Salaams,just want to know if there are any single mums out there? Take the burden off ur heart here. Having trouble coping with kids? Do people look at you in a weird way? Or absolutley anything u like to share. Post it here
Salaams,just want to know if there are any single mums out there? Take the burden off ur heart here. Having trouble coping with kids? Do people look at you in a weird way? Or absolutley anything u like to share. Post it here
Well, I'm a young bloke, so I can't be a single mum! But tell me your experience.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
I had such a bad experience and wish no1 goes thru this.
He used to beat me for no reason at all. Like a gud muslim wife i didnt tell any1 untill his brother stated sexually abusing me.
life is for living, live it peacefully...
Mate, can I just say that if you stood up to him and told someone, it wouldn't have made you a bad Muslim. Those few lines have told me that you're a fairly tough person. Keep going, if that's alright with you.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
I was a total wreck 1st but ive pulled thru it. The worst part of it was when i was 8 months pregnant wiv my 2nd child he said "i wish that baby dies in ur stomache"
life is for living, live it peacefully...
There was this unverified guy who came here and told us lot how he sexually abused his brother's wife. He got a proper, let's just say, challenge from us. But he hasn't really come back.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Can you relate to this?
[url=]Sexual Abuse- Taboo in the Muslim Community?[/url]
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
If you have never suffered from domestic violence its easy to say "well oh what was stopping you?" or "You should have left him sooner".
All we can do is make dua that may Allah(swt) give these women the courage and strength to stand up to these cowardly pathetic excuse for men.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
But wouldn't group 2 undestand that it isn't easy and encourage the victim to stand up?
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Women stay with their abusive partners for many reasons.Those reasons differ for each vctim. Every case should be judged on its own merit.
And you can never get the whole picture coz there are two sides to every story!
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
But at the end of the day, we all have to learn to stand up for ourselves and each other, right?
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
True but its easier said then done.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Most things worth doing usually are.
Back in BLACK
Yeah I get that, but we have to help each other to do that, otherwise the real criminals in this would get away.
Hey Shaz you have vainished for a bit!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
salaamz, im bak but not for long my sis is getting married so in realy busy. Thanks guys for us support keep posting inshallah be back soon
Huda Hafiz
life is for living, live it peacefully...
salaamz guys im back mashallah the wedding went well and guess who was there?
Yep the person im so glad to have left.
He was staring at me and i could see the regret in his eyes because iv lost 3 stones and i admit i look good gota go Allah Hafiz
life is for living, live it peacefully...
Posted too many times haha
If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
nut im glad its all over wid and now u shud concerntate on looking after your children and stay strong!! Ameeen 
Well serves that Tramp ryt dont it?!
you probably would have looked stunning and i bet he regrets everything now
Blesss you.. i was just reading thru this thread and MAN you must be a strong person 2 get thru all of that..
If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
and again - posted 2 many times haha
If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
lol. A lot of women when they have kids they lose their confidence good to hear you still got yours. Go girl!
thanks Naz looking after my boys now.
well not today lol they have gone to stay with him for the weekend,and im at mums till sunday.
I just got my confidence back. My family are supporting me at every step Mashallah
life is for living, live it peacefully...
salaam shaz!
how u doin?
well ypu have got your confidance back which is a good thing and yes you do deserve a lot more than that prik,mashallah you have to gawjus kids who i know you love loads.
it good to see you happy now not like before when you use to be upset , you were upset cus of some cheap,gay,perv bastard sory about the swearing just cant help it init wen hearing bwt sum1z name i reli get pissed of thinkin wa he did to yaz so hes desveredto be called a dog.
shaz am on ur side each and every step of the way and you knwo that hun. i dont wnat you to think about taht shytface cus hes nt worth it, your a million tymes netter dan him, you can do 1000 times better.
yh as for him im sure he saw you at ur sistas wedding he was staring at you thinking OMG!!! thinking what am i missing out tuff luck he cnt have u nw. you looked amazing gowan gyal.
all i can say to you hun is that im always ere 4 u if u ever need mi,and i dont want you to worry about anything im always here to support you
sorry about the swearing when talking or saying anyfing about him i really get angry so i end up cussing him.
love you loads
tke care