One Quran a minute being requested in America

Found this on another forum:

US interest in the Muslim holy book Koran has risen after reports of its mishandling at Guantanamo Bay, a Muslim charity has said in Washington.

The Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) said it had received over 5,000 requests for free copies over the last two weeks.

One copy was being requested almost every minute, it said.

Reports of the Koran's mishandling led to violent anti-US protests last month.

Even after the rioting in Afganstain over the burning of the Koran and anti American sentiment, it seems many people in America are not angry with Muslims but trying to understand them and their religion.what do you think?

"Salim Syed" wrote:
Even after the rioting in Afganstain over the burning of the Koran and anti American sentiment, it seems many people in America are not angry with Muslims but trying to understand them and their religion.what do you think?

i think thats really good...from all the bad stuff, Islam is gaining more awareness amongst non-Muslims and consequently leads some of them to study Islam for themselves and in most cases they find that it is very different to how the media portrays it...and maybe even embrace it themselves!

"Salim Syed" wrote:

One copy was being requested almost every minute

which transalator?

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

"Judda" wrote:
"Salim Syed" wrote:

One copy was being requested almost every minute

which transalator?

Very good question