
Plane Crash in Japan sparks curiosity on Japan/america relations.

i was watching this programme about a plane crash in Japan. and the Americans there offered help, and im surprised,why is there american military in a country that has been destroyed by America? was this part of some humiliation programme? the American offered help for the rescue mission of that plane and the Japanese refused. of course they would, its a horrible situation to be put in. of course the best solution would have been to accept thehelp if they had better equipment (why DOES anamerican military base have better equipment then the WHOLE country) and that would have led to many lives being saved..but this is like accepting help from someone who broke your arm and leg.

so what if Miss USA is Muslim?

Being proud of "Muslim achievements" should only come into place when the achievements are a good and thing.

What will we have next - "best muslim barman"?

Muslims are supposed to compete in virtue, try to improve themselves, be better in doing good things, not in sin.

Besides, apart from maintaiming a good diet and exercise routine, many of the traits are genetic and not exactly personal achievements.

The guardian has an alternative list of le models that may be comdered more wholesome, more useful: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/belief/2010/may/25/role-model-mu...

The morons at Islam-qa [misrepresenting ahadith]

ok, another post on this site made me go back to islam-qa - a site which I am not a fan of, especially since it seems to present itself as such an authoritative place...

The first link was asking about greeting non-muslims and how Muslims should act upon a specific hadith.

The answer was full of bluster and pride about how not to cower etc, but it lacked context, and hence the truth.

So what is the context of this hadith?

It was from a time of war - the Muslims were at war with some tribe and the Sahabahs asked the Prophet something like "we are at war with Tribe X, so saying 'peace be upon you' when meeting them on the streets does not seem to be correct, so what should we do?"