i want a nice car. inshalah buy a gallardo wen im 18. :twisted: my cousins wedding is comeing up and im hirin a bmw 5 series.
i want a nice car. inshalah buy a gallardo wen im 18. :twisted: my cousins wedding is comeing up and im hirin a bmw 5 series.
i think its really bad that they stopped the smoking ban everywhere because now if you smoke then you cant enjoy yourself when you go out. i used to go sheesha with my bros but now they all closed and its not fair. english have pub and club and disco and everything and we only used to go snooker and sheesha and now we cant smoke in either. they should have kept it that sheesha places can stay open because anyone who goes there is choosing to go to a smokey place so it wasnt wrong but now we cant.
[size=18][b]The Signs of Love[/b][/size]
[b]Abû Muhammad ‘Alee ibn Ahmad ibn Sa‘eed ibn Hazm[/b]
[i]Excerpted with modifications and deletions from his book, Tawq al-Hamâmah (Ring of the Dove), translated by A.J. Arberry © 1953 Luzac & Co. Ltd.[/i]
Love has certain signs which the intelligent man quickly detects, and the shrewd man readily recognizes. Of these the first is the brooding gaze: the eye is the wide gateway of the soul, the scrutinizer of its secrets, conveying its most private thoughts, and giving expression to its deepest-hid-feelings.
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