"Allah's Good Pleasure was on the Believers when they swore Fealty to thee under the Tree: He knew what was in their hearts, and He sent down Sakina - tranquility (alssakeenata) to them; and He rewarded them with a speedy Victory;" (48:18)
Sakinah is the rarest of feelings, I think I have only fealt it a couple of times (and not for very long) - but when it comes, it is unmatched by anything else.
I remember sitting with about 5 or 6 brothers, RIGHT infront of the ka'bah, just before Fajr after we had completed our Umrah. Our hair had been cut and it was the first time (after a tiring few hours) that we could soak up the atmosphere and come to terms with the fact that we were REALLY there, finally.
None of us needed to say anything to each other, we just all sat there smiling and dumbfounded, looking around us and blinking.
I can't think of anything nicer than to have a daughter named after that sort of feeling.
I learned of some Muslim parents naming their children with "English" names with Islamic/Muslim equivalents - i.e. instead of naming their child Dawud (Arabic), they'd name him David (English), or Mary instead of Maryam, Joseph instead of Yusuf, etc etc (in addition, historically, i believe that other Muslim cultures/countries have done the same over time)
The meanings are the same, so theres nothing wrong with it Islamically speaking. What are your thoughts, would you consider doing that? Is it a sign of better integration? Is it a growing trend for the future?
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
bless.. my sisters are called Aaliyah and Attiyah
they were going to be called Manaahil and Mahrukh.. lol but that was difficult for my grandma to pronounce hehe
boy and girl.. hmmmm.. about about Saad and Sadiqa?
orrr Ameena and Amaan?
ill think of more names lol
If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
I learned of some Muslim parents naming their children with "English" names with Islamic/Muslim equivalents - i.e. instead of naming their child Dawud (Arabic), they'd name him David (English), or Mary instead of Maryam, Joseph instead of Yusuf, etc etc (in addition, historically, i believe that other Muslim cultures/countries have done the same over time)
The meanings are the same, so theres nothing wrong with it Islamically speaking. What are your thoughts, would you consider doing that? Is it a sign of better integration? Is it a growing trend for the future?
I just want to ask why? Surely they're Muslim as well as British? There's nothing WRONG with it, but why hide their Islamic identity? How is Jospeh going to be more intergrated than Yusuf.
i can understand reverts keeping the english forms of arabic/muslim names, especially if they are from a caucasian background. It can make things easier for family members to pronounce and even gradually accept. However aside from this i don't understand it, although there's nothing apparently wrong with it on the surface, to me it reflects a sense of being ashamed of ones identity? If i called my son Joseph for example in this country, ppl would not immediately know he was a muslim. However if i named him Yusuf they would be more likely to know or even inquire about the name because it sounds unusual to them. i'm sure in the selection of names we are advised to choose names that reflect our faith where possible, so i assume this would mean we should prefer the arabic/persian/preislamic etc version of the name over the english/biblical names.
Please note i don't look down upon ppl who choose to have the biblical versions of muslim names,i merely choose to hold a different opinion.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
I learned of some Muslim parents naming their children with "English" names with Islamic/Muslim equivalents
You mean Arabic equivalents, not Islamic/Muslim equivalents.
If you go to any Arab country (other than perhaps Saudi), you will meet Christians and Jews called Dawud, Ibrahim, Yusuf, even Abdullah.
Yes, i think i overlooked that bit - bad expression :shock: Guess I typecasted a whole population of people!, names are not exclusive to any race, religion or group. I think Hajjar (above) phrased it best when she referred to it as
Hajjar wrote:
arabic/persian/preislamic etc version of the name over the english/biblical names.
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
i love boys names, they all got a good meaning! my lil boys are called Mustafa-Ahmed & Murtaza-Ahmed! so cute! lol... but i love the name "Adrees" for a boy!! the name is that of a Prophet from the times not so long after Nooh (as). As for a girl i love the names "Bisma", meaning smile in Arabic but some say its also got the same swaab for sayin the name as the full Bisminllah arahman arahem or "Noor" light of ALLAH or "Noorie" same as Noor or "Iqra" i dont know full meaning but i do know that Iqra was 1 of the first words in the first sentance the Prophet heard on mont hira the very first time the Qu'ran was revealed to him!
