Vote Labour, Same Politics just rebranded.

Jeremy Corbyn at rally on 6 June 2017 - with Rainbow

Jeremy Corbyn at rally on 6 June 2017 - with Rainbow
Jeremy Corbyn at rally on 6 June 2017 - with Rainbow

The Rising of Britain’s ‘New Politics’ by J Pilger.

A decent article on New, new Labour, Here is the link

Well worth a read, remembering the rules.

1] This form of Politics is not just practiced by UK Politicians.

2] As i have said before the first rule in politics is gain power [anyhow] The second rule stay in power [anyhow] again not unique to the UK. [or even politics]

3] Lastly, watch what your leaders do, not what they say. [both political and religious]


While I do think Jeremy Corbyn is a breath of fresh air in UK politics, I know that I do not always agree with his stances and that there will always also be beurocracy that will pull their own way.

At the same time it would be god for us Brits to be aware of our own history. We seem to be blind to British foreign interventions and actions other than “we fought against Nazi Germany”.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.