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Tayyibun Annual Conference 2013: 'Diseases of the Heart'- Scholars & Quraa' 13/04/13

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,

We are pleased to announce details of our 7th [B][I]Tayyibun Annual Conference 2013: [/I][/B]

[B][SIZE=18]Diseases of the Heart & its Cures[/SIZE][/B]


*** NEW TERM: 3 Month Structured Tayyibun Courses (APR- JULY 2013) REGISTER NOW! ***

[FONT=Verdana]Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,

Three Months Structured Islamic Courses [I](April - July 2013)[/I][/SIZE][/B]
[B]Qur'an, Tajweed, Arabic Language, Aqeedah, Fiqh, Hadith, Tarbiyyah and Authentic Spirituality studies[/B]
Brand new courses available
Now enrolling (register online or in person)
Limited places
Fully segregated facilities[/B]


Shaykh Ahmad Dabagh FB Page


Assalammu walaycum

The teacher of Tareeqah Muhammadiyah, has an official Facebook page. For those people who have a Facebook account and wish to follow can do so here:


Latest post:

"One way of having a relationship with the prophets, the companions and the ahle bayt is by having a relationship
with the awliyah. The prophets have gone behind the veil of akhirah, the ahle bayt (family of the Prophet
(sallahu alihi wasallam) and the companions have gone behind the veil of akhirah. So who is here to show you their ways? These are the awliyah.

Principles of Seeking Hadith Article: Benefits from the Gatherings of Hadith

[CENTER][B]بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Assalāmu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuhu[/B][/CENTER]


In this short article, I have provided thirty distinct benefits that one may derive from the Majalis of Hadith (Gatherings of Prophetic traditions).  These advantages are self-explanatory and answer the doubts and criticism that some may level at these Majalis owing to an ignorance of the true spirit and nature of them.  By the grace of Allah, these events are continuing to spread throughout the world as those who have experienced them continue to tell others.


Daddy's Little Girl


I have recently found out that the baby me and my wife are expecting is going to be a girl. And all of a sudden the prospect of having a baby has become even more burdonsome. It's as if I feel the task of raising a daughter will be much harder than raising a boy. I have immediately decided, perhaps as a coping mechanism, that I will do all I can to help our daughter become a doctor and not to get her married off for as long as we can.

I have all sorts of worries about how I can be a good father and ensure that my daughter has a good upbringing. I would like to ask forum members, especcially the sisters, what they think makes a good father-daughter relationship. I would like to know what I can do to be a good father to my daughter.



UK TOUR with WORLD RENOWNED: Shaykh Ibrahim Jibreen & Shaykh Abu Bakr Shatri (KSA) !

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,

The [B]Tayyibun Institute[/B] presents ...
[B]Shaykh al Qari Ibrahim Jibreen (KSA) & Shaykh al Qari Abu Bakr Shatri (KSA) [/B]