I cant wait to have baby again! o.m.q that would be my 3rd child though!!! makes me feel well old that does! lol i gonna wait a bit i think lol
I mean many Muslims, unfotunately. Not Forum users. If you've had a different experience feel free to let us know. But some Muslims don't read, don't question, they don't even try and encourage their kids. Of course I'm not talking about those who can't or do, I;m talking about a few I know of and what I've seen and observed.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Submitted by Angelic (not verified) on 9 July, 2008 - 12:54 #28
Zahara Batool, Fatima Batool, Ayesha, Zara, Amina, Maha, Aaliyah...
I would keep my children's names after blessed personality as I have heard the name you keep has influence on your childen alongwith good upbringing of course!
A judge in New Zealand made a young girl a ward of court so that she could change the name she hated - Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii.
Judge Rob Murfitt said that the name embarrassed the nine-year-old and could expose her to teasing.
He attacked a trend of giving children bizarre names, citing several examples.
Officials had blocked Sex Fruit, Keenan Got Lucy and Yeah Detroit, he said, but Number 16 Bus Shelter, Violence and Midnight Chardonnay had been allowed.
One mother wanted to name her child O.crnia using text language, but was later persuaded to use Oceania, he said.
I've always liked the name Abdul-Latif: "Servant of the Gentle". Masha'Allah.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Safaa or Nissa for a girl
Uday for a boy (not sure whether that is an Islamic name but i like it)
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Don't just do something! Stand there.
I've heard the name Faisal, is it the same/similar?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
names i like so far:
abdul latif
and samiya
and er mariam is my name and i have too many relatives with the same name
"to allah we belong and to him we return"
Male: Qasim, Bilal, Mustafa, Yusuf, Ibrahim, Ismaeel, Sulayman, Talhah, Abdul Kareem, Abdul Rahman, Abdullah, Tahir, Hassan, Husayn, Eesa, Musa, Nuh, Yahya
Female: Sukayna, Fatimah, Aasiya, Ayesha, Maryam, Khadijah, Zaynab, Sakeenah, Maariya, Haleema Saadia, Hafsah, Juwarriya, Humayra, Umm Salma, Umm Kulthum, Rukayya, Eeman, Noor
there are loads of beautiful names!
Boys: Uzair, Ubed, Hussain
Girls: Zara, Zahra, Sana, Samiyaa
Masha'Allah that's really nice. Isn't it the feeling you have when you just said a prayer so sincere that you felt it worked.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
"Allah's Good Pleasure was on the Believers when they swore Fealty to thee under the Tree: He knew what was in their hearts, and He sent down Sakina - tranquility (alssakeenata) to them; and He rewarded them with a speedy Victory;" (48:18)
Yeah, tranquillity. That's what I meant.
Sakinah is the rarest of feelings, I think I have only fealt it a couple of times (and not for very long) - but when it comes, it is unmatched by anything else.
I remember sitting with about 5 or 6 brothers, RIGHT infront of the ka'bah, just before Fajr after we had completed our Umrah. Our hair had been cut and it was the first time (after a tiring few hours) that we could soak up the atmosphere and come to terms with the fact that we were REALLY there, finally.
None of us needed to say anything to each other, we just all sat there smiling and dumbfounded, looking around us and blinking.
I can't think of anything nicer than to have a daughter named after that sort of feeling.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Boys names:Israr Jabbar Ibrar Irfan Dhulqarnain
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
I would say for guys:
Umar, Abbas, Sulayman, Dawud, Yusuf, Yassir, Abdullah, Bilal, Tariq.
For girls: Hafsa, Maryam, Aisha, Noora, Safa, Ruqaiyah, Yasmin, Salma.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Any name is halal apart from names that associate partners with Allah (swt) e.g. Christopher.
It is recommended not to have a name of a negative personality trait e.g Harsh or Angry or something.
But most people choose Arabic names because it identifies you as a Muslim.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
isn't that the same as maria which also means maryam?
"to allah we belong and to him we return"
I learned of some Muslim parents naming their children with "English" names with Islamic/Muslim equivalents - i.e. instead of naming their child Dawud (Arabic), they'd name him David (English), or Mary instead of Maryam, Joseph instead of Yusuf, etc etc (in addition, historically, i believe that other Muslim cultures/countries have done the same over time)
The meanings are the same, so theres nothing wrong with it Islamically speaking. What are your thoughts, would you consider doing that? Is it a sign of better integration? Is it a growing trend for the future?
