
Muslim Foster Carers Needed

*Urgent - Muslim Foster Carers Needed!*

Given the current closure of the Calais camp, there is a huge need for muslim foster carers to care for children from Syria and other Muslim countries.

Most of the children are male and aged 14+* who have been through a very difficult journey in their lives.

If you could open up your house to a Muslim young person and fulfil this great need please get in touch with Foster Care Link, the only dedicated muslim fostering agency in the UK.

*London:* 020 8880 5387
*NorthWest & Yorkshire:* 0161 633 5000
*Midlands:* 0116 210 2248

God does not want me

God does not want me

God does not want me, at least not at the moment. Having had a growth removed from my abdomen, I have been told that it is benign and nothing to worry about.

Having found a lump in my abdomen area I went and saw my GP. Who had a look and said, “Yes that is definitely a lump, we shall get you booked in for a scan,”

Six weeks later I go for a scan, to be told yet again yes I do have a growth in my abdomen. Approx 5cm x 4cm x 2cm. We won’t do a biopsy, we will arrange for you to come in and have it removed as an urgent case. [5cm is the stage when the decision to remove it is made]

Islam or Submission.

Islam or Submission.

The Arabic term "Islam" itself is usually translated as "submission"; submission of desires to the will of God. It comes from the term "aslama", which means "to surrender" or "resign oneself". The Arabic word salaam (سلام) ("Peace") has the same root as the word Islam.

Islam or Submission

But what do we submit to? Is it to God or people who say that they speak for [interpret the Scriptures, Bible, Torah or the Quran/Hadiths]?

In Christianity, Judaism and yes Islam we have had religious leaders who say that they

1] They, and only they have studied the above religious books sufficiently to understand them.

2] Their interpretation are the correct ones and as such are not up for discussion.

Sins and self-harm - bandages over blades

Last year, when my parents went to Pakistan for a couple of months there were times when I felt very alone. My loneliness led me to an incredibly stupid mistake, no a sin, that I vowed not to repeat. But as I find myself in a similar position today, I want to walk on the same dirty path, towards the mirage that is contentment due to sin, all over again.

That’s the thing about sins, most of the times they’re not completely void of reasoning. Not all sins require calculated thought but there is a sense of purpose to them, an end goal which we believe will elevate us. Maybe elevate our status, or simply elevate our state of mind. Alleviate our problems and make us happy.

Saudi Arabia the home of Islam

Saudi Arabia the home of Islam

Having read some of the articles on the Revival web site about how hard done too followers of Islam are in Britain, examples;

1] Sisters only swimming in Birmingham, not only do they require woman only swim sessions [fair enough] but some even seem to want to ban non Muslim women at the same session.

2] Learning and Speaking English Language; As this is used as a way of weakening Islam control of their members. Most Muslims born in the UK can speak, read and write English. Also they have [some] the ability to speak the language of their parents/grandparents [partly because their grandparents especially speak very little English] But it is not just Muslims who are being asked to learn English as a matter of course.

Should all Muslim Marraiges be registered under UK Law?

There was a programme on BBC 4 on the 22nd August 2016 at 16:30

This was a talk on Sharia Law or Councils within the UK. Whilst it as not compulsory for a Muslim to use it and it as no backing of UK Law, which is still Primary Law of the UK.

It deals mainly with family law, divorce, inheritance, custody of children etc.

What came out of it was the suggestion of all Muslim marriages in the UK to be registered by the register office official in a similar manner to anyone else who gets married in the UK.

Are people like computers? Part two;

Are people like computers? Part two;

Are people like computers? Part one;

This is a continuation of part one above;

After writing the above article I got to thinking of expanding the article people are like computers analogy and here is the result.

When a computer becomes obsolete, or outdated, we usually scrap it, or maybe upgrade it.

In most cases though we scrap it. The casing is getting a bit tacky, with the odd scratch or dent. It is starting to be a bit slow, compared with newer computers. Indeed it may not be even able to run newer programmes.

Muslim killing a Muslim because he was not Muslim enough?

Muslim killing a Muslim because he was not Muslim enough? No we are not talking ISIL in Syria, but Glasgow in the United Kingdom.

Now that the trial of Tanveer Ahmed is over for the killing of Asad Shah the shop keeper in Glasgow.

[“UK: Muslim ‘expert’ on Islamist radicalisation says stabbed Ahmadi shopkeeper was ‘not a real Muslim’] Researcher Shiraz Maher wrote he does not ‘regard Ahmadis as Muslims’

How the Government Works

How the Government Works

Once upon a time the government had a vast scrap yard in the middle of nowhere. Parliament said, "Someone may steal from it at night." So they created a night watchman position and hired a person for the job.

Then Parliament said, "How does the night watchman do his job without instruction?" So they created a planning department and hired two people, one person to write the instructions, and one person to do time studies.

Then Parliament asked, "How will we know the night watchman is doing the tasks correctly?" So they created a Quality Control department and hired two people. One to do the studies and one to write the reports.
