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Live Paltalk with Muhammad Milad Raza Qadri

[size=15]Inshallah, We Will Be Holding a Live Mehfil e Naat on Paltalk to Celebrate Qaid day

Guest of Honour:
Sag e Aal e Rasool, Muhammad Milad Raza Qadri

Main Speech:
Sheikh Allama Muhammad Zille Umar Qadri (Ireland)

Monday 18th February 2008

6:00pm (U.K Time)

Group Name:
Mehfil e Naat with Muhammad Milad Raza Qadri

Group Located Under Asia and then Pakistan

Organised by[/size]

Qaid Day Bradford (Mehfil e Sima, Nasheeds & more)

[size=15]Minhaj ul Quran Bradford proudly presents the annual event of Celebrating the auspicious occasion of the blessed Qaide Day (the 57th Birthday of Hazoor Sayyidi Shaykh ul Islam, Prof Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri Sahib).

This will be an evening of Mehfil e Sima (qawwalis) & Nasheeds.

Saturday 23rd February 2008

The Venue Function Hall, 197 City Road Bradford, BD8 8JT

Ticket Price:
£10 (includes Buffet Dinner)

Ticket/Information Contact:
Brother Rizwan: 07970061786
Brother Qadeer: 07979073478
Sister: 07528289963
MQI Bradford: 01274 720760

Milad Raza Qadri (new album)

[b]Asaalamu alaikum,
Just to let all brothers and sisters know that the new album of Muhammad Milad Raza Qadri (Glasgow) has been released with OSA (Oriental Star Agency) titled Rukh Sey Kakul Hata Diya Tu Nay.

The CD should be availble to buy from you local islamic bookshop or stall or alternatively from his website in the next few days (All profit goes towards publishing Islamic Literature in English) [/b]
