Forum Topics

The world's strangest laws

25. It is illegal for a cab in the City of London to carry rabid dogs or corpses.

24. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.

23. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside down.

22. In France, it is forbidden to call a pig Napoleon.

21. Under the UK’s Tax Avoidance Schemes Regulations 2006, it is illegal not to tell the taxman anything you don’t want him to know, though you don’t have to tell him anything you don’t mind him knowing.

20. In Alabama, it is illegal for a driver to be blindfolded while driving a vehicle.


The Top 20 Reasons Not to Move to Dubai

The Top 20 Reasons Not to Move to Dubai (in no particular order!)
By Tia O’Neill

Living in Dubai is not wonderful and glamorous, as many would have you believe. Forget about what you’ve read, seen, and heard; those shiny buildings and manmade islands are all just smoke and mirrors. There are so many things wrong with this place that I have decided to compile a list, a must read if you are considering a potential move to Dubai.

1. There is no standard address system making mail-to-the door delivery impossible. In fact, it makes anything nearly impossible.

US State Department: Arabs are only good when dead

[b]It is policy of Great Satan hate Arabs and Muslims. [/b]

US Foreign Office diplomat wants all Muslims killed:


[b]State Dept. official facing charges for sending anti-Arab messages[/b]

Detroit Free Press - 16 August 2007

A State Department diplomat charged this week for sending anti-Arab messages will retire later this month, a department spokeswoman said today.

UK Commander says America lacks Intellect

It is not only Muslims and Europeans who says US is stupid and cannot think.

British General also says America is thick.

[b]British army chief attacks US as 'intellectually bankrupt' over Iraq[/b]

Peter Richards, The Guardian - Saturday September 1, 2007

The former head of the British Army has attacked US postwar policy, calling it "intellectually bankrupt".

General Sir Mike Jackson, who headed the army during the war in Iraq, described as "nonsensical" the claim by the former US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld that US forces "don't do nation-building".

Community Cohesion

Community Cohesion
According to Ruth Kelly, migrants must learn English language to integrate. Learning English language is about as useful as learning Arabic, Urdu and other community languages. The British Establishment and society has systematically failed to understand the causes of migration, global terrorism and social and emotional, economic segregation. Muslims suffer different forms of discrimination which reduce their employment opportunities and affect their educational achievements. This can give rise to hopelessness and could undermine Muslims’ sense of belongingness.

sooowi :(

Asalam Walikum Muslims and non Muslims

I couldn’t help but notice the atmosphere on this forum lately. I don’t know if its because ppl are getting bored of the holidays and therefore have nothing better to do or because Ramzan is round the corner so they are thinking lets cram in as many insults, snide digs and taking the mick out of someone as we can.

Whatever the reason it’s got to STOP! Most of the members that have joined this forum have been DRIVEN OFF as a result of our attitude towards them.

Libya ready to ally with Iran

Despite US anger and pressure, Syria and Lebanon have already allied with Iran.

In 2007, The Libyan leader said that Egypt, Algeria, Libya and Morocco need to make alliances with Iran.

[b]A New Empire of the Mahdi?

Libyan and Iranian Pan-Islamic Agendas [/b]

Dr. Timothy R. Furnish - April 30, 2007

Dr Furnish is Assistant Professor of History, Georgia Perimeter College, Dunwoody, GA, USA.

Muslim's in jobs of security


Today whilst in a supermarket I saw a brother with a beard, well built standing by the door as a security guard. As I walked in and noticed him I paid my Salams and then continued to walk into the store.

It then occured to me what happens if he has to restrain of remove a female from the store (physically)? What hurdles does he face?

The same applies to a muslim police officer.
