Forum Topics

Do you still want to drive?

with all the information that is being hammered in our head about cars and how polluting they are and how they destroy the environment etc... do you still want to drive?

i do want my driver license, but i dont think i want to buy my own car (more for the cost etc.. than the enviromental side) i'll just use my dad's car. i will definatly keep on using the bus etc.. and hopefully will only use the car when necessary.

what about you?

slaves in Islam

I really dont understand the whole Slaves thing

Muslims are not allowed to sell someone's freedom right? (aka make them slaves)

what about at the time of the prophet? there WAS slaves, were those slaves from the time of jahiliyyah, before Islam?

what would happen to those slaves? would they be freed is they became muslim? or...??

Following Sins by Good deeds

I've read a few ahadith etc.. that say that when you sin you should do repent and then do good deeds

now..ive wondering what sort of "good deeds" you should do, are they the one that benefit only you, or do you have to do something for someone else or???

like reading the Qur'an, or reading an islamic book? are those the "good deeds" mentionned in the ahadiths? im talking about sins that will only hurt yourself (like missing a prayer without a valid excuse etc... NOT sins like backbiting or hitting someone, which involve someone else and which you have to ask forgiveness to the person before asking forgiveness to Allah)

Franch A2 Edexel

salam aakhawaat

i really need help!!!!

i have to do my first coursework in french A2 but i dont even know what i am going to talk about? i should already have a plan and start writing but i have no no no idea!! Cray 2

its simple really, maybe too simple. im not use to soo much freedom when having to write something

i just have to write something about france or a french country.

my teacher said that questions that can be answered with yes/no are the easiest

im getting pressurised by my teachers to do something about racism/ laicity in france- the law about not wearing the scarf to school etc.. i done that for my oral AS, and i'm kinda traumatised coz i did so bad lol

so if any idea they are soooooooo much welcomed
