Muslim literature


Hey, i've just been reading the book above.. Anyone else read it? Is there any other books, anyone'd recommend for me to read... Please do give name's of books, and authors.

Hey, i've just been reading the book above.. Anyone else read it? Is there any other books, anyone'd recommend for me to read... Please do give name's of books, and authors.

i'm reading 'From my sisters' lips' now. it's really good, but it really focuses on new muslims or people turning back to islam. it kinda makes me feel like i'm boring coz i've always dun wot i do. :?

wot kinda books do you like?

i would recommend 'Ameena's Ramadhan Diary' for anyone who wants to get alot out of ramadhan. (i wanted to, but then lent it to someone i thopught would need it more than me, so i aint used it much. :|)
i read loads, so tell me wot sort u like and i'll help you! Biggrin

'Allah gives and forgives
Man gets and forgets' Baba Ali is external)

I personally like Kite Runner by Khalid Housseini, it's got very little to do with Islam per se but it's an excellent read.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

I got this book free at a stall
cos the guy was being nice
n ive only read about...a third
n its so good

books that id recommend...
the kite runner
a thousand splendid suns
the god delusion
crime and punishment

wednesday wrote:
one book that i can recommend:

Clinical procedures in Primary Eye care, by Prof Ellliot

absolutely brilliant (and interesting)!


I've read that.

The ending was a let down. I was expecting a murder or something, at least a bit of a plot twist!

But, NO! All that happened was the person went away and their eyesight was 'much better, thank you.'

Sorry if I spoiled the ending for anyone.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

I think the heat is getting to him - I am actually finding his posts really funny. Almost laughing out loud! (which "lol" no longer represents.)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.