New years resolutions (2008)

Ok, it is almost that time of year where some people decide to make resolutions for the upcoming year. Resolutions that are upheld for about 4.5 seconds.

Are there any resolutions that anyone is actually planning on sticking to?

My own personal plan on world domination is kinda on hold...

Try my idea of world domination cloning genetically modified soldiers whos limbs regenerate including organs of the body pretty cool eh?

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

I always make New Years resolutions and find I don't do so bad sticking to them. The main one for me is going to be to spend more time with family, especially my sisters, to do a lot more together, ie go shopping, cinema, eat out together etc which we hardly do nowadays coz we're rarely free at the same time, so it'll require effort and a bit of give and take from us all.

- Finish my coursework a few days before the deadline, not on the day.
- Eat more often, and not to miss breakfast, lunch.
- Help with housework.
- Sleep more.

"MuslimBro" wrote:
- Eat more often....

lol thats mine every year but i can never stick to it.
Next year i am going to set myself a reminder on my phone that should do the trick.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

"Naz" wrote:
"MuslimBro" wrote:
- Eat more often....

lol thats mine every year but i can never stick to it.

Lol I'm going to try and go the opposite, try to consume less!

As for New Year resolution

pass my driving
better my character
Adopt a healthier diet.
Decrease my love for food.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

None cos I cant stick to them.

But if I could stick to them them:

Get job
Do further Arabic courses
Driving Lessons
Become Rich

' Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me ' {2662}

1. Finish my course... even if it kills me.
2. Get a Job.
3. Get my brother married off.
4. Tease him endlessly about it.
5. Get back to writing & drawing.
6. Eat better.

Back in BLACK

don't go back to bed after fajr.
study for my course before work.
keep cycling to work.
get to work early.
take time after work every day to sit and read Qur'an.
meet up with my muslim brothers more often.
see my family EVERY weekend.
keep my house cleaner and tidier.
eat better (more healthily and more regularly).
go to bed earlier.
fast mondays and thursdays.
save more money each month.
get married off (maybe thats next years one)

Don't just do something! Stand there.

why do ppl always think that if they are big it must be because they eat a lot. I dont think its true. If you eat 3 healthy meals a day and exercise at least 30 mins (even if its just walking (good way to burn off the calories)) instead of snacking or starving yourself you should start to lose the excess baggage.

"Ya'qub" wrote:
keep cycling to work.

im guessing you wear a suit to work, how do you cycle in one?

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

I cycle in a tracksuit with my work clothes in my backpack.
i shower wen i get 2 work so i dont smell (more than i usually do)!

Don't just do something! Stand there.

"Ya'qub" wrote:
I cycle in a tracksuit with my work clothes in my backpack.
i shower wen i get 2 work so i dont smell (more than i usually do)!

why dont you just get the bus to work or are you one of those environmental friendly ppl? Think about the time you could save.

Do you have a basket at the front of your cycle with a lil bell that goes ping? Blum 3

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

A bus is semi-eco friendly where as cycling is healthy and eco friendly and can really relieve stress. I think cycling is better than the bus especially if your in a routine, i doubt you have the bell more of a mountain bike i reckon.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Naz" wrote:
"Ya'qub" wrote:
I cycle in a tracksuit with my work clothes in my backpack.
i shower wen i get 2 work so i dont smell (more than i usually do)!

why dont you just get the bus to work or are you one of those environmental friendly ppl? Think about the time you could save.

Do you have a basket at the front of your cycle with a lil bell that goes ping? Blum 3

i took a bus before: A) it took MUCH longer, Dirol it was MUCH more uncomfortable and C) it can get delayed easily which means I couldn't judge how long the journey would take.

with a bike i know it'll be EXACTLY 30 mins to work. I get to work feeling wide-awake and ready for the day. I stay healthy, and its FUN!

I have a little bell on the bike which goes 'ping' and a big Bell on the bike that goes "get out the way!"

