False UKIP headlines

The local elections are being broadcast as a real breakthrough for UKIP.

Out of approximately 3,500 contested council seats, so far they have gained around 150.

That is 4%.

They are expected to do way better in the EU elections, but their achievements in the Local elections shouldn't be over stated.

Another interesting tidbit is that UKIP have made no headway in London. I suspect that this is because London is actually multicultural and the people dont mind, whereas places with less immigrants have more fears about mlticulturalism and immigration.

Saying that though, their rise is another sign of the tides of racist britain.


There also seemed to be a unanimous "verdict" that the results have not been good for Miliband and Labour. But if you compare it to predictions from before the elections, it can be seen that Labour has actually done well.

Labour themselves publicly stated that they wanted to win 150 extra seats. Most pundits thought this was too little and they should be targetting atleast 300. They are up 338 seats.

It is quite surprising that that is being marketed as a disaster. Then again the public campaigning by a Labour MP against Miliband probably doesnt help gain positive headlines.

But the story has also changes since as a new poll was released today by Lord Ashcroft, which suggested that with a similar performance at a general elections, the Labour party would have a majority of around 70.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.