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Shaykh Ahmad Dabagh FB Page


Assalammu walaycum

The teacher of Tareeqah Muhammadiyah, has an official Facebook page. For those people who have a Facebook account and wish to follow can do so here:


Latest post:

"One way of having a relationship with the prophets, the companions and the ahle bayt is by having a relationship
with the awliyah. The prophets have gone behind the veil of akhirah, the ahle bayt (family of the Prophet
(sallahu alihi wasallam) and the companions have gone behind the veil of akhirah. So who is here to show you their ways? These are the awliyah.

who's celebrating christmas then?

A recent video of a scholar saying celebrating christmas is okay has been spreading across the internet far and wide.

Since we've been given the green light by Dr. Tahirul Qadri. So, who's celebrating it then?

or can we really?

my question to the forumers here, is this; can we celebrate christmas?
This blog post has a few words to say on this issue:

Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh on Sky 802

InshaAllah Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh, will be live on DM Digital Sky 802 monday 15th november from 2pm to 4pm.
Topic regarding Hajj Amaals and Fazails, with live phone in questions. Also they will be showing the Tareeqah Muhammadiyah promo advert from midday onwards.

جزاك ‎الله‎ خيرا
