I think BM's post was unfairly summarised No where did the lenghthy post conclude music was haram based on it causing adultery and adultery alone. Many good detailed reasons were given, all of which seem to have been ignored. There are negative factors in listening to music and positive, but as we're talking about becoming closer to our Creator then i think the negative factors outweigh everything.
As for ulema having differing views I agree they seem to, but ironically i've yet to meet a scholar who says they actually listen to music. I mean music with full instrumentals.
My view is this although there are grey areas on this subject don't the ulema, no even our prophet tell us to stay away from shady areas? This reminds me of a talk I listened to a long time ago, which relates to this topic perfectly. He said something like: farmers do not let their cattle graze on land too close to their neighbours, lest they should step over the mark and eat from their fields. Similarly muslims of taqwa should guard their faith in the same manner. Stay away from the border. Don't misconstrue my argument as stating i have more taqwa than you guys coz really that's not what it's about.
I think it's hard to get off music, iv'e been down that road and i've been off it about 5yrs now. I would listen to nasheed without music if it were given to me as a present, but i wouldn't get a collection going myself, in case i slowly slowly get back into music .
So personally i think it's a waste of time and money, but i don't think nasheeds in themselves are haram to listen to depending on the instruments used.
P.S It was really childish of a member to insinuate those who abstain from music are putting on some public mask, meaning they really listen to music behind closed doors, but make out they're saints in public. I don;t know what you do in private so why do you assume to know what i do. You should take it as given if your muslim brother or sister makes a statement, rather than falling into suspicion about their activities. Your line of argument could be applied to every single post here and it's baseless.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
I knew exactly what you meant.
Trying to justify that music is halal by dragging the Qur'an into this.
You misunderstood me regarding the Qur'an point, doesn't matter anyway.
assalamu alaikum,
I think BM's post was unfairly summarised No where did the lenghthy post conclude music was haram based on it causing adultery and adultery alone. Many good detailed reasons were given, all of which seem to have been ignored. There are negative factors in listening to music and positive, but as we're talking about becoming closer to our Creator then i think the negative factors outweigh everything.
As for ulema having differing views I agree they seem to, but ironically i've yet to meet a scholar who says they actually listen to music. I mean music with full instrumentals.
My view is this although there are grey areas on this subject don't the ulema, no even our prophet
tell us to stay away from shady areas? This reminds me of a talk I listened to a long time ago, which relates to this topic perfectly. He said something like: farmers do not let their cattle graze on land too close to their neighbours, lest they should step over the mark and eat from their fields. Similarly muslims of taqwa should guard their faith in the same manner. Stay away from the border. Don't misconstrue my argument as stating i have more taqwa than you guys coz really that's not what it's about.
I think it's hard to get off music, iv'e been down that road and i've been off it about 5yrs now. I would listen to nasheed without music if it were given to me as a present, but i wouldn't get a collection going myself, in case i slowly slowly get back into music .
So personally i think it's a waste of time and money, but i don't think nasheeds in themselves are haram to listen to depending on the instruments used.
P.S It was really childish of a member to insinuate those who abstain from music are putting on some public mask, meaning they really listen to music behind closed doors, but make out they're saints in public. I don;t know what you do in private so why do you assume to know what i do. You should take it as given if your muslim brother or sister makes a statement, rather than falling into suspicion about their activities. Your line of argument could be applied to every single post here and it's baseless.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
Well put Hajjar!