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Sh. Mohammed Daniel responds to Sh. Suhaib Webb's Allegations & Academic Discussion

[SIZE=5][B][CENTER]بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرحْمَنِ الرحِيْمِ[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE]

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All praises are for Allah, whomsoever He guides no one can misguide and whomsoever He allows to be misguided no one can guide. Peace and salutations be on the Messenger of Haq our master Mohammed ibn Abdullah (salahu alayhi wasalam)

And as to what follows.

[B]Statement of Purpose:[/B]

George Galloway walkout

">] read the description as well:

George Galloway has been caught on camera storming out of a debate simply because the other speaker was Israeli.


outspoken MP was speaking at an event at Oxford University last night

when he discovered that the student who was debating against him was a

citizen of the Jewish state.

He immediately left the room, saying: 'I

don't debate with Israelis,' in explosive scenes caught on camera by

the student newspaper.

Mr Galloway, elected MP for Bradford West in a

How to understand weak hadeeth

How to understand weak hadeeth

Many of the early scholars held the firm opinion that to act upon, or derive rulings from a hadith which has been declared to be weak, by the scholars of hadith is unacceptable. Their reasoning being that Islam has no need of anything weak, and the authentic material of Islam will suffice for all time, the da'eef hadith amounting only to a conjecture which has the possibility of being correct.

I quote from the introduction of The Prophet's Prayer Described of Shaykh al-Albani,
