN
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: aww man astagfirullah
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] I know. thats why we're doing this nikkah.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] nice her dad is on [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]dr. khan (phd) has been added to the conversation. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] salams uncle
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: [IMG][/IMG]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] haalo?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: duz da pops no da dillio?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] ajeeb
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] hahah uncle i invited you in... you have to be part of the nikah.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] basically you are speaking on behalf of Ayesha
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] you there uncle?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: damn dis nigga types slow. itz been saying 'dr. khan (phd) is typing a message' for ages.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] Yes I Am Here.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] Please Hurry.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] Chai Is Almost Ready.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] lol
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: LOL wut a playa
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: anyhoo letz git dis sho on da road
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] okay.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: arright first ting ... u 2 mofos agreed to get hitch'd yeh? none of dis wuz forced?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] yeah... it was all us.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: aight ... u have seen her b4 yeh? its good to no what she lookz like
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] yeah she sent me a pic of her
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] Ahh??
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: UH OH ... busted! lol
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] no no she had hijab on its all good.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG][/IMG]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] heh.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] yeah.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] hey imam you there?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: a/s/l?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] WHAT?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: oh sorry man rong window lol
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] imam! hahah. i thought you were married!
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: I am. slots #2, #3, #4 still open [IMG][/IMG]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: heh just remember u 2 dawgs arent like hitched yet aight. dont get hanky panky yet till we r done aight?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG][/IMG] k
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: aight aight. we need 2 witnesses. 1 dawg & 2 dawgettes or 2 dawgs. either way man.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] I got two guys that aren't doing anything. They've already changed their screen name so they're all set. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Witness #1 has been added to the conversation. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]witness #2 has been added to the conversation. [/FONT]

[/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] sup gentlemen
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] awwww man i didn't know his name would be capitalized.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=orange]Witness #1:[/COLOR][/FONT] Waita go idiot.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] stfu
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] Guys! we have an imam present! and an uncle!
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=orange]Witness #1:[/COLOR][/FONT] oh sorry.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: no worries dawg. inshallah that wont happen again ya hear?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=orange]Witness #1:[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG][/IMG]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] Be Right Back. I'm getting my chai.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] WHAT!! the uncle is getting tea now!?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] well we can't really do anything until he gets back.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] dude omg omg. i got an exam tomorrow. WHO THE HELL DOES A NIKKAH ON A WEDNESDAY NIGHT?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] listen man you two were the only people on my list that were online so i asked you two to be the witnesses okay?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=orange]Witness #1:[/COLOR][/FONT] pipe down witness #2.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] i swear if i fail tomorrow then your marriage will officially suck.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: yo dawg chill
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] I am back. Let's begin.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: aight aight. we gotz da wallee in the hizouse.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] what is that
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: a walee is like the wife's dawg y'know? a guardian.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] oh
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: next up is two witnesses.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=orange]Witness #1:[/COLOR][/FONT] yeah i'm here.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] same
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: i take it u both are dawgs
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=orange]Witness #1:[/COLOR][/FONT] as opposed to?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: dawgettes.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=orange]Witness #1:[/COLOR][/FONT] ummm yeah i'm male.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] ^ you sure fooled me.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] lol
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] lol
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: LOL OWNED
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=orange]Witness #1:[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG][/IMG]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: aight aight. yo dr.k u dere?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] Yes I Am Here.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: dawg u type funnie man.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: Abdullizo u gave yo hunny bunny the dowry right
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] ummm i gave her some [IMG][/IMG]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: good enuf. wut was da amount [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] i basically just pasted [IMG][/IMG] 786 times in her window.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: lol dude that 786 ting is wacked
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=orange]Witness #1:[/COLOR][/FONT] yeah but it's easy to hack into any paki's e-mail account. there's always a 786 in there somewhere.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] hey! it was you!
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] shut up guys i'm trying to get married
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: ok dr.k.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] Yes?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: i need u to repeat this: 'I, the brider's father and guardian, grant permission for ______ to marry my daughter ______ for the sake of Allah (SWT) for 786 [IMG][/IMG] in front of these two dawgs.'
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] I Have To Write This Whole Thing Out?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: naw dawg. just copy paste it.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] 'I, the brider's father and guardian, grant permission for ______ to marry my daughter ______ for the sake of Allah (SWT) for 786 [IMG][/IMG] in front of these two dawgs.'
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: naw dawg naw
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: u gotta fill in da blanks with bride and grooms name k

[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown][FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT] OK
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] 'I, the brider's father and guardian, grant permission for Ayesha Khan to marry my daughter Abdul for the sake of Allah (SWT) for 786 [IMG][/IMG] in front of these two dawgs.'
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: close. u just got it backwards lol.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] lol
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] 'I, the brider's father and guardian, grant permission for Abdul to marry my daughter Ayesha Khan for the sake of Allah (SWT) for 786 [IMG][/IMG] in front of these two kutai.'
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: bam. str8 up gold
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] now what?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: well itz da sunnah to da a khutbah but i cant do 1 right now
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] good I gotta study
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=orange]Witness #1:[/COLOR][/FONT] Shut up witness #2.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: so we just cut to me askin yo suga muffin if she accepts aight
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: k abdul. get outta here so we can invite her.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] arright. [/FONT][FONT=Arial]Abdul has left the conversation. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]I'm getting married *screams* has been added to the conversation. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: yo sup ayesha
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR][/FONT] sup
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: k we need yo permission to be da wife of the Abdullizo.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I'm getting married *screams* :[/COLOR][/FONT] lol [IMG][/IMG]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] what does that mean????
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: good enuf [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: now ged outta here so we can finis dis shiz [/FONT][FONT=Arial]I'm getting married *screams* has left the conversation. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Abdul has been added to the conversation. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] what happened?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] she said no.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] !! [IMG][/IMG]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] jokes
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=orange]Witness #1:[/COLOR][/FONT] lol
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: LOL
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] hahaha
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] ugh
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: k now 4 da grand finale [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' has left the conversation. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] what the hell!?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] AHAHAHAHAHAHAH
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=orange]Witness #1:[/COLOR][/FONT] best wedding ever. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' has been added to the conversation. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: sorry dawgs. got d/c
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: abdullizo, do u accept Ayesha Khan as u r wife for 786 blings?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] I accept.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: more.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] errr... I accept Ayesha as my wife.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: bam. str8 up gold.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: did da uncle n witnesses c it?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] Yes I did.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=orange]Witness #1:[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG][/IMG]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG][/IMG]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: k u n ayesha r officially married.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] yes! [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]I'm getting married *screams* has been added to the conversation. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] hey Ayesha. change your screen-name! we did it!
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I GOT married *screams* :[/COLOR][/FONT] lol [IMG][/IMG]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=purple]witness #2:[/COLOR][/FONT] finally. congrats. i'm out. ws [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]witness #2 has left the conversation. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=orange]Witness #1:[/COLOR][/FONT] congrats.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=orange]Witness #1:[/COLOR][/FONT] may Allah (SWT) bless your marriage. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Witness #1 has left the conversation. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: waita go playa.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: now to show da otha window sum love [IMG][/IMG] ws
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] Jazakallah Imam.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=green]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' [/COLOR][/FONT]: np [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]The Imam - 'Baby Cause I'ma Thug' has left the conversation. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] alone! finally!
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I GOT married *screams* :[/COLOR][/FONT] not quite.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] Ayesha:
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I GOT married *screams* :[/COLOR][/FONT] yes abbu?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=brown]dr. khan (phd):[/COLOR][/FONT] Congratulations. I love you. Once you are done with this chat please come downstairs to clean the kitchen. Khudahafiz. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]dr. khan (phd) has left the conversation. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I GOT married *screams* :[/COLOR][/FONT] lol he could have just shouted. i'm only a floor above him.
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Abdul:[/COLOR][/FONT] so now what?
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=red]I GOT married *screams* :[/COLOR][/FONT] oh ... [IMG][/IMG] you know [IMG][/IMG] [/FONT]



Naz, that was fantastic. Absolutely hilarous. Made me smile so early in the morning.

Thanx for that.

Back in BLACK

The weddings in our family are mixed but segregated in the sense that gals on one side and guys on the other but family normally sit anywhere and together too.

We have to big a family so we don’t normally segregate as we like to have our guys cousins there too.

In pak, it was segregated where outsider guys were in another place but guy cousins were coming round. I got married in Pak, it was fun but way too hot!

We had all those things that Naz mentioned. We don’t do dancing however my cousin Milad Raza is a nasheed singer so he kept us entertained on our wedding days, we had great mehfils. It was amazing!

I have 3 first cousins getting married next year, pretty much one after another; it’s going to be CRAZY!!


Seraphim wrote:

Naz, that was fantastic. Absolutely hilarous. Made me smile so early in the morning.

Thanx for that.

you've only just read this now? its SO old. cmon peeps, keep up!

Noori wrote:
Seraphim wrote:

Naz, that was fantastic. Absolutely hilarous. Made me smile so early in the morning.

Thanx for that.

you've only just read this now? its SO old. cmon peeps, keep up!

Yeah, if you haven't read any Maniac Muslim stuff, you should really check it out.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

you've only just read this now? its SO old. cmon peeps, keep up!

does not mean its not still funny...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

did i say its not funny? :roll:

Not all weddings are boring. It depends on what is planned and who plans it. Many segregated weddings are fun and enjoyable. You just need to invite the right type of people Wink

May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.

Amal wrote:
Not all weddings are boring. It depends on what is planned and who plans it. Many segregated weddings are fun and enjoyable. You just need to invite the right type of people Wink


Back in BLACK

Woh this thread is ancient. 2005.

My cuzn sis weddn this december. Its a mad house. Iv booked some time off and going tomorrow to help out. Apparently theres loads still to do:
Flowers, food, seating arrangments, clothes, entertainment, center pieces etc and etc.

And for some unknown reason, her parents arent up to the task (1st wedding in their family) so im off to save to the day. Wish me luck.

When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it is not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.

The Lamp wrote:
Naz* wrote:
My aunties bro is getting married (having a love marriage). Hes paying for his own wedding and is pushing out the boat (booking nawaabs). The earliest date he can get is April 09. Its ridiculous.

Ive never been to an Arab wedding before so should be interesting as none of the brides relatives can speak Punjabi or English Lol

Personally i think British Pakistani weddings are boring. The ones in Pakistan are soooo much more fun. Throwing money over the grooms head, putting oil on his head, and theres this stick thing with sparkly things on it which you kinda move around in a circle and side to side over the grooms head (thats if you can reach the grooms head). I dont understand the reasoning behind it all but its still good fun Biggrin

I don't know if this is sjust a stereotype but, I've seen/heard Arabs acting like Native Americans at their weddings, you know with the "screaming"?

yea they do thsi weird tongue on the roof of their mouth sorta thing
n go ayayayaayaya with their mouth in front
sorry that was such a crap explanation!
