
Scottish Independence

This one is a toughie.

For Scotland and people living there, IMO Scots should vote YES to independence. ("No tory government for scotland ever again")

But for England and the people living there, the Scots should vote NO or we are stuck with the tories forever.

Scotland can do fine without the rest of the UK.

On the issue of monetary policy, its pretty simple. Either they are allowed to keep the £ and get a share of the debt or they aren't in which case Rest of the UK keeps the pound and the debt.

Scotland will do fine as an oil economy. It has enough natural resources to not need nuclear.

It has no enemies nearby so it doesnt even really need armed forces apart from for the sake of pride abd future deterrence in the case the vikings invade.

99 Secrets: I Memorised the Qur'an in a Month!

How to memorise the Qur'an

"I always get people asking me, how can I memorise the Qur'an? How can I do it whilst being in the west busy with work and other commitments? How can I do this and do that. It all started back in 2006 when I was in Cairo, ever since I wanted to write things down, discoveries I made, people I met and methods I came across. So I am writing a book.

I would appreciate it if you could check out the project(s), "sign up and share!" and join the journey."



Saint Valentine and today's Muslims


Valentine's day. A day on which a couple show their outward affection for each other through gifts and other acts of devtion. It may involve flowers and even chocolate. Isn't this the height of western decadence mixed with fairytale Hollywood romance?

Surely this is something that all Muslims should stay away from Or should they?

If you look at the underlying message of Saint Valentine, who was Christian, the message is not one of romance, decadence or fairytales. It is a simple tale of marriage.

Saint Valentine conducted marriage ceremonies for individuals who wanted to get married but for whatever reason wanted to get married, religion allowed but but for whatever reason they couldn't (including reasons of societal taboo).

Duah for wind


Allaahumma 'innee 'as'aluka khayrahaa, wa 'a'oothu bika min sharrihaa.

O Allah , I ask You for the good of it and seek refuge in You against its evil.

Abu Dawud 4/326, Ibn Majah 2/1228. See also Al-Albani, Sahih Ibn Mjjah 2/305


Allaahumma 'innee 'as'aluka khayrahaa, wa khayra maa feehaa, wa khayra maa 'ursilat bihi wa a'oothu bika min sharrihaa, wa sharri maa feehaa, wa sharri maa 'ursilat bihi.

Too fast. Too slow. What's in between?

As a student, quite often, I seem to struggle through many days when ropes, so resistant, tie me to books and pieces of paper. Trying to balance my individual life, my home life, my social life, and two big chunks of my studying life is near to impossible. Though on the rank of priorities, some dance around sky high whilst others sail along the bottom.

Whilst ideas are whizzing around, lists are circulating my mind, the heavy weight of fulfilling expectations, doing chores and trying to keep as many people as happy as possible occupies me, I wish that everything would just slow down, slow down to a pace that was manageable for me. Then, it does slow down.

When you are not sure what the correct moral stance is on an issue... do the Opposite of Tony Blair

Former British PM says Muslim Brotherhood was stealing Egypt's revolution and army intervention has put it on right path

It's like you read in the Qur'an described as the blind, deaf and dumb, people who are so evil they God has closed them to the truth.

Be Like Muhammad

Assalamualaikum fellow revvy-ers!

So yesterday i went to a talk at DMU and the event was called 'Be Like Muhammad - Through Thick and Thin'. As soon as i seen that the speaker was AbdelRahman Murphy, I HAD to make a effort to attend. I love watching his videos on youtube and I find him to be very relatable and he explains things in a simple manner, which I respect a lot.

So anyway, I thought I should share the scribbles of notes I made so people can learn what I learnt!