The only problem is on mondays and thursdays cos I've got my evening course on the other side of London, I have to take the bus to work Sad

Don't just do something! Stand there.

"Ya'qub" wrote:
"Naz" wrote:

why dont you just get the bus to work or are you one of those environmental friendly ppl? Think about the time you could save.

Do you have a basket at the front of your cycle with a lil bell that goes ping? Blum 3

i took a bus before: A) it took MUCH longer, Dirol it was MUCH more uncomfortable and C) it can get delayed easily which means I couldn't judge how long the journey would take.

with a bike i know it'll be EXACTLY 30 mins to work. I get to work feeling wide-awake and ready for the day. I stay healthy, and its FUN!

I have a little bell on the bike which goes 'ping' and a big Bell on the bike that goes "get out the way!"

The only problem is on mondays and thursdays cos I've got my evening course on the other side of London, I have to take the bus to work Sad

riding a bike is fun...... have you seen the weather out there?

I can think of a benefit of getting the bus to can read the Qur'an which is almost impossible to do on a cycle. That way you have time to do something else. Thats two things already crossed from your list Biggrin

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

"Naz" wrote:

I can think of a benefit of getting the bus to can read the Qur'an which is almost impossible to do on a cycle. That way you have time to do something else. Thats two things already crossed from your list Biggrin

I used to read on the bus when I lived in my old house. Yes, sometimes the Qur'an (sure-fire way to keep the seat next to you empty :)). I ALWAYS got a seat cos I got on at the first stop.

The trouble is, when I moved house it meant that the new bus I take is always full by the time it gets to my stop, sometimes the driver doesn't even stop cos its too full. Its the most uncomfortable way to start the day IMO.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

If your a quran hafiz you can ride a bike and read the quran, if you read the quran on public transport your just leaving yourself as a target.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Ya'qub" wrote:
Yes, sometimes the Qur'an ([b]sure-fire way to keep the seat next to you empty[/b] Lol


My hijab already does that for me lol

"Funzi" wrote:
if you read the quran on public transport your just leaving yourself as a target.

know one says owt to me.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

- Get assignments done at least a day before the deadline, was going to say a week but it would be a miracle if i get it done the night before.
- Get a job and save up.
- Increase in ibaadah and learn knowledge.

strive to become a better Muslim, hence a better human being
get into year 1 of med school
get some clinical work experience


'To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always'

Alexis Carrel (French Surgeon)

"Naz" wrote:

"Funzi" wrote:
if you read the quran on public transport your just leaving yourself as a target.

know one says owt to me.

lol, my friend starts reciting nasheeds on the bus. Bare people stare at him like he's a looney.

And then i go and remove all doubt by saying: "Yeah... yeah you da one... you da one... you can do it all... arigato Mr Robato!"

lol... and suddenly im the crazy one.

Back in BLACK

I was called immature for reciting allahu Lol by a non-muslim

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Irfan.khan" wrote:
I was called immature for reciting allahu Lol by a non-muslim

lol, should have turned to him and called him an infedel.


Back in BLACK

yes but he was a she and if i did so i would get a huge what! you terrorist shouted at me.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Irfan.khan" wrote:
yes but he was a she and if i did so i would get a huge what! you terrorist shouted at me.

lol, then accuse them of inciting racial hatred Biggrin

hahaha.... and when they really get offended... then tell them it was a joke.

Blum 3

Back in BLACK

Trust me in my school i have a conflict with someone everyday, i want to cut the habbit.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Dr Who" wrote:

get some clinical work experience


do you plan on having a career in clinical psychology?

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

tut tut...

Time travel!

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

@ Noor...soz 4 da l8 reply...didnt read your post

No clinical psychology isnt 4 me

its jst that i was lazy last year and didnt apply 4 med cos i hadnt taken a UKCAT (UK clinical aptitude test)

therefore im doing the med foundation year and i need some work experience if im going to get accepted into first year...inshallah want to specialise into cardiology or neurology...and i definitely want to do surgery.

'To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always'

Alexis Carrel (French Surgeon)
