
The tale of the two tasbeehs


This is from a dream I had this morning. It was all grand and adventurous, so I thought it merited being written up into a short story. Dreams can be a bit weird here and there and not connect in places, so I'm using artistic license to help the flow. For those who don't know, a tasbeeh or subha is a rosary/'necklace of beads' used for dhikr.

It was night in the market place but traders still crowded around the stalls. In the shallow light of flaming torches, men in turbans and coloured robes traded goods and information.

Islam and Freedom

Salaams all

This is from a discussion on Tribune...

The question is... Since Islam did NOT prohibit slavery... does Islam not consider freedom a basic human right?

Islam did give all humans rights, and it does highly encourage freeing slaves. However, it does/did not prohibit slavery.

So... does that mean that freedom is not a basic right?

Taking this further, what about supporting fight for freedom in places such as Kashmir, Chechnya/Ossettia and Palestine? If Islam does not say that all humans are free, where do those struggles stand?

Is freedom really that big of a thing?

I'm Sorry, So Sorry

I have now read a few times now from people the sentiment that we should not say sorry in vain. Only say it when it means something. Otherwise it cheapens the words.

I am sorry, but saying sorry IS cheap.

If Tony Blair had given a proper apology over the Iraq fiasco, would that make things ok?

If I maim someone or ruin their life by my actions, would saying sorry cut it?

I don't think so.

(title is words from a song called "They" by Jem. Avoid the UK/"space version".)

Spell Cheque

A nice poem eye found. Eye didn't right it, but it's good.

eye halve a spelling chequer
it came with my pea sea
it plainly marques four my revue
miss steaks eye kin knot sea
eye strike a key and type a word
and weight four it two say
weather eye am wrong oar write
it shows me strait a weigh.
as soon as a mist ache is maid
it nose bee fore two long
and eye can put the error rite
its rare lea ever wrong.
eye have run this poem threw it
i am shore your pleased two no
its letter perfect awl the weigh
my chequer tolled me sew.

Anchorman Comes True

'Anchorman', possibly the funniest film about a San Diego newscaster EVER, has now (sort of) come true:

US news anchor Larry Mendte: a real-life Ron Burgundy?

...while Burgundy ended up wrestling bears in San Diego zoo, real-life US TV news anchor Larry Mendte has been sentenced to six months' house arrest after a long-running feud with his younger female colleague, Alycia Lane.

Mendte was said to be jealous that Lane's $780,000 salary was rather more than his. She allegedly told him during an on-set row that she was the "rising star" and he was on the way out.

Found Peace

Salam Alaykum, guys. It's time for another rap. I'd really like you to take the time to read this rap. it's called Found Peace.

When I sank right to my knees
Ordered to submit defeat
Held down by my head
Strap restraining my eyes
All I knew was fear
I knew he was gloating
From death I could be near
Yet he didn’t seem to care
I thought that I was worthless
Imprisoned by the world
Rolled right on the floor
That’s when I dared to dare

But then I stared right into your face
You thought I was still in the race
You stretched your hand out to me
Helping me walk across the sea
For the first time I felt I was strong
I had a place where I could belong
I knew I could breathe and I could smile
I felt the wind brush passed me with ease
Turned the page and I'd found peace

Warning: Don't open this blog

My life story... Ish

Well i did warn you...

Alright, it's not actually my life story, more like a vent my feelings, get your advice kinda thing...
If , at any point, you get too bored to carry on- by all means leave

This is my time to whinge, not yours XD

Well basically, my big problem right now, that seems to be eating up my whole life is this.
The fact that i feel i have two identities
The way i feel that i'm only HALF a Muslim
and i know that probably makes no sense
but you see, the thing is right- that i feel like there are two separate Mes- two halves of the same person- if that makes sense...

I don't know if you read my other blogs about Eid and Hugging, but i guess in a way it's kinda similar...

I mean, there's the Ash half of me



It kills me to see someone with so much potential throw it away through lack of motivation. Ive tried the nice approach, "Oh this sounds good. What do you think?" and that didnt work. Ive tried the nasty approach, "You will do this dammit!" and that certainly didnt work. Im running out of options and thumping them (which was never an option) is something im seriously considering now.

I once went through a faze where I lacked motivation too and didnt want to do anything but then I managed to drag my sorry a** (its not a swear word but i thought it would be best to asterix it in case someone gets offended) and get on with it. I realise not all ppl are alike, some can pick themselves up without the encouragement of others while others need someone to help them.

How to Loose Friends and Alienate People.

Do you sometimes feel being religious sometimes alienates you from people around you. Or even cause you to loose friends?

"No im sorry, i cant come meet you coz unrelated guys and girls cant be alone togeather."


"No im sorry, I cant go in there bcoz i dont want anything to do with a place that sells alcohol."


"Sorry I cant attend this party, coz free mixing ... not really allowed."


"No I cant look at you, anything more than a glance is strictly forebidden."

Im sure you guys can think of some of your own. But you get the general idea.

A Single Chance For Paradise

Moi trying my hand at poetry... :? Givers of comments/constructive crit will be profusely thanked Wink


A single chance for paradise
It is the only one you'll get
Far too precious to be wasted
Because one day you shall regret
All those years that you neglected
Your Qur'an, your salaat, your fast
And then you will crumple, shedding tears
For all the hours that slipped past

All of those times you tossed away
Hundreds of chances for reward
Those dire warnings from your parents
That you so stubbornly ignored
Busy with mindless, useless things
And although you choose to forget
Allah certainly remembers
All of your foul-mouthed disrespect

Malicious lies, cheating and theft
