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"The family" by Jeff Sharlet

From here:

They are the Family—fundamentalism’s avant-garde, waging spiritual war in the halls of American power and around the globe. They consider themselves the new chosen, congressmen, generals, and foreign dictators who meet in confidential cells, to pray and plan for a “leadership led by God,” to be won not by force but through “quiet diplomacy.” Their base is a leafy estate overlooking the Potomac in Arlington, Virginia, and Jeff Sharlet is the only journalist to have written from inside its walls.

Ayatollah allows raping prisoners "as long as the prisoner does not enjoy it" 0_o

ok, dodgy news source alert, but if this is true in any way shape or form...

I was just going to post an excerpt, but I could not decide which bit should be quoted as its all... well... read it if you want to.

Ahmadinejad's Imam: Islam Allows Raping, Torturing Prisoners

( A highly influential Shi'a religious leader, with whom Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad regularly consults, apparently told followers last month that coercion by means of rape, torture and drugs is acceptable against all opponents of the Islamic regime.

Warning: The imam's question-and-answer session, partially reproduced here, contains disturbing descriptions of the sanctioned brutality.


NeWham council have ordered a demolitian order for the mosque which happens to be next door to the "olympic site".
also a compulsary purchase order for the 19 acre site ( 1 acre is about size of wembley football pitch)

a group calling themselves the christian alliance group have now elected thier own councillor ALLAN CRAIG ( seen on you tube) to go head to head with the council as they were responsible for the demolitian of a church which stood in the Olympic sites way.


Seen and Not Heard - Voices of Young British Muslims

hey guys,

Have come across this report about British Muslims but more importantly about Young Muslims. The report talks about a whole array of issues concerning Muslim Youth i.e. identity, loyalty, intergenerational gap, are they being heard etc... definitely worth reading here is the link...

The Afghan 80's are back

Nato's failing mission is increasingly coming to resemble the Soviets' disastrous campaign

It is deja vu on a huge and bloody scale. General Stanley McChrystal, the US commander in Afghanistan, is about to advise his president that "the Afghan people are undergoing a crisis of confidence because the war against the Taliban has not made their lives better", according to leaked reports. Change the word "Taliban" to "mujahideen", and you have an exact repetition of what the Russians found a quarter of a century ago.


i am new here. just thought i would introduce myself. my name is aysha (obviously as its my user name :roll: )i am 18 years old and from north london. my mum converted to islam when i was about 8 and since then its been my way of rolling ever since.
