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Awakening Our Souls Conference

Awakening Our Souls Conference

Venue: The Sheridan Suite, 371 Oldham Road, Manchester, M40 8EA
Date: Sunday 29th June, 2008
Time: 12pm to 7:30pm

In the company of:
Shaykh Muhammad Amin al-Hasanat Shah al-Quraishi (Pakistan)
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Ninowy (USA)
Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi (Syria)
Shaykh Muhammad Imdad Hussain Pirzada (UK)
Shaykh Yusuf Abu Sneina (Palestine)
Al-Hajj Ahmad Thompson (UK)
Shaykh Ahmed Tijani Ben Omar (USA)
Shaykh Muhammad Hanif Haqqani Kareemi (UK)
Imam Muhammad Arshad al-Misbahi (UK)
Abu Awais Imam Muhammad Zahoor Chishti(UK)
Asif Ali al-Azhari (UK)

Nasheeds and Qasidahs by
Nizaal Khodabux (Mauritius)
Zain Shabbir (UK)

Tickets: £10
Ticket Hotline: 07821 555 786 and 07816 341 988

SHEFFIELD: Stand for Islam Series

[b]Stand for Islam Series[/b]

[b]Seminar 1- Friday 13th June 2008, Doors Open at 6.45pm[/b]
Talk 1: The Call to Ban The Quran
Talk 2: Defending The Honour of Our Beloved Prophet (PBUH)

[b]Seminar 2- Friday 20th June 2008, Doors Open at 6.45pm[/b]
Talk 1: Why is the global food crisis happening?
Talk 2: The Islamic solution to poverty

[b]Venue:[/b] SUFC, Bramall Lane, Community Hall, John Street, Sheffield
S2 4SU (Left at BP petrol station)

- video presentation, seperate seating for sisters,Q&A, free literature, bookstall and free refreshments -

Mobile 07790536222 or for more info.

BIRMINGHAM: Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Ash Shifa of Qadi Iyad

The Supreme Rank of Muhammad
(peace be upon him)

A three day spiritual journey through studying
Ash Shifa of Qadi Iyad

Led by Sayyid Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Saturday 24th - Monday 26th May 2008
(Bank Holiday Weekend)
10am daily start time
at Ghamkhol Sharif Masjid, Golden Hillock Road,
Small Heath, Birmingham, B10 0DX

Extremism on campus!!!,,2087-2449930_1,00.html

The Sunday Times November 12, 2006!!!!

its HT who are running isoc - well in the uni im at not sure about the others- i dont agree with everything they say n do bt i wudnt say they were extremists. they just have a very political approach. wat is an extremists anyway? ive never seen one. all ive heard is that they are asian looking Blum 3

I also heard students and lecturers were asked to spy on other students and report anything they thought was dodgy- is this true??

Observations on Hijab- Hilarious Hijab

It has been my personal observation that some Muslim girls and women do not realise the significance of hijab. Hijab is Arabic for protection and cover. Some people put a lot of effort into their hijab, yet it serves no purpose. I am referring to the pointless hijab that some girls wear.

The first pointless hijab is referred to as the headband hijab. It is a band of fabric approximately 4 inches wide. It covers the back of the head and allows all the hair to be exposed. It doesn't serve much in terms of modesty, but at least it comes in handy in case of an unexpected tennis match!


At the mo im finding it really hard to motivate myself to do any work and the longer i leave it the more i have to do

i keep telling myself il do it later... but when later comes I find distractions or end up doing anything other than what im supposed to do..

Any tips??

How do you motivate urself??