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
You mean Arabic equivalents, not Islamic/Muslim equivalents.
If you go to any Arab country (other than perhaps Saudi), you will meet Christians and Jews called Dawud, Ibrahim, Yusuf, even Abdullah.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Awwwwwwwwwww i got twin sisters xD
tell her she got alot of work at hand
bless.. my sisters are called Aaliyah and Attiyah
they were going to be called Manaahil and Mahrukh.. lol but that was difficult for my grandma to pronounce hehe
boy and girl.. hmmmm.. about about Saad and Sadiqa?
orrr Ameena and Amaan?
ill think of more names lol
If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
Girls: Humaira, Hafsa, Halima, Saher, Sadiqa, Kiran, Arooj, Anmole, Farah, Faiza, Iram, Maha, Aasfa, Shameem, Aasiya, Shagufta, Sameena, Saffiyah, Iqra, Naila, Muqaddas, Ameena,
Boys: Ammar, Mujtaba, Saad, Asad, Shoib, Zohaib, Adeel, Hassan, Shabaz, Sharaz, Jawaad, Akeel, Shahid, Talha, Huzaifa, Usmaan, Amaan, Faisal, Junayed, Fahad, Munzir,
If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
I just want to ask why? Surely they're Muslim as well as British? There's nothing WRONG with it, but why hide their Islamic identity? How is Jospeh going to be more intergrated than Yusuf.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
What? A girl called Muqaddas?
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Yeah but to me, Muqaddas is obviously a boys name.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
i can understand reverts keeping the english forms of arabic/muslim names, especially if they are from a caucasian background. It can make things easier for family members to pronounce and even gradually accept. However aside from this i don't understand it, although there's nothing apparently wrong with it on the surface, to me it reflects a sense of being ashamed of ones identity? If i called my son Joseph for example in this country, ppl would not immediately know he was a muslim. However if i named him Yusuf they would be more likely to know or even inquire about the name because it sounds unusual to them. i'm sure in the selection of names we are advised to choose names that reflect our faith where possible, so i assume this would mean we should prefer the arabic/persian/preislamic etc version of the name over the english/biblical names.
Please note i don't look down upon ppl who choose to have the biblical versions of muslim names,i merely choose to hold a different opinion.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
Yes, i think i overlooked that bit - bad expression :shock: Guess I typecasted a whole population of people!, names are not exclusive to any race, religion or group. I think Hajjar (above) phrased it best when she referred to it as
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
i love boys names, they all got a good meaning! my lil boys are called Mustafa-Ahmed & Murtaza-Ahmed! so cute! lol... but i love the name "Adrees" for a boy!! the name is that of a Prophet from the times not so long after Nooh (as). As for a girl i love the names "Bisma", meaning smile in Arabic but some say its also got the same swaab for sayin the name as the full Bisminllah arahman arahem or "Noor" light of ALLAH or "Noorie" same as Noor or "Iqra" i dont know full meaning but i do know that Iqra was 1 of the first words in the first sentance the Prophet
heard on mont hira the very first time the Qu'ran was revealed to him!
I cant wait to have baby again! o.m.q that would be my 3rd child though!!! makes me feel well old that does! lol i gonna wait a bit i think lol
*************BOYYCOTT ISRAEL****************
Iqra means to read and recite. Something many of us don't do.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
How do you know?
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
I mean many Muslims, unfotunately. Not Forum users. If you've had a different experience feel free to let us know. But some Muslims don't read, don't question, they don't even try and encourage their kids. Of course I'm not talking about those who can't or do, I;m talking about a few I know of and what I've seen and observed.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
My favour names for boys are:
Muhammad, Ahmad, Mahdi, Taha, Ali, Hassan, Hussain, Hammad.....
Zahara Batool, Fatima Batool, Ayesha, Zara, Amina, Maha, Aaliyah...
I would keep my children's names after blessed personality as I have heard the name you keep has influence on your childen alongwith good upbringing of course!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
I was just reading that a few seconds ago!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.