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The Night of Bara'ah (Laylatul Bara'ah) is tonight in the UK (Sunday 23rd of June)

The Night of Bara'ah (Laylatul Bara'ah) is tonight in the UK (Sunday 23rd of June)

This is not a debate or discussion thread but is meant as a reminder and is therefore closed and will remain so to avoid pointless arguing. Let us be tolerant of valid differences of opinion and not let them divide us, as differences of opinion are a blessing and must never be a cause of division.

The Hadith regarding the night of Bara'ah:

There are many Ahaadith that have been narrated on the virtue of the 15th of Sha’baan. One of them is the narration of Sayyiduna Mu’aadh ibn Jabal (Radhiallaahu Anhu) that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said,

When is it okay to kill someone?

I know there's rules and regulations in Islam about taking someone else's life. They're pretty beautiful and just and fair rules too.

I'm asking if you're stuck in a situation where you might have to take someone else's life. for example self defence, or defending someone else, or coming across a "bad" guy escaping. how "bad" must he be?

I've never held a gun but would you ever pull the trigger on someone? with the possibility of killing them? are you aware of the where to aim to kill and where to aim to not kill - here im not just talking about shooting, im talking about harming in any way (stab, hit, punch etc..) and im not talking about harming for the sake of harming. Im talking about DEFENCE.

Iranian Presidential polls 2013

I think today is election day.

The last president, Ahmedinejad has reached his term limit and cannot run again. Which the Ayatollahs are probably glad about as he had been openly in defiance to them in the recent past.

Most candidates that may disagree with the ayatollah have been removed from the running, including former president Rafsanjani and others including Ahmedinejad's preferred successor.

It will be interesting to see what happens.

Naturally Blue


That had me looking through my snapshots - a lot are untagged so it is never a completely pointless exercise, even if this thread strictly is. Turns out I have a lot of evidence of blue. I'll update this when I feel like it, and other members should also feel free to add their photos (but not stuff from the web, that would spoil it). Please correct any IDs as appropriate. Smile

Right. Some of the commonest blue things in nature are flowers so here's for starters...

10 ways to prepare for Ramadan

[B][SIZE=4][U]10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan [/U][/SIZE][/B]

The blessed & most beautiful month is near and what better time to prepare for it than right now. Some of us deceive ourselves into thinking that when Ramadan comes we will suddenly change and worship Allah night and day but we are only decieving ourselves in thinking like this.

The Sahaaba used to prepare for Ramadan six months in advance. So if we really want to make the best of this Ramadan then we need to prepare for it now!

This may be our last Ramadan for life is so uncertain. Then there is NO doubt that we must make the best of it for the Reward of EVERY good act in the month of Ramadan is multiplied many times over:

No Topic X

Salam to everyone.

Welcome to this unique platform that exists only on Revival Forums.

We have proudly reached NO TOPIC 10.

As you all know, we come here when we have nothing to say.
We simply talk and talk and talk. But we actually say absoutely nothing, like women.



Previous "New Topic 9" can be found here:

Future No Topic 11:
