Forum Topics

The Night Of Qadar: Significance, Prayers And Worship

The word Qadar stands for honor and dignity. In this regard, the night of Qadar means that it is the night of honor and dignity. It is considered to be among the most blessed and auspicious nights and is expected to take place on any one of the odd nights of the last ten days of the Holy month of Ramadan.

The night of Qadar is full of blessings and rewards. Its significance in Islam is a lot. People cannot deny the importance of this night in Islam.For more details about this topic, than click on a link below:

Itikaf, The Night Of Qadar And The Last Ten Days Of Ramadan

The Holy month of Ramadan is full of blessings and rewards for all Muslims. But, a special emphasis is placed on the last ten days of this month because of several reasons. The last ten days of the Holy month are prestigious as reflected from the recommendations and actions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) during these days.During these days, the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions would perform three essential tasks or practices.

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Ramadan – A Nutritional And Exercise Plan For Men And Women

During the blessed month of Ramadan, most people face different kinds of health related problems. For some, Ramadan results in weight gain while for others it leads to reduced energy levels. No matter what the case, if you want to have the energy to pray, read and learn Quran during Ramadan, you need to devise strategies that will help you maintain a balance. The best solution to all health problems is to make a workout and nutrition plan for this month.

However, before you start making a nutritional plan for Ramadan, it is best if you understand the bodily changes that take place while fasting.For more details please visit the site below:

Effective Dua's For the Month of Ramadan

The ninth month of the Islamic calendar, Ramadan, is the most auspicious and blessed of all months. It is during this month that Muslims fast and worship Allah and increase their prayers. It is believed that during the month of Ramadan, Allah listens to all legitimate prayers and blesses Muslims with greater rewards for asking Him for help and support.For more details please visit the site below:

Essential Do’s and Don’ts for Ramadan Fasting

Ramadan is the most auspicious and blessed month of the entire Islamic calendar. Among all Muslims, the month of Ramadan is celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion and Muslims start preparing for the Ramadan spirit soon after Shab-e-Barat. During this month, Muslims pray a lot and fast regularly for an entire month till the celebration of Eid.For more details please visit the site below:

Beautiful and Pretty Mosques of the World

Islam has been around for centuries now and Muslims had the opportunity to rule the world with the Islamic way of life. It was during this period that Muslims spread the Quran education all over the world. For some years, Muslims were the torch bearers of literature, science and architect. It is during this rule that you can observe the greatest creations and achievements of Muslims.For more details please visit the site below:

Islamic Point of View Regarding Shab-e-Barat

In the Islamic culture, Shab-e-Barat has great importance and is celebrated with enthusiasm by Muslims all around the globe. For Muslims, this night has great importance regarding worship as well. Muslims would spend the entire night praying and worshiping, asking and requesting Allah for things that they desire. However, before delving into the customs followed during Shab-e-Barat, it is best to first understand the concept of this day.For more details please visit the site below:

The Significance Of The Month Of Rajab

The entire world is the creation of Allah, however, some places are considered more sacred and divine than others. For instance, prayers offered at Mecca and Madina carry more value and significance than those offered at an ordinary place. This is because some places are more close and sacred because of their origins or their history.For more details please visit the site below:

The Burning of Quran – A Modern Act of Barbarism

The burning of religious books has been documented in history many times before. Such heinous acts are a proof of the hatred of people towards a certain concept or teaching. However, contrary to the popular belief, the burning of religious books in not only limited to Quran. Many other religions have been a victim of such atrocious activities to subdue the person or religion behind a teaching or concept.For more details please visit the site below:

Make the World Peaceful After Osama's Death

World has been facing terrorism in its worst forms whether it’s World Trade Centre or killing innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Death of Osama Bin Laden who was thought to be the face of global terrorism is either a hope of peace or an ignition to a new wave of terrorism. Would the world become a peaceful heaven after him or more threats of furious terrorist attacks are there? Past is always lost, but lessons learned from past guide for a better future. This is the need of the hour.For more details please visit the site below:
