Forum Topics

hunger strikes

what do you think of them? shld muslims be doing them?

what abt Samer Issawi, he's being on a hunger strikes for over 200 days.


i dont know..but i feel uncomfortable abt this, i dont think he shld be doing it, its not helping in anyway, its only hurting him. and he's becoming weaker when he's already in a situation where he's "weak" shldnt he be keeping up his strength for whatever lies ahead?

but true, it DID bring attention to him and made the world aware of his situation (hence this forum topic!) and you dont hear much abt all he other Palestinians in Israeli prisons. is this what the world has come to? someone has to starve themselves to be heard when in plain injustice (he's had no trial or accusations held against him).

what shld we do?

George Galloway walkout

">] read the description as well:

George Galloway has been caught on camera storming out of a debate simply because the other speaker was Israeli.


outspoken MP was speaking at an event at Oxford University last night

when he discovered that the student who was debating against him was a

citizen of the Jewish state.

He immediately left the room, saying: 'I

don't debate with Israelis,' in explosive scenes caught on camera by

the student newspaper.

Mr Galloway, elected MP for Bradford West in a

Who in History would you like to meet?

I was going to create this topic about the companions of the prophet sallAllahu'alaihiwassalaam. 

who from the companions would you really like to meet in Jannah inshaaAllah?

I really want to meet Ibn 'Umar and Anas ibn Malik. mainly because they were "youth" during the time of the prophet sallAllahu'alaihiwassalam and I read all these hadith reported by them as well. I would just love to get to know them and meet them!

this topic can also be used to talk about anybody else in History you'd like to meet. but thing is, with the sahabas radhiyAllahu'anhum, if we work hard enough, inshaaaAllah we WILL be able to meet them.

(i wrote all this yesterday but forgot to create the topic)

The weird and wonderful ways we eat food

There are many foods in this world and most of us have done some strange combination, some weird mix and match for various reasons; sometimes it's because that's all there was at home left, sometimes its because you were cooking with the lights off, other times it cld have been because it looked nice together!

whatever your reasons, wld you like to share those weird and wonderful foods you've created?

i'll start with a couple.

pasta, fish fingers and ketchup. mash up the fishfingers, sauce up ketchup and there you go! totally unhealthy, totally delish! in recent times we've taken to putting half ketchup, half mayo. i went to a friend's house and she'd done something similar, except there wasnt fish fingers, there was sweet potato and eggs and carrots i think.

How to keep loving your parents when you work out they're just human (and not flawless superheroes/human)


I cant right now find an article that touched me about being good to parents or anything, but there's this video and one of his main point there is being good to parents, so that will be my introductionary post.

I created this topic coz of stuff going on at home, and at the same time i was listening to this vid and i had no idea it was going to mention parents and now im a bit at a loss coz my questions kinda got answered.

Cyber War?

just coming across some stuff about cyber war becoming quite the next war.

yahoo article:


In 2011, U.S. government accounts were penetrated by hackers in China, after their Google Mail accounts were hacked. The targeting of government officials led many to suspect the Chinese government was involved - and the attacks originated in Jinan, home of the Chinese army’s ‘Technical Reconnaissance Bureaus.’

'Blaming these misdeeds on China is unacceptable,' said Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei after the attacks.
