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QM Isoc - Annual Dinner 2009: "O Ummah where art thou?"

[B]Assallamu alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu

Queen Mary Islamic Society Presents....[/B]

[B][U]ANNUAL DINNER 2009 - Friday 6th March[/U]

“O Ummah where art thou?”[/B]

[B]“Let there rise out of you a band of People”
Shaykh Abu Ameenah Bilal Phillips (Canada)

“Become a person who weighs a Nation”
[COLOR="Green"]Ustahd Uthman Lateef (UK)[/B]

[B]Full 3 Course Meal[/B]

[B]Doors Open: 5:30PM[/B]

Tickets @£8 each

[B]Brothers: 07948349424
Sisters : 07541719460
Online: Buy Tickets (@£8.50 each)[/B]

Buy Online


[B]Brothers: 07903348044
Sisters : 07790891496[/B]

Queen Mary Islamic Society