
Must Read: How the FBI set up Duka Brothers in manufactured terror plot

In 2007, five men were arrested and accused of plotting to attack the Fort Dix military base near Trenton, New Jersey. Among them were the brothers Dritan, Shain and Eljvir Duka. Their case involved highly paid government informants with criminal histories, one of whom worked over the course of roughly 18 months to attempt to implicate them in a plot. Though none of the Duka brothers would ever plan any putative plot, they were ultimately all sentenced to life in prison. They remain incarcerated today.

Watch the short documentary: Entrapped

US Christian wears hijab for 40 days


Jessey Eagan is a Christian and a mother of two, who works as a children's director at Imago Dei Church in Peoria, Illinois. This year during Lent, she decided to wear a hijab. She kept a diary of her experience in a blog called #40DaysOfHijab, which is sparkling a debate both in the Christian and Muslim community.

"I wanted to put myself in someone else's shoes", says Eagan who hopes her practice of solidarity and empathy with the Muslim community will foster interfaith dialogue.

The BBC spoke with Eagan about her experience and her faith.

Filmed and edited by Anna Bressanin

Plane Crash in Japan sparks curiosity on Japan/america relations.

i was watching this programme about a plane crash in Japan. and the Americans there offered help, and im surprised,why is there american military in a country that has been destroyed by America? was this part of some humiliation programme? the American offered help for the rescue mission of that plane and the Japanese refused. of course they would, its a horrible situation to be put in. of course the best solution would have been to accept thehelp if they had better equipment (why DOES anamerican military base have better equipment then the WHOLE country) and that would have led to many lives being saved..but this is like accepting help from someone who broke your arm and leg.

United States warns Turkey about coming WikiLeaks release

The United States has notified Ankara that the expected new release of classified US documents may contain references to Turkey, a Turkish official said on Friday

Read more @ Todays Zaman

The files potentially contain information about Turkey helping militants in Iraq and America supporting the PKK in Northern Iraq (and Turkey).

Good ol' Obama and his Nobel Prize

The Nobel Peace Prize 2009 went to Barack Obama
"for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"

Nobel prize 2009

US President Barack Obama has said he was "surprised and deeply humbled" to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, less than 10 months into his presidency.

Speaking at the White House hours after the Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee named him as a surprise winner, he said the award should be a "call to action".

The world faced challenges that "cannot be met by one person or by one nation alone," Mr Obama said.

The committee said he won for efforts to boost diplomacy and co-operation.

An American view of Islam

By Dave - An American member from The Revival Forums

A little while ago somebody on The Revival Forum asked me what I had learned about Islam since I had begun posting nearly a year ago.

I hadn’t really thought about it in a while, but the truth is I no longer come to the forums to learn about Islam. That may seem a little strange; why else would an American and a Christian be on an Islamic forum if not to learn about Islam?