Forum Topics

The Fate of Imams

Salam Alyakum. I just want to talk about the fate of Imams in the 21st century. How many of you are likely to trust or defer to one Imam? Do you feel that Imams are in touch with modern day Britain? Do you think they do enough? Do you think they handle issues well? Are there any particular Imams, scholars or speakers that you like? And more importantly what can they do to improve?

Let me know what you think.


Hey, I'm not accusing anyone of anything here but, obviously the internet is supposed to anonymous.

But some paedoes pretending to be 15 year olds, manage to find a way around it and do their dirty work. So what I'm interested in is how much information do you guys give out on the Internet? Do you worry about some dodgy people online generally? Do you worry about them using The Revival?

I know Admin will probably disable their accounts if they were caught! Lol I've noticed that the Forums have become a sort of Facebook, but how much information would you be prepared to give?


Doctor Who

Right, does anyone here watch Doctor Who?
Did you see that last episode? Season finale this Saturday. What did you think of this series and the last episode, with Rose, Martha, Jack, Gwen, Ianto and Sarah Jane all back in like a happy family! But we saw the return of the Daleks and Davros
What do you think's gonna happen next?

Forum Personalities

Question, when do you lot choose your Forum Personality of the year? When do you nominate? Is that the only award on the Forums? I think there should be more you know, Best Newcomer, Best Comedian, Best Challenge Taker (or something like that)?
Just to make it more interesting.

Muslim MPs and Politicians

Right we all know that Muslims desperately need more Muslim MPs, in Parliament or on the Assemblies. We have 4 Muslim MPs: Shahid Malik (Dewsbury) , Sadiq Khan (Tooting), Muhammad Sarwar (Glasgow Govan) and Khalid Mahmood (Birmingham Perry Barr). Do you think they've done a good enough job? What've they done right? What do they need a spank over?
Do you know any Muslim councillors, AMs, MSPs, MEPs etc? Have they done a good job?
At the next election who do you hope to become MPs? Any Muslims?
Feel free to talk about anything to do with Muslims and Politics here.

One User

Got a problem. Well, more of a question. Why does it say that there are two Courages online? On the online users box it says: Online User: Courage, Courage. When I log off one of the Courages disappears, but the other one stays, and that other Courage is definately me! Can anyone help?

Thinking of voting Boris?

This is a last minute thought to those thinking of voting for Boris. Have a look at this$1219537.htm

I can't find the article that he wrote, though I saw it on TV. Look at the feeble "clarification" that he's given. He expects us to buy that!
Now tell me, is he really worth voting for?
Wouldn't Ken or Brian make better Mayors?

Silly Story- DO NOT BELIEVE!!!!!!

I was bored the other day so I made up a story. I know it's not believable if you keep you're eyes and ears open but, hey, I was bored. So what do you expect?

Cabinet Conflict, PM Resignation

Leaked documents and a civil servant reveal the conflict within the Cabinet and the possible resignation of Gordon Brown.
Gordon Brown was seen striding out of Downing Street, looking teary-eyed and gutted. According to a civil servant, who asked not to be named, the Prime Minister had resigned. He refused to make any further comment.

‘Tension in the Cabinet’
