Turning to allah swt

im an 18yr old whos struggling with life. nothing seems to be going right for me. iv started to read namaaz on a regular basis and cut down on sinning for example, controlling my tongue, anger etc. but iv noticed one thing about myself and im sure others will agree, that we only turn to allah swt when we want something or are in pain. we pray to allah to ease the pain and once we have overcome that period we forget about him. this shouldnt be the case. we should be turning to him whatever the situtaion, good or bad. i have promised myself that i will continue reading namaaz and act the way a muslim should. insha allah i will succeed. i make dua for everyone who is struggling to overcome their difficult time and request you to do the same for me. may allah grant keep us away from the work of the shaitaan and grant us a place in jannah. ameen. thum'ameen.



...we only turn to allah swt when we want something or are in pain...

That is human nature. We remember Allah (swt) most when need him, but forget when we don't think we do.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

sister_h wrote:
im sure others will agree, that we only turn to allah swt when we want something or are in pain.

Not true for me. When something good happens my thanks go to Allah(swt).

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

but not everybody is you... unfortunately.
there are far too much of these [i]'just-praying-in-difficult-times'[/i]-people.

N.K. wrote:
but not everybody is you... unfortunately.
there are far too much of these [i]'just-praying-in-difficult-times'[/i]-people.

And which kind are you?

Why are people so quick to turn their noses up at others? What you think you're better than them? Why cant you be happy for them that they actually pray. Ok, it might not be 5 tmes a day everyday but they pray when they can.

You people make me sick.

Back in BLACK

N.K. wrote:
but not everybody is you... unfortunately.
there are far too much of these [i]'just-praying-in-difficult-times'[/i]-people.

and what is better, no salah or salah during difficult times? Allah swt tests us so that we turn to Him. no one has to justify themselves to anyone. lets leave the judging to the Judge.

Judge yourselves before judgement is passed on to you. Im agreeing with seraph and noor.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...