Plane Crash in Japan sparks curiosity on Japan/america relations.

i was watching this programme about a plane crash in Japan. and the Americans there offered help, and im surprised,why is there american military in a country that has been destroyed by America? was this part of some humiliation programme? the American offered help for the rescue mission of that plane and the Japanese refused. of course they would, its a horrible situation to be put in. of course the best solution would have been to accept thehelp if they had better equipment (why DOES anamerican military base have better equipment then the WHOLE country) and that would have led to many lives being saved..but this is like accepting help from someone who broke your arm and leg. and when you're finally healing, offers to help you when you trip over, like some reaffirmation of power, "remember we're here and we're better than you" thing. its already hard for a human to swallow their pride, butfor  a whole country... its tragic, its so sad, its horrible that people died, unless you have faith, a strong sense of moral and "greater good" etc.. accepting help from the Americans would have been difficult, IF you had had time to think about it, but they didnt have time. and they didnt accept the help. and out of 524 passengers, only 4 survived after 14 hours.


i should research moreinto this before istart ranting, but this is an american show: Seconds from disaster

that show is brave lol, they made a Nagasaki episode, they even made a 9/11 one.


(this  startted as a rant of the Taliban blogpost, then i thought i better not spam and move it to its own blog, let me repeat though, its a rant based on ONE show and hardly anythign else. i should probably research into it more. if i ever do. i'll come and ammend whatever needs amending. (1 or 2 'm'?